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Thread: Teach me! My diet outline please guide me!

  1. #1

    Teach me! My diet outline please guide me!

    This is the first diet I have ever tried to make for myself. I have taken the time to look around at others for pointers and advice also calculated up everything so I was not asking for info with minimal effort on my part. (doing it half ass) My over all goal is to gain about 15-20 lbs and drop in the body fat to 6-8%. I am not sure its possible to cut BF and gain weight, or if it would be better to do one of the other first?

    According to my current BF is 16% and I read a post somewhere on here that it is pretty accurate? My calic need is 3244 as per the site.

    calories/day Grams/ day

    40% Carbohydrates 1298 325
    30% Proteins 974 244
    30% Fats 974 109

    I dont know what this means but figured it might help for anyone that might help me out on this diet plan.

    I work on a ship so my sleep schedual is pretty different and I will just have to work around that. I normally work a 12 hour day broken down into 2 6 hour shifts. So I am up for 6 hours and sleep for 6 hours.

    What I have come up with so far is as followed with meals every 2.5-3 hours

    calories fat carbs protien
    meal one

    1/2 cup oats 150 / 3 / 27 / 5
    1 hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6

    totals 227 / 8 / 28 / 11

    meal two
    1 can tuna 175 / 2.5 / 0 / 37.5
    1 hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6

    totals 252 / 7.5 / 1 / 43.5

    meal three
    15 shrimp 66 / 0 / 0 / 15
    1/2 cup white rice 102.5 / 0 / 22.5 / 2
    3 tbsp stir fry sauce 75 / 3 / 12 / 0

    totals 243.5 / 3 / 34.5 / 17

    meal 4
    protein shake 210 / 3 / 9 / 25

    totals same

    meal five
    chicken 231 / 5 / 0 / 43
    broccoli 54 / 0 / 12 / 4
    protein shake 210 / 3 / 9 / 25

    totals 495 / 8 21 72

    meal six
    2 slc wheat toast 120 / 2 / 22 / 8
    4 tbs cream cheese 180 / 9 / 2 / 2
    hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6

    totals 377 / 16 / 25 / 16

    day totals

    Also a creatine drink prior wo 360 / 0 / 87 / 0

    cals 2164.5
    fat 45.5
    carbs 205.8
    protein 184.5

    I dont know if this is good or bad or what. I rotate with a few other meals that are similar like beef from time to time and also some fish. Any pointers or advice would be great! I am open to anything and will stick to any plan that is laid out for me.

    I do about 15-20 minutes cardio before wo daily. About every other day cardio is done twice a day.

    Because I work on a ship my workout is basic
    mill press
    flat bench
    incline bench
    dumbbell press
    isolated curls
    preacher curls
    standing alt curl
    tricept kick backs
    calf raises
    ect whatever I can do with a bench, dumbbells, and curl bar.

    Rotate muscle groups and do arms twice a week. With 3 days between groups.
    Last edited by MrGreen; 06-24-2008 at 01:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Could someone comment on this? Should I stay on this or should some things be changed out?

    I did make it to the store yesterday and picked up natrual peanut butter, almonds, yams, brown rice, flax oil, and fish oil along with a few other things.

    Just really could use some advice please

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Just looking it over, you are not eating enough. If you are trying to put on weight, you should be trying for 500 calories above your maintenance level. You need to add about 1500 calories to your current plan. Double the size of your shakes and protein portions to begin with. Maybe even the eggs.

    If you are trying to gain 15-20 pounds of lean mass, do a bulking diet now, when you hit your lean mass goal, do a cutting diet to strip the fat.

  4. #4
    I will rework it and try to cut the carbs afrter the workout and up the cal intake. Try and post up a revision soon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Teach me! My diet outline please guide me!


    This is the first diet I have ever tried to make for myself. I have taken the time to look around at others for pointers and advice also calculated up everything so I was not asking for info with minimal effort on my part. (doing it half ass) My over all goal is to gain about 15-20 lbs and drop in the body fat to 6-8%. I am not sure its possible to cut BF and gain weight, or if it would be better to do one of the other first?
    "Reading this makes me realise you are confused about where your heading and I will try and help to the best of my ability. First of all its either cut or bulk at 16% i would say cut so my advice will be based from this perspective."

    According to my current BF is 16% and I read a post somewhere on here that it is pretty accurate? My calic need is 3244 as per the site.

    calories/day Grams/ day

    40% Carbohydrates 1298 325 "If your cutting this should be lower and carb intake should be restricted to 3 meals, generally its Breakfast, Pre + Post workout some opt for PPWO but thats personal choice"
    30% Proteins 974 244"You dont give your weight but go for 1.5-2lbs per bodyweight, this definitely is too low.
    30% Fats 974 109 " Fat shouldn't account for more than 25% of kcals and over 100g is a bad idea."

    I dont know what this means but figured it might help for anyone that might help me out on this diet plan.

    I work on a ship so my sleep schedual is pretty different and I will just have to work around that. I normally work a 12 hour day broken down into 2 6 hour shifts. So I am up for 6 hours and sleep for 6 hours."This is a difficult schedule but try your best to implement some changes."

    What I have come up with so far is as followed with meals every 2.5-3 hours
    "450 calories across 6 meals will give you 2700 calories, shoot for that."
    calories fat carbs protien
    meal one

    1/2 cup oats 150 / 3 / 27 / 5
    1 hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6

    totals 227 / 8 / 28 / 11
    " Calories far too low, you need at least 6 egg whites here"

    meal two
    1 can tuna 175 / 2.5 / 0 / 37.5
    1 hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6

    totals 252 / 7.5 / 1 / 43.5
    "More fat can be used here up to about 14g."

    meal three
    15 shrimp 66 / 0 / 0 / 15
    1/2 cup white rice 102.5 / 0 / 22.5 / 2
    3 tbsp stir fry sauce 75 / 3 / 12 / 0

    totals 243.5 / 3 / 34.5 / 17
    "You don't need carbs here move it to your pre-workout meal go for about 30g. Better choice than white rice. Go for a lean protein source with some veggies"

    meal 4
    protein shake 210 / 3 / 9 / 25
    "Here you need a lean protein source not a shake and some carbs. Train 45mins to an hour afterwards."
    totals same

    meal five
    chicken 231 / 5 / 0 / 43
    broccoli 54 / 0 / 12 / 4
    protein shake 210 / 3 / 9 / 25
    " Ok, here you need carbs i would advise a complex carb here and protein is a little high, use your shake plus egg whites.."
    totals 495 / 8 21 72

    meal six
    2 slc wheat toast 120 / 2 / 22 / 8
    4 tbs cream cheese 180 / 9 / 2 / 2
    hrd boil egg 77 / 5 / 1 / 6
    "Here go for a protein and fat meal. So lean protein plus a fat source such as a tbsp olive oil.
    totals 377 / 16 / 25 / 16

    day totals

    Also a creatine drink prior wo 360 / 0 / 87 / 0 "To my knowledge creatine contains no calories, i would advise you to drop this and save your money for real food"

    cals 2164.5
    fat 45.5
    carbs 205.8
    protein 184.5
    "More fat and protein less carbs. Sorry for shortness its getting late."

    I dont know if this is good or bad or what. I rotate with a few other meals that are similar like beef from time to time and also some fish. Any pointers or advice would be great! I am open to anything and will stick to any plan that is laid out for me.

    I do about 15-20 minutes cardio before wo daily. About every other day cardio is done twice a day. " Cardio AM on an empty stomach is best pre-workout is a waste of valuable energy."

    Because I work on a ship my workout is basic
    mill press
    flat bench
    incline bench
    dumbbell press
    isolated curls
    preacher curls
    standing alt curl
    tricept kick backs
    calf raises
    ect whatever I can do with a bench, dumbbells, and curl bar.

    Rotate muscle groups and do arms twice a week. With 3 days between groups."I will be happy to answer any other questions, obviously my comments are in bold."

  6. #6
    Sam sneed,

    Thank you very much and I will get on this tonight while I am working. I will re caculate everything with the 25% rule and see how what I can come up with acording to your recomendations.

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