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  1. #1
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    My diet plan. Any suggestions?

    My stats are...

    Age 33 yrs
    Lifting weights for 3 years in a row plus what I did in high school.
    Workout 4-5 times a week.
    I weigh around 165lbs and I am 5 ft 6.5 inches.

    I am eating 6 meals a day and each meal I aim for 435 cal, 42g pro, 45g carb, and 8g of fat.

    Meal 1 8:00am

    6egg whites 90, 24,0,0
    1whole egg 70, 6 ,1 ,0
    1/2 cup oats 225,9,40,4
    1/2cup skim 45,4.5,7,0
    total 430 cal,43 pro, 48carb, 4 fat

    1hr workout

    10:30am PWO
    whey pwdr 130,22,6,2
    Banana 150,2,20,0
    2cups of skim 180,18,26,0
    12 almonds 80,3,3,7
    Total 420cal, 45pro,55carb 7fat

    salmon 120,22,0,4
    3/4cup rice 170,3,39,0
    1 chicken brst 120,25,0,2
    Total 410cal,50pro, 39carb, 6fat

    yogurt 40,3,7,0
    sweet potato 256,3,59,0
    1/2can tuna 60,14,0,0
    salmon 120,22,0,4
    Total 476cal, 42 pro,66 carb, 4 fat

    1/2can tuna 60,14,0,0
    2 slices bread 180,6,32,4
    2 egg whites 30,8,0,0
    1 Chicken brst 120,25,0,2
    yogurt 40,3,7,0
    Total 450cal, 56pro,39carb, 6fat

    casein protein 120,24,4,1
    Banana 150,2,20,0
    12 almonds 80,3,3,7
    Total 350cal,29 pro, 27carb, 8fat

    GRAND TOTAL 2536 cal, 262 pro,274 carb, 35fat

    I will also be adding in some vegetables on each meal, and taking a multivitamin.

    I have picked up some GH & cyp . My goal is to put on some lean body mass, increase strength, while reducing a few % of body fat.

    Besides the diet, how would you recommend using these products, and what would you use for recovery?

    Again thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it greatly.

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Actually, not a bad diet at all! Give it a go and adjust as you need to. I think you may find that you'll want to add more fat when you start to plateau in gains.

    Run cyp @ 300-500mg/ew for 8-12 weeks or until you plateau. As far as the GH, heck, its your wallet...but I wouldnt run less than 2-4 IUs ed. PCT is recovery from some basic research and youll find what you need...nolva, and an AI should be all you need until youre back to normal.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I know this is a newbie question and I have looked but can not find the answer. If my needle is in ml what is the conversion? So many IU = (X)ml.

    As well based on the stack above what would the best gage be? ( less pain the better lol ).

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