... should you try to avoid fats as much possible?!?!
or are EFA's (nuts, avacados, olive oils, etc...) ok to consume?
since i read that insulin puts minerals in there place (Protein in muscles and carbs to deliver them) i thought that maybe it will automatically send FATS, whether they be good or not, to be stored as fat
is this true??? reason i ask if because i have great GREAT PWO meals!! But by the time i eat everything, my shakes and food, im at about 10g of fat
the 10g of fat btw is just 1.5g sat., 3g poly and 5.5g mono, so as you can see the fats arent bad..... but again, should fats be avoided all together? or is this just a misunderstanding?
thanks alot guys in advance!! i look forward to eharing some great responses!!