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Thread: 6 Meal Diet?

  1. #1
    NeedAnabolics's Avatar
    NeedAnabolics is offline Associate Member
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    6 Meal Diet?

    178lbs. 5'9" 21 years Old. Goal: To Bulk. Maintenance Calories to maintain current body weight. 3200 Cals.


    Meal 1: Macro's 806,69,81,19 (10am)
    -8 boilded Eggs
    -1 Scoop Whey
    -1 Cup OatMeal
    -1/2 Cup Whole Milk (protein shake)
    -Bowl Romaine Lettuce

    Meal 2: 808,60,71,34 (1pm)
    -6oz Ground Turkey
    -1/4 Cup brown rice
    -1 tablespoon flax
    -2 tablespoons Peanut Butter
    -1 apple
    -1/2 soybeans

    Meal 3: PWO 600,45,84,8 (3:30pm)
    -6oz Ground Beef
    -1 cup Pasta

    Meal 4: PPWO 845,68,87,19 (6:30pm)
    -1 Scoop Glycomaize
    -1 Scoop Protein
    -3 Slices White Bread
    -5 Slices Turkey Bacon
    -3 Slices Turkey
    - 1 Cup Whole Milk

    Meal 5: 545,52,50,21 (9:00pm)
    - 8oz Chicken
    - 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread
    - 16g Peanuts
    - 1 Orange
    - 1 Tablespoon Flaxseed

    Meal 6: Bed 570,40,20,25 (11:30pm)
    - 1 Scoop Casein
    - 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
    - 1 Cup Whole Milk

    Total Macronutrients:
    Calories: 4174
    Protein: 334
    Carbs: 393
    Fat: 126
    Last edited by NeedAnabolics; 06-28-2008 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    sam_sneed's Avatar
    sam_sneed is offline Associate Member
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    178lbs. 5'9" 21 years Old. Goal: To Bulk. Maintenance Calories to maintain current body weight. 3200 Cals.


    Meal 1: Macro's 806,69,81,19 (10am)
    -8 boilded Eggs
    -1 Scoop Whey
    -1 Cup OatMeal
    -1/2 Cup Whole Milk (protein shake)
    -Bowl Romaine Lettuce
    "Alot of calories in one meal, i would advise getting up earlier and taking 7 meals in at about 600 calories which would give you 4200 calories a day, meals before bed can be less and you will still be over 4000."
    Meal 2: 808,60,71,34 (1pm)
    -6oz Ground Turkey
    -1/4 Cup brown rice
    -1 tablespoon flax
    -2 tablespoons Peanut Butter
    -1 apple
    -1/2 soybeans
    "Too much fat, go with a cup of rice and the turkey. Try not to mix carbs and fat in your meals"
    Meal 3: PWO 600,45,84,8 (3:30pm)
    -6oz Ground Beef
    -1 cup Pasta
    "Not bad, but there are better carb sources than pasta, sweet potatoes are best"
    Meal 4: PPWO 845,68,87,19 (6:30pm)
    -1 Scoop Glycomaize
    -1 Scoop Protein
    -3 Slices White Bread
    -5 Slices Turkey Bacon
    -3 Slices Turkey
    - 1 Cup Whole Milk
    "High fat PWO is generally not a good idea. White Bread is a poor carb choice why not oats. I presume the Turkey is processed since you say sliced, a better choice would be egg whites"
    Meal 5: 545,52,50,21 (9:00pm)
    - 8oz Chicken
    - 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread
    - 16g Peanuts
    - 1 Orange
    - 1 Tablespoon Flaxseed
    "Again mixing carbs and fats, i would say just carbs in this meal and from a better source than bread"
    Meal 6: Bed 570,40,20,25 (11:30pm)
    - 1 Scoop Casein
    - 2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
    - 1 Cup Whole Milk
    "This isnt bad, fat before bed slows digestion and casein is good also, milk is probably unnecessary, but thats your decision. And i hope that PB is natural"
    Total Macronutrients:
    Calories: 4174
    Protein: 334
    Carbs: 393
    Fat: 126
    These are just my opinions of your diet and i freely admit i am no expert. However, this diet can be vastly improved with a few slight changes. I would be happy to further answer any questions

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If you want to bulk this is the way i did it when i was your age, seems like 50 years ago lol.

    If you are not conerned with some fat gains then get a weight gainer pounder, they are really cheap now a days, and you can have 3 shakes a day with milk and eggs.

    I went from 165 pounds to 204 pounds in less then a year, after that i changed my diet to something a lot cleaner and got back down to 190 pounds and losing a lot of the fat that i had gained.

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