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Thread: Please tell me what you think about this diet..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali

    Please tell me what you think about this diet..

    I started a 9 week Var only cycle 12 days ago. My main goal is to get as lean as possible, and also adding a few clean pounds. I box as a hobby, and I want to make weight a little easier, and look good for the summer of course! I've been training and eating right (I think!) for a few years now, but no real impressive results due to my genetics. Let me know if you have any comments on this diet, and if I can tweak it in any way to make achieving my goal a little easier.

    I'm 5'10.5", 200 Lbs, 11.2% bf.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    bump bump

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    damn, bf seems high to be boxing? are you training for boxing or just throwing at a bag etc? my boxing workouts usually were about 45 mins total of jump rope,pull ups throuought the sessions, heavy bag work 15-20mins, speed work 5-10mins, accuracy (pad work) 20 mins and then sprints for about 30 minuts after everything. I was eating around 4k cals ED and was still fighting bantamwei-g-ht at 137lbs! 5'11" my bf was very very low, and no muscle to speak of really

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canada, Ontario
    4k and only 137 wow thats impressive

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    damn, bf seems high to be boxing? are you training for boxing or just throwing at a bag etc? my boxing workouts usually were about 45 mins total of jump rope,pull ups throuought the sessions, heavy bag work 15-20mins, speed work 5-10mins, accuracy (pad work) 20 mins and then sprints for about 30 minuts after everything. I was eating around 4k cals ED and was still fighting bantamwei-g-ht at 137lbs! 5'11" my bf was very very low, and no muscle to speak of really
    It's high, yes, and I can't manage to get it down. Part of the reason is that I don't want to lose much muscle, so I guess that's why it's stuck right there. But I do box 2-3 times a week, run about 4 times a week, and lift 4 times a week. Also, I stick to that diet above, and still no fat loss! WTF am I doing wrong??

    Oh, and I've been on Anavar for the last 3 weeks to try to help with the fat loss, but still no significant results yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I'd say there's many possibilities as to what your doing wrong.
    First of all you calories are high for cutting 3000 bro come on.
    Anavar is a very mild steroid and will NOT 'cut you up' only diet and cardio will do that.
    Some of the food choices aswell are poor (to say the least) : White Bread , Jelly ,Brown Rice , Bananas , Crackers , Muffins etc.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Killa Kali
    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    I'd say there's many possibilities as to what your doing wrong.
    First of all you calories are high for cutting 3000 bro come on.
    Anavar is a very mild steroid and will NOT 'cut you up' only diet and cardio will do that.
    Some of the food choices aswell are poor (to say the least) : White Bread , Jelly ,Brown Rice , Bananas , Crackers , Muffins etc.
    The white bread and the jelly are fast digesting carbs that I eat immediately after a workout. The brown rice, bananas, whole wheat english muffins and crackers are all clean slow digesting carbs. What should I eat instead, just oatmeal?

    I'm eating 3000 calories because I weigh 200 lbs and I excercise twice a day. Any less calories and I will start losing muscle...I just want to burn fat, and keep the muscle I already have.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    The white bread and the jelly are fast digesting carbs that I eat immediately after a workout. The brown rice, bananas, whole wheat english muffins and crackers are all clean slow digesting carbs. What should I eat instead, just oatmeal?

    I'm eating 3000 calories because I weigh 200 lbs and I excercise twice a day. Any less calories and I will start losing muscle...I just want to burn fat, and keep the muscle I already have.
    IMO fast digesting carbs do nothing but make you fat especially those that mess with your blood sugar level. You will stay much leaner with Low GI carbs.

    Bananas slow digesting?

    To me they are not 'clean' whatsoever processed crap. Here's the carbs i use since i changed from oats, brown rice etc. TRUST ME this does work.

    Ezekiel Bread
    Sweet Potato
    Low GI fruits (Berries mainly, apples, oranges)

    You may weigh 200lbs but thats not your LBM. Fat isn't metabolically active so why eat for your bodyfat. 3000 is too much i don't know you BMR but it's definitely too high to have any kind of calorie deficit for fat burning.

    You have to get out of the mindset of 'losing' muscle if you eat appropriately everything will be fine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    anywhere my son lives
    yeah broi to cut , keeop it simple always! lean unprocessed animal protein (fish/chicken brst/turk brst/egg whites) green very gently steamed vegis (broccoli, brussel cprouts, spinach, asparagus) healthy fats to sustain energy and ramp up some cals (almonds,flax seeds,olive oil) complex fibrous carbs (oats, kashi fiber cereal, couscous)
    at your weight you should be eating around 2000 cals tops bro. The anavar will help preserve muscle and drink aminos all day, those together should keep almost 100% of your muscle on you while burning fat. also try to cycle carbs DRASTICALLY not the regular approach, i find myself in ketosis within 2 weeks of cutting and stay there for a few days at a time then load up. Typical protocol for my carb cycles are like this
    after a load day start to deplete
    day 1: oats for meal one (app** 1 cup dry) 75 gms, then a sweet potatoe after a morning workout with egg whites than thats it for the day
    day 2: NO CARBS
    day 3: NO CARBS
    day 4: NO CARBS
    day 5: oats for breakfast, sweet pre and post workout..thats it
    day 6: oats for breakfast, sweet pot pre WO and Post WO, 1/2 cup of oats 1 hr later, cut off carbs by 4pm
    day 7: carb up all day
    this tends to have me burning like a furnace after two weeks or so. remember to keep o-m-e-g-a fats high on low and n carb days to maximise energy and hormonal balance. this is not the gospel by any means for a carb cycle, but it is what i have found works for me the quickest.
    Last edited by BITTAPART2; 07-30-2008 at 08:13 AM. Reason: O-M-E-G-A needs to be spaced out :)

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