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Thread: Alternative to Milk

  1. #1

    Alternative to Milk

    Anyone used Powdered Skim Milk. I've started adding into my diet like a supplement. I was trying to add more milk into my diet but carrying around a gallon of milk is not convienent or cheap ($4 gallon x 7 days = almost $30/week). So I have been trying Powdered Skim Milk.

    You can get a large 4-pound box of powdered milk. That makes 20 quarts or 5 gallons of liquid milk. At an average cost of $8-$9/box, this is the equivalent of less than $2/gallon, making it fully half the price of fresh milk at this time. And you can carry the crap around like a protein powder. I usually take it around my meal times.

    Not saying it tastes the same but that is not my primary concern here.


  2. #2
    No one...

  3. #3
    well either that or water down your milk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    You are trying to get a gallon on MILK a day? I can't imagine why. If you must...what are the macros on the powder? Do you get the same values with the powder as you do with the regular at half the price? If the macros are the same and the price is half and the convenience is better then it seem like a no brainer. I just wouldn't drink that much milk....

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