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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Getting Lethargic afterworkout

    Okay.. heres the deal..

    I've been MIA at the gym for the past year becasue of a car accident..
    So now i've been given to green light to start working out again, moderatley by the doctors. I am not lifting heavy yet.

    What happened today:

    woke up..had plenty of sleep..

    Fasting - 45min cardio - keeping hear rate ~130-140bpm

    PWO I have a shake, with some dextrose.. shower, then go have three boiled eggs with 1/2 cup of oatmeal.. feeling good and energetic at this point. shortly after (roughly 2hours) I get incredibally sleepy, I cant keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try. Often I HAVE to take a 1 hour nap.

    What's causing this?

    I had my blood work done 2 months ago, came up clean (expect for higher than normal uric acid)

    I have a hunch it may have something to do with my diet.. but i used to run fine on a similar diet before my accident a year ago.

    For the last year I did not do much physical activity (on a regular basis)

  2. #2
    sam_sneed's Avatar
    sam_sneed is offline Associate Member
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    Could be to do with your sugar levels i think bro. I've heard people mention this after using dextrose (Personally i dont touch it) possibly an insulin crash.

  3. #3
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You might want to back off the cardio a bit too, maybe 125 - 130. Try 30 minutes so how you feel. After being sedintary for so long, your gonna want to ease into everything (cardio and lifting). If your getting that exhausted its probably your bodies way of sayin Im not ready for this much exercise yet.

  4. #4
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
    B.E.N. is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    You might want to back off the cardio a bit too, maybe 125 - 130. Try 30 minutes so how you feel. After being sedintary for so long, your gonna want to ease into everything (cardio and lifting). If your getting that exhausted its probably your bodies way of sayin Im not ready for this much exercise yet.
    x2 that and listening to your CNS.

    You mentioned high Uric Acid levels, it may be dehydration as well. Surprised your doctor would not mention anything at all. I'm no doctor but I know gout can result from high uric acid levels and dehydration.

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