I have been off a strict diet for a few weeks (got to into enjoying my senoir summer), and am looking to get back onto a diet/exercise program to shred some fat.

Right now I am 5'10" 230lbs. I am not sure about my bf%, but I have about an inch of fat around my gut at worst and about an inch and a half on the sides at the worst spot. That is where most of my bodyfat is. My current diet consists of a whey protein shake in the morning, some lean meat and vegetables for lunch, a snack (usualy a handfull of cashews), and a final meal of some lean meat and vegetables. Alot of times, though, there will be white rice with my final meal (I know it isn't good, but being Asian, its hard to resist).

I workout 3x week and do cardio(running/swimming) 2-3x week. I need to change my diet to help me lose around 25 lbs of fat without losing muscle mass. Any suggestions on a possible diet plan and supplements?