I apologize, didnt mean to snap at you, I just feel you need to have a little more patience when waiting for answers, and if you figure things out on your own by digging around and doing some research you will learn sooooo much more than just having someone spoon feed you a diet plan....To clarify, the answer to all of the above questions would be yes, except that I think you mixed up your signs in the formula, its 21.6 TIMES LBMkg, but Im pretty sure you meant that bc the 3100 sounds right, just keep the carbs at 45%, and fat 15%-20%, rest protein, lots of sweet potatoes and lean protein, and greens, and you will money my friend,,oh and lots and ots of cardio, at least 5times a week, at least 40 minuntes if in AM, at least 30 minutes if PWO...Please accept my apology, I was not tryin to hurt your feelings, just a little tough love my friend, good luck