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Thread: Diet Critique(s)!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Diet Critique(s)!

    START-ok so im 6'1" 206lbs 17.6% BF
    GOAL-190 w/ 8-10% BF
    Cal allowed per day- 2700
    GYM time = 2hour 15 min (45min is cardio)

    Meal #1 (8:00a.m)
    3 egg whites
    1 egg w/ yolk
    1/2 cup dry oats
    1 slice of whole wheat bread
    2 cups coffee black

    Snack #1 (10:00 a.m.)
    1 cup cottage cheese (low-fat)

    Lunch (12:00p.m.)
    8oz seared Tuna steak
    1/2 cup brown rice

    Snack #2 (1:00p.m.)
    Handfull of whole unslated almonds

    Gym (almonds on hand in case hunger strikes while working out)

    Post Workout shake (3:30p.m.)
    1 scoop whey(20g of pro) 1 scoop caesin (40g pro)

    Dinner (7p.m)
    1 cup whole wheat pasta
    1/2 cup marinara sauce
    turkey meat balls
    2 cups romaine lettuce w/ 1/2 tsp of rassberry vingerette

    Snack #3 (before bed) (11p.m.)
    1/2 cup cottage cheese (low fat)

    Total Cal= 2588

    I am also using the program "Crosstrainer" that i found in the forum wish i would have had that a year ago!

    IMO i feel like im taking in to much carbs ?!?! but im also a worry wort so that being said let me know what yall think!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    i don't even know your carb intake. can you post protein, carb, and fat intake.

    you need pro/carb before a workout as well. i'd say cut the bread out of meal one. then also have that before your workout.

    are you mixing your PWO shake with skim milk?

    add something to that cottage cheese before bed. anything will do. many use fat to slow digestion overnight... but it matters very little.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    i don't even know your carb intake. can you post protein, carb, and fat intake.

    you need pro/carb before a workout as well. i'd say cut the bread out of meal one. then also have that before your workout.

    are you mixing your PWO shake with skim milk?

    add something to that cottage cheese before bed. anything will do. many use fat to slow digestion overnight... but it matters very little.

    have meal one before my workout? just clarifying. PWO is mixed w/ water

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    have meal one at meal one time, but cut the bread. then have that exact same meal again, but in place of those almonds, before your workout.

    add something to the cottage cheese before bed.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    could i sub in a PreWO of 1 scoop whey (20g) and 1/2 cup dry oats? would that be around the same amount of nutrients as meal one?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    that would be ok i suppose, i always side with whole foods and not shakes. but it is never a bad idea to get your amino pool up before a workout, whey will do that. it is rapidly digested compared to whole foods so i would say have that meal as close to your workout as possible without making yourself sick. should be fine.

    make those, and any other changes and repost that diet.

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