when you guys say 15g of whey..what do you mean..is whey sold in solid for or are you talking about a shake?
When you say 15 g of flax seed oil , are you talking about a pill form or actual oil? Thanks.
when you guys say 15g of whey..what do you mean..is whey sold in solid for or are you talking about a shake?
When you say 15 g of flax seed oil , are you talking about a pill form or actual oil? Thanks.
grams of protein or fat.
Fish oil is much better then the flex seed.... it helps to improve your skin too.... I stopped taking them cause I need my fat to come from solid food not from supps.Originally Posted by Rugger02;4118***
I like flax oil. I get most my fat from whole food (tuna and fish) so the flax just gives me a little extra.
I think when he says 15g its because he uses the liquid and measures the table spoon that would be considered 15 g there.... also you have to see if he is cutting or bulking then your your amount would be higher or lower.... my for fish oil I was drinking to 500MG pills so that was 1000 MG of fish oil.... get it?
they all come from foods. they are the macromolecules. if you look at any nutritional facts they will tell you the amounts of pro/carb/fat included in a serving. i dont know what else you want.
Take a deep breath buddy. You get your protein from foods. If someone was saying something to you about 15 grams of whey, they were talking about whey protein. It comes in a big tub and you can get it from many name brands at wal-mart GNC etc etc etc. I don't know where the 15g comes from as I wasnt there when whoever told you that and thats not a lot of protein really. But say 1 scoop of whey protein gives you 30 grams of protein, a half a scoop would give you 15, just look at the nutrition facts.
Same thing with the flax/fish oil. (Obviously there's no protein in them) but whatever size the capsules are, just take the appropriate amount to get as much as your diet requires. These capsules are for the fats in your diet. They're better than the saturated fats you get from meat and dairy etc.
Does this answer your question? We're having a hard time answering it because like I said we weren't there when you were told whatever it was you were told that made you form this question in the first place.
And the whey protein that I was talking about is in a powder form and you mix it up in either water or milk, I prefer water as I'm cutting and I stay away from dairy, but during the winter I bulk and mix it in milk. Your choice.
You just fly in from stupid town?
Look on the back of anything you buy. Their is a nutrition label. One of the items in the list is something called protein. Protein can come from many things. Like beef, chicken, fish, dairy or big tubs called whey protein you buy at GNC for example.
Last edited by AdamGH; 08-07-2008 at 10:27 PM.
Even a fat bastard like me knows that protien comes from your food come on man what you think meat, chicken and fish have in it other than taste.... its not just cardboard that you are eating.......
why is it that all the the newbies get off to easy damn.... ever heard of read and learn then you can teach and sream........ geees
The whey can come from a jug of protein you can buy at the store but i agree 15g is extremely low i've never heard of using any less than 20g and thats just for preworkout. You can get it as high 62g per serving normally (2 scoops). If your lookin to buy some I suggest the low-carb Optimum Nutrition Isopure dutch chocolate. i believe it's 60g per 2 scoops - dont buy it at GNC though they'll rip you off- you can find it online for half GNCs price.
Last edited by Southernillinois; 08-07-2008 at 12:23 PM.
I dont like GNC they will ripp you off like you would never imagine.
"I dont need to know anything from anyone about diet, My wife is a dietician, not only is she a dietician, she has her PHD ...Now that we are back on the topic..."
That is a quote from your other post. Ask your wife....
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