just watched the video on the sticky. he mentioned "negative calories". celery was his example how it took more calories to burn than what was taken in.
so my question is, are fibrous vegetables good anytime, all the time for a strict diet.
just watched the video on the sticky. he mentioned "negative calories". celery was his example how it took more calories to burn than what was taken in.
so my question is, are fibrous vegetables good anytime, all the time for a strict diet.
Yep. Eat up, man.
sweet thanks for the quick response. now please tell me the ginger(the kind they serve at sushi bars) is fibrous also..........?
Yah sometimes I make that Miracle Soup or whatever it's called. Personally I call it diarhea soup... Basically just cabbage tomatoes celery shrooms carrots and some of that liptons onion soup mix.
Tastes like crap but does the job
and im also assuming if i use fitday to track foods, then i would not have to add spinich, cabbage, celery etc.
I personally do not track calories from fibrous veggies.
im cutting and the meat and carbs i eat alone are enough to fill me up i might only eat 2 servings of fiberous vegis a day
3 wole large broccolli bunches ED when cutting for me. wife hates the egg white/broccolli diet, but it smells great in a dutch oven
your exactly right, the amount of cals it takes to digest green fibrous vegis makes the case that you should eat as much as you can/want. Personally I stay away from carrots b/c of the sugar content, you cant eat 400 carrots and not expect a greater insulin spike than with green fibrous vegis.
mmmm cucumbersssssssssssss
If you are cutting they are awesome to fill you up between meals and late night snacks which is when i use them the most.
o yeah no doubt mine should but i just cant eat enought to incorperate them and still get my pro,carbs in unless a force feed and shit im cutting i dont wanna force feed lol
bad cop. there is no such thing as negative calories. there have been a few threads like this lately. and pure fiber like metamucil still provides about 3kcals per gram. so you would def. need to calculate them in if you are being serious or preparing for a comp.
but there are no negative calorie foods. but supplemented fiber can provide a small "laxative effect" and will move food through before it can be fully absorbed.
1 cup of broccoli burns more calories to digest then it has...... as to how much of veggies(certain ones) you can eat and still have a +thermo effect,, im still unsure
anyone who has doubts and has extra time google dietary thermogenesis, dont underestimate the benefits of it, but it really does go only so far
i love cucumbers.... they make a great snack...
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