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  1. #1
    JasonTheGreat187 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2008

    Hey! Help w/ diet please.


    I was hoping some of you could give me opinions and help with my current goals and diet.

    My ultimate goal is to get a bit bigger in the sense of muscle - not exactly huge or anything - and lose some body fat... kinda trying to get a 6 pack. I'm 20 years old and weigh 150 pounds, height is 5'7 or 5'8.

    What i've been doing is consuming anywhere from 110-150 grams of protein per day, and have been keeping my food intake to anywhere from 2000-2200 calories per day.

    At the gym I will take 2 days to work shoulders, stomach and back, then 2 days to work legs, chest, and arms, then 2 days off. I ussually stay at the gym for 1-2 hours and each day, and each day I go I do 25 minutes of cardio at the start. I burn anywhere from 500-700 calories each time I go.

    I don't have much stomach fat to lose to get a 6 pack, but it seems as though it is taking forever to achieve this.

    Any suggestions on how I could achieve this any faster and also build muscle?

    Btw - in case it helps with your responses - the food I ussually eat each day consists of eggs, milk, toast, oatmeal, canned salmon and tuna, other fish, proein bars, lean cuisine microwave dinnners and chicken noodle soup.. not really much of anything else.

    I appreciate your help!

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    yeah, a ton of work to do here,

    first off write down everything you eat tomorrow, how much you eat, when you eat, etc... this is a must if we are to help you

    second, don't do cardio before you workout, do it after and workouts shouldn't take longer than 45-65 minutes

  3. #3
    JasonTheGreat187 is offline New Member
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    Today I ate (I put next to it C for calories and P for protein :

    7am : 2 Yogurts (160C 9P), can of tuna (110C 16P)
    9:45am : Tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    11:45am : Lean cuisine dinner (270C 16P) and tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    2:15pm : Can of tuna (140C 18P)
    4pm : Gym for hour and half
    7pm : Steak, Baked Potatoes, mushrooms and onions.. I don't know how much protein or calories are in that.

    For tommorow I plan on eating :

    7am : energy bar (200C 14P)
    915am : energy bar (200C 14P) tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    1130am : lean cuisine (300C 17P)
    2pm : tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    4pm : Gym for hour and half and can of tuna (140C 18P)
    6pm : 8 Salmon (720C 128P)

    Thats ussually how my diet goes, protein from atleast 110- up to 220 at times and calories around the 2000-2200 range.

    I'll try what you said about doing my cardio after my work out. Any other suggestions to help out with my goal? Its appreciated!

  4. #4
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Unless you have right genetics, the last place the fat comes off of is the abs. So be patient with that part of it. I personally have dropped a lot of weight recently and am still fighting this last bit on my abs.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonTheGreat187 View Post

    Today I ate (I put next to it C for calories and P for protein :

    7am : 2 Yogurts (160C 9P), can of tuna (110C 16P)
    yogurt can be laden with sugar, eat oatmeal or sweet potatos instead
    9:45am : Tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    crackers are way processed, get some melba toast or something if you have to, but sweet potatos would be better
    11:45am : Lean cuisine dinner (270C 16P) and tuna and crackers (180C 16P)
    NO LEAN CUISINE, it's all processed sodium laden shit, make a salad with tuna and some barley or sweet potatos
    2:15pm : Can of tuna (140C 18P)
    tuna is okay here, but get about 25-30g of carbs to fuel workout
    4pm : Gym for hour and half
    you need to eat immediately after the gym, move your 7pm meal to 30-45mins after the gym
    7pm : Steak, Baked Potatoes, mushrooms and onions.. I don't know how much protein or calories are in that.
    meal is fine for post workout, but try to eat it within an hour of working out
    For tommorow I plan on eating :

    7am : energy bar (200C 14P)

    915am : energy bar (200C 14P) tuna and crackers (180C 16P)

    1130am : lean cuisine (300C 17P)

    2pm : tuna and crackers (180C 16P)

    4pm : Gym for hour and half and can of tuna (140C 18P)

    6pm : 8 Salmon (720C 128P)

    Thats ussually how my diet goes, protein from atleast 110- up to 220 at times and calories around the 2000-2200 range.

    I'll try what you said about doing my cardio after my work out. Any other suggestions to help out with my goal? Its appreciated!
    good carb sources, sweet potatos, barley, oatmeal

    cut the crackers, energy bars, lean cuisine and eat whole unprocessed food

  6. #6
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off, good first posts, It's always nice to see someone that wants to learn.

    Your daily protein should always be in the 220 - 230 range.

    Aside from the baked potato (Which I hope you're not loading up with sour cream, butter and cheese, unless it's fat free) You have very little good carbs in your diet. This is important to get the most out of your work-outs, especially within 15 - 20 minutes after your work out.

    Some people will tell you different and different approaches work better for different people, but as a general rule you should be gettin in good carbs for breakfast and in your post work out nutrition. These foods include but are not limited to oats, barley, potatoes, yams and brown rice.

    Personally I take my only shake of the day PWO as it includes 50g of whey protein and double the whey in carbs (half dextrose and half maltodextrin)

    I'm guessing that you arent taking in enough calories per day given your current diet and activities but I'll let one of the pro's critique that part of it. Phate and Nova are both good ones IMO

    Good luck bro and welecome!

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