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  1. #1
    badleo is offline New Member
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    Help with bf reduction

    Hi there

    17.5% bf

    im 23 year old male who very active ( on my feet all day) but struggling to lose more body fat, Ive struggled with my weight all my life exercise and diet is pretty good but seem to hit a plateau. Ive tried changing my diet lots low carb, fruit flush, protein only, low calorie, low fat.... name it ive done it!!!!! i currently do 4 kettlebell sessions a week and 2-3 HIIT rowering for 15-20mins. Ive just recently moved that to 5-6 a week and am still struggling.

    So any help would be much appreciated to the next step

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    wow, welcome..

    at the top of this forum are cutting stickies that will be helpful, however with the exercise routine you have listed, cutting your caloric intake will be be beneficial..

    It's all about what you are eating..

    tell us exactly what you have eaten so far today, and what would be a typical intake throughout the day..
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  3. #3
    badleo is offline New Member
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    wow thanks for the quick reply. Ive been trying the metabolic surge plan by nick nilsson at the moment so am cycling low carb. Today went like so
    800 am 15 HIIT on rower
    830 3eggs, 1 slice of lean ham, 1 tbsp of olive oil, 2 glasses of water
    SUPPLEMENT: Pro-vital (morning multi-vit) + 5 pro-lipid (fish oil)

    12:30 2 quorn (soya) burgers + 2 fish oil tablets

    2:30 Kettlebell session (legs) aprox 40 mins (high intensity)

    3:30 Whey protein with water

  4. #4
    Doub1e_J is offline Associate Member
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    Is that all the food you are going to eat in a day? If so that is wrong. You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Small meals but definitely more than what you have got so far.

  5. #5
    badleo is offline New Member
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    sorry i left off the last meal (oops!!!) the last meal will be about 7 and would be about 150g of salmon and 3-4 cups of mixed veg with a tblsp of olive oil. 2glasses of water. Before i go to sleep would take another couple of glasses of water and the pro-vital PM (ZMA)

  6. #6
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    WE need your calories, protein, carbs and fats listed out in total for the day..

  7. #7
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Your approximate daily caloric maintenance level is: 2929 calories (kcal)
    Your daily caloric goal in order to lose weight should be between: 1929 to 2429 calories (kcal)
    Your daily caloric goal in order to gain weight should be between: 3179 to 3429 calories (kcal)

    fyi... i dont think you are close to that.

  8. #8
    badleo is offline New Member
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    in what respect enough or too little?

    meals would typically constitute of 4 meals a day with roughly 25-50 of protein and 20-30g of fat (lean meat or tuna/salmon) this is just while i low carb tho then il have a typical low fat diet and cycle between the two. Its the most effective ive found but still cant get leaner.

    I dont know why but if i dont keep my diet and exercise strict i rocket up weight quickly. For example i was my bday last week and i had 4 days off from training and not eating strict (not too bad) and a couple of beers. To my amazement id managed to put on 7lb!!!!

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by badleo View Post
    in what respect enough or too little?

    meals would typically constitute of 4 meals a day with roughly 25-50 of protein and 20-30g of fat (lean meat or tuna/salmon) this is just while i low carb tho then il have a typical low fat diet and cycle between the two. Its the most effective ive found but still cant get leaner.

    I dont know why but if i dont keep my diet and exercise strict i rocket up weight quickly. For example i was my bday last week and i had 4 days off from training and not eating strict (not too bad) and a couple of beers. To my amazement id managed to put on 7lb!!!!
    forget the pro/fat diet, you need pro/carb every meal, but you need different sources and more

    also, don't do HIIT training on an empty stomach, it can cause you to go catabolic(eat muscle for energy)

    redo your diet in a 45/45/10 ratio of protein/carbs/fats

  10. #10
    badleo is offline New Member
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    cheers for all the replys guys btw.

    Phate every time i include that many carbs (45/45/10) i seem to stack the weight on quickly!? Im naturally an easy gainer if aim to put on bulk i fill out very quickly but struggle with the weight. I don't know why but i hold lots of water quickly aswell so when protein/ fat diet i can keep it off at least

  11. #11
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    how are your energy levels. my understanding is that if you are weigh under your nutritional needs your metabolism will slow down. read post 7 and then divide up your protien evenly across 8 meals. you got to find some %'tages that would work for you. read post #9. if you need help finding the # of grams of pro/carb/fat let us know

  12. #12
    badleo is offline New Member
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    cheers there not bad actually however i feel hungry alot!! so end up drinking a lot of water.

    I was trying to cycle protein/ fat 5days like 47/8/47 and protein carb for 7days before switching back 45/45/10. ANy better suggestions if thats no a good idea?

  13. #13
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by badleo View Post
    cheers there not bad actually however i feel hungry alot!! so end up drinking a lot of water.

    I was trying to cycle protein/ fat 5days like 47/8/47 and protein carb for 7days before switching back 45/45/10. ANy better suggestions if thats no a good idea?
    yes, up your cals like suggested. this is the way I understand it, you have a set point that is developed around your current weight. if you fall below your appetite will be triggered. if ignored too long your metabolism will slow to keep you at current weight. imho, you need to up your caloric intake and divide it up across 6-8 meals like previously posted. Ill post up the numbers if you like but Im sure you can do that.

  14. #14
    badleo is offline New Member
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    yeah that would be good thanks for the replys. I couldnt understand the sticking points, so each time droped the calorific intake

  15. #15
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    let me jump back in..

    If you were not doing kettlebels, or Hiit training, that diet might be ok.. but, your body will eventually crash from not enough cals, that's kind of what people are trying to tell ya..
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  16. #16
    badleo is offline New Member
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    cheers for all the feedback guys have been eating more today and in the 45/45/10 style

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