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Thread: i need your help.

  1. #1
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    Cool i need your help.

    just wondering if some one could help me with a good diet plan.I am 34 5-11 bout 16-20% bf around 185 lbs. i have some dbol and winn but was told not to start until i get my body fat down and have trained for about a year. so i turned to supplements as follows muscle milk 32 grams protein lean formula, creatine, gakkic, and nolvadex. seeking help to find the right diet and supplement plan for me. here is the so called diet im on

    7am: 4 whole eggs fried 2 quaker instant oatmeal and 1 muscle milk shake
    12pm: one 8 oz chicken or steak with a green veg 1 muscle milk shake
    7pm: 2 8 oz chicken or steak with a green veg 1 muscle milk shake
    snacks include special k ceral with 2% milk boiled eggs, tomotoe sand with mayo and wheat bread
    water intake give or take a .5 gallon to 1 gallon

    i know this isnt good but i kinda just listen to what others are doing and make do.ive included a pic so anyone can analyze me to tell me what i can do to improve. I was a very active person at one time . worked hard all my life and kept in real good shape without diet b\c of my job which was steele erector. i am also on a anti seizure med dilantin b\c of a head injury i had in 1995. i took a position of project manager for a construction co. 3 years ago and have gone down hill ever since as far as stress and my body .lol ive become a fat ass in other words from my lack of exercise and lack of alot of free time. i am dedicated to get myself back in shape and wanna look good again please give me some advice.
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  2. #2
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    right here
    first off welcome,u definatly should drop some bf if ur tryin to lean out d-bol isnt the answer

  3. #3
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    i dont want to be a dick, but honest opinion: really bad. i would do some research if you are serious about losing weight. some thoughts:

    muscle milk has like 16 grams of fat per serving. it's not good for cutting. you are drinking it 3 times a day

    dont take the dbol or winny you won't get good results. get clen, do cardio for 45 minutes on an empty stomach first thing when you wake up 4 times a week. substitute whey protein for the muscle milk. have a whey shake at 10 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon instead of drinking one with your meals.

    don't go more than 3 hours without eating. when you starve yourself like that your body sends a message that it is in survival mode and the next meal it eats it should store as fat. therefore small healthy meals throughout the day are best.
    Last edited by gooer; 08-21-2008 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    just wondering if some one could help me with a good diet plan.I am 34 5-11 bout 16-20% bf around 185 lbs. i have some dbol and winn but was told not to start until i get my body fat down and have trained for about a year. so i turned to supplements as follows muscle milk 32 grams protein lean formula, creatine, gakkic, and nolvadex. seeking help to find the right diet and supplement plan for me. here is the so called diet im on

    Welecome! I think that for now you should drop the muscle milk since it's loaded with fat and stick with real foods as much as possible. Cardio is going to be the thing that will shed the most fat for you.

    7am: 4 whole eggs fried 2 quaker instant oatmeal and 1 muscle milk shake

    Is this the oatmeal that's loaded with sugar? If so exchange it for Quaker oats and dump a little Splenda on them. Otherwise this meal looks fine, Maybe you take some fish oil for the essential fatty acids with this meal.

    12pm: one 8 oz chicken or steak with a green veg 1 muscle milk shake

    There are 5 hours between meals here. You need to squeeze at least two more meals in per day. I know it's not easy because of work, but like I always say. You can take a bathroom break and choke down a chicken breast on the shitter if you have to.
    7pm: 2 8 oz chicken or steak with a green veg 1 muscle milk shake

    If there's a workout between this and the last meal make SURE you're eating right when you get back from the gym. That's what's gonna get you the most out of your lifting. Make sure to have at least 50g of protein (Good time for a whey protein shake) and double that in good carbs. (Sweet potato, Oats, barley, brown rice, to name a few)

    snacks include special k ceral with 2% milk boiled eggs, tomotoe sand with mayo and wheat bread

    If you're getting the proper amount of meals in per day, it will become unnecessary for snacking in between meals, your metabolism will be up and with cardio and weight lifting, your body will be a fat burning muscle building machine

    Also remember you should be eating about 1.5 times your lean bodyweight in preotein daily

    Best of luck in reaching your goals bro

  5. #5
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    Sep 2006
    Use this as a diet outline. Make your own. Post it up and we will critique it for ya.

    Get a good workout routine down.

    Cardio, 6-7 days a week on an empty stomach.

    Props to wanting to get back at it. Best of luck.
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 08-22-2008 at 12:12 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    south carolina
    Thanks guys for tha advice . Do my supplements look ol other than the muscle milk ? Do i cut first then bulk for more mass?

  7. #7
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    I would go to the supplement forum for info about that, but yes, concentrate on lowering your BF first, later you'll worry about bulking

  8. #8
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    Muscle Milk tastes great and you can make some bad a$$ pancakes with it...BUT it's not the meal replacement drink you should use if you are wanting to drop weight.

  9. #9
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    In The Kitchen :)
    Group 1: Egg whites 5, Chicken Breast 6 oz, Fat free cottage cheese 10 oz, Fish 8 oz, LEAN steak 6 oz.
    Group 2: Brown Rice 1/2 cup, Oatmeal 1/2 cup, Whole Wheat Toast 2 slices, Sweet potatoes 2 medium size.
    Group3: Olive oil 1 tbs, Flax seed oil 1 tbs, nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts) 1/4 cup, fish oil 10 capsules of the 1000 mg, avocado 1/3 a fruit.
    Group 4: Broccoli, squash, spinach, string beans, bell peppers, cali flower....VEGGIES. All Group 4 are 2 cups.

    meal 1: (8:00)
    Group 1+ Group 2+ Group 4

    +2.5 hrs (10:30)
    meal 2:
    Group 1+Group 3+Group 4

    +2.5 hrs (1:00)
    meal 3: (3:30)
    Just a light snack. A fruit, handful of nuts.

    I assume you'll work out around 5-6 PM
    So 45 minutes before workout have 1 scoop whey with water and 10-15 almonds or 1 TBS peanut butter.

    meal 5 :
    Post workout have a small fruit and 1 scoop whey with EFA. if u r using muscle milk then just 1 scoop, and a small fruit.

    +1 hr after post work out meal above.

    meal 6:
    Group 1+ Group 4+ 1/2 Group 3

    on non workout days, no post work out meal and move the meal number 6 1.5 hrs earlier.

    cardio 5 times/week for 45 minutes, use two different equipments. For example treadmill jogg for 25 minutes and stairs master for 20 minutes.

    If you can talk a 15 minutes jogg in the morning on empty stomach one you wake up, u'll double your fat loss.
    Good luck

  10. #10
    I cant help it. I have to comment on the picture bro! I think there is still CRAP on the toilet seat cover bro!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    I cant help it. I have to comment on the picture bro! I think there is still CRAP on the toilet seat cover bro!
    HA , HA Thanks for tha heads up on tha shit on tha toilet but i dont think thats what it is .

  12. #12
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    SMOKE thanks for takin the time to lay that out for me bro ! I appreciate it .Just wondered about groups do i eat all or one from each ,and oils do i cook with them or just down em. is grilling my meats and chicken better than pan frying or should i broil them . thanks !
    Last edited by 1nasty302; 08-22-2008 at 03:24 PM. Reason: left information out first time

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    SMOKE thanks for takin the time to lay that out for me bro ! I appreciate it .Just wondered about groups do i eat all or one from each ,and oils do i cook with them or just down em. is grilling my meats and chicken better than pan frying or should i broil them . thanks !
    Of course choose one of each group.
    No frying, sauteeing is ok, grilling and broilling is best.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    Group 1: Egg whites 5, Chicken Breast 6 oz, Fat free cottage cheese 10 oz, Fish 8 oz, LEAN steak 6 oz.
    Group 2: Brown Rice 1/2 cup, Oatmeal 1/2 cup, Whole Wheat Toast 2 slices, Sweet potatoes 2 medium size.
    Group3: Olive oil 1 tbs, Flax seed oil 1 tbs, nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts) 1/4 cup, fish oil 10 capsules of the 1000 mg, avocado 1/3 a fruit.
    Group 4: Broccoli, squash, spinach, string beans, bell peppers, cali flower....VEGGIES. All Group 4 are 2 cups.

    meal 1: (8:00)
    Group 1+ Group 2+ Group 4

    +2.5 hrs (10:30)
    meal 2:
    Group 1+Group 3+Group 4

    +2.5 hrs (1:00)
    meal 3: (3:30)
    Just a light snack. A fruit, handful of nuts.

    I assume you'll work out around 5-6 PM
    So 45 minutes before workout have 1 scoop whey with water and 10-15 almonds or 1 TBS peanut butter.

    meal 5 :
    Post workout have a small fruit and 1 scoop whey with EFA. if u r using muscle milk then just 1 scoop, and a small fruit.

    +1 hr after post work out meal above.

    meal 6:
    Group 1+ Group 4+ 1/2 Group 3

    on non workout days, no post work out meal and move the meal number 6 1.5 hrs earlier.

    cardio 5 times/week for 45 minutes, use two different equipments. For example treadmill jogg for 25 minutes and stairs master for 20 minutes.

    If you can talk a 15 minutes jogg in the morning on empty stomach one you wake up, u'll double your fat loss.
    Good luck

    This is a nice outline. But with your serving sizes, it does not take in consideration his daily macros.

    Also, rice is crap and so is whole wheat toast.
    Needs to be more like sweet potato, pearled barley, steel cut oats, and ezekiel bread.

    Or, if your Goose...Aktivated Barley, lentils, and Palatinose.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    This is a nice outline. But with your serving sizes, it does not take in consideration his daily macros.

    Also, rice is crap and so is whole wheat toast.
    Needs to be more like sweet potato, pearled barley, steel cut oats, and ezekiel bread.

    Or, if your Goose...Aktivated Barley, lentils, and Palatinose.

    KInda confused whats a macro? I am gratefull for all info but i am dumb as hell when it come to the nutrisional stuff see cant even spell it !lol . even though i read alot of the forums and reserch alot of stuff most of it i just dont get. So i will just listen to what you guys say is good for now and im sure it will come to me in time . Going to tha store to pick up what on the above list today and transformation starts tommorow .

  16. #16
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    I read the forum on supplements and once again was confused by all the lingo and mass info.I have taken many of them over time but there is so much new stuff out that its crazy and most of it i know is crap .I read a poat by you big that was saying a good fat burner combo is lipo flame and amp 2 for pre workout . I s this stuff cool ? ATM i am taking nolvadex and muscle tech creakic along with multi vitamin and lean formula muscle milk . Is this ok or do you have any suggestions , i really wanna lose the fat but also would like to put on some muscle . if you could suggest some stuff iwould be gratefull. One more thing is all the diffrent oils and l-carnitine. Last but not least my girl was wondering about some diet info she wanted to try the one you guys laid out for me but wasnt sure if it was good for women .

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    This is a nice outline. But with your serving sizes, it does not take in consideration his daily macros.

    Also, rice is crap and so is whole wheat toast.
    Needs to be more like sweet potato, pearled barley, steel cut oats, and ezekiel bread.

    Or, if your Goose...Aktivated Barley, lentils, and Palatinose.
    Agreed on rice being crap BUT for upper level BB-ers.
    He is barely starting. So you don't wanna just choke the guy with an unbareable diet. I believe that as you body advances you should tighten your diet along the way, but a 180 degree switch usually end up with a faliure.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    KInda confused whats a macro? I am gratefull for all info but i am dumb as hell when it come to the nutrisional stuff see cant even spell it !lol . even though i read alot of the forums and reserch alot of stuff most of it i just dont get. So i will just listen to what you guys say is good for now and im sure it will come to me in time . Going to tha store to pick up what on the above list today and transformation starts tommorow .

    Such as the total number of calories you should be consuming everyday.
    And the total amount (in grams) of protein/carbs/fat of each meal. Then totaled at the end of the day.

    If your cutting, you want to take in less calories than your maintenance level.

    To find maintenance level, you can use this:

    BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:
    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    Get that total or so, then minus 500 or so calories. And thats how much you should be shooting for.

    But your on a good start. Just start eating clean/healthy

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    Agreed on rice being crap BUT for upper level BB-ers.
    He is barely starting. So you don't wanna just choke the guy with an unbareable diet. I believe that as you body advances you should tighten your diet along the way, but a 180 degree switch usually end up with a faliure.

    true. good point. ease in to it...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    I read the forum on supplements and once again was confused by all the lingo and mass info.I have taken many of them over time but there is so much new stuff out that its crazy and most of it i know is crap .I read a poat by you big that was saying a good fat burner combo is lipo flame and amp 2 for pre workout . I s this stuff cool ? ATM i am taking nolvadex and muscle tech creakic along with multi vitamin and lean formula muscle milk . Is this ok or do you have any suggestions , i really wanna lose the fat but also would like to put on some muscle . if you could suggest some stuff iwould be gratefull. One more thing is all the diffrent oils and l-carnitine. Last but not least my girl was wondering about some diet info she wanted to try the one you guys laid out for me but wasnt sure if it was good for women .

    Yes, I like Amplify 02 and Lipoflame. Both are by AGX Sports.
    Amplify 02 is an awesome pre workout supplement.
    And Lipoflame worked well for me also. (fat burner or course)

    Nolvadex as in the research chem? Or a brand name OTC (over the counter) supplement? I personally think Muscle Tech is way over priced and not worthy buying, as do a lot of people on here.

    I wouldn't recommend Muscle Milk for someone trying to lose body fat. Whole foods beat out shakes anytime, anywhere. (except PWO, and even thats in debate). But avoid shakes whenever possible.

    What about the oils?

    To be honest, I'm not sure about women's diets. But there are people here who can help.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Yes, I like Amplify 02 and Lipoflame. Both are by AGX Sports.
    Amplify 02 is an awesome pre workout supplement.
    And Lipoflame worked well for me also. (fat burner or course)

    Nolvadex as in the research chem? Or a brand name OTC (over the counter) supplement? I personally think Muscle Tech is way over priced and not worthy buying, as do a lot of people on here.

    I wouldn't recommend Muscle Milk for someone trying to lose body fat. Whole foods beat out shakes anytime, anywhere. (except PWO, and even thats in debate). But avoid shakes whenever possible.

    What about the oils?

    To be honest, I'm not sure about women's diets. But there are people here who can help.
    the novadex is gaspari nutrition and is suppose to be a test booster.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Such as the total number of calories you should be consuming everyday.
    And the total amount (in grams) of protein/carbs/fat of each meal. Then totaled at the end of the day.

    If your cutting, you want to take in less calories than your maintenance level.

    To find maintenance level, you can use this:

    BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:
    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    Get that total or so, then minus 500 or so calories. And thats how much you should be shooting for.

    But your on a good start. Just start eating clean/healthy
    Thanks again for tha help ,but whats BMR sorry couldnt figure it out im sure it will come to me after i post this lol .

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    Thanks again for tha help ,but whats BMR sorry couldnt figure it out im sure it will come to me after i post this lol .
    Basal Metabolic Rate

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    the novadex is gaspari nutrition and is suppose to be a test booster.
    Novedex XT I believe.

    I've heard mixed reviews about it. More-so good reviews though. I don't see a problem in taking it.
    Gaspari Nutrition's is a good brand.

  25. #25
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    no post in a week or so just wanted to let yall know.been stickin to tha plan i am now 181 and 11%bf and droping the hell outta some fat i thank you so much. never knew a diet really would make such a differeance .thanks again.

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