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Thread: Ruhlfreak Bulking

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land

    Ruhlfreak Bulking

    so i'm amping up to bulk like a crazy man here and i'm wondering if any of you can give insight on some things

    for one what kind of calories am i gonna need to get from where i am now....about 250 or so by january or a lil later.

    as for bodyfat i'm not really worrying about it but i also don't wanna let it get as high as it did last year so maybe i should worry some.....

    i like carbs......i think of late i've been eating 400 plus grams a day, mostly brown rice and oatmeal....i'm not really writing anything down at the moment though......thread will progress as i get my ass in gear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    do you not gain fat with 400g carbs a day? i just hit 3 and started gaining a little more fat but im in pct also

  3. #3
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    I was told not really focus on the carb intake, but more so the actual protein intake I'm at around 380 a day.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitown Raider View Post
    I was told not really focus on the carb intake, but more so the actual protein intake I'm at around 380 a day.
    380 carbs or is that protein?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    380 carbs or is that protein?
    Straight protein bro.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    so i'm amping up to bulk like a crazy man here and i'm wondering if any of you can give insight on some things

    for one what kind of calories am i gonna need to get from where i am now....about 250 or so by january or a lil later.

    as for bodyfat i'm not really worrying about it but i also don't wanna let it get as high as it did last year so maybe i should worry some.....

    i like carbs......i think of late i've been eating 400 plus grams a day, mostly brown rice and oatmeal....i'm not really writing anything down at the moment though......thread will progress as i get my ass in gear.
    ruhl, do us a favor and calculate your daily caloric needs and post that, then we can break that down for you but it's the basis of any diet

  7. #7
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    Ruhl, we've talked buddy. I think you're going to be fine. If you want some details, post up what you ate today. That being said, what kind of training are you going to be doing? The more information the better.

    and yes, your carbs should be ok for now. Definitely monitor your carbohydrate intake, especially on higher volume days (for you...LEGS)

    keep me posted on your updates, and i'll be follwing your thread.


    i'm looking for 30lbs this fall too. so maybe i will post up a thread myself when the time starts. that will "keep our asses in gear". and it would be nice to have someone to talk to when i'm force feeding myself.

  8. #8
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    i'll write down everything i eat tomorrow.......and get all the nutrition facts.

  9. #9
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    ok.....foods for today.......good lord i didn't realize i was eating so much


    1 cup oatmeal 300 cal 6g F 54g C 10g P
    peanut butter 210cal 16g F 6g C 8g P
    2 scoops protein 240cal 2g F 6g C 48g P

    oatmeal shake 540 cal 8g F 60g C 58g P


    trioplex bar 420cal 16g F 45g C 30g P

    3/4 cup of rice (my rices are estimated....maybe high) 510 cal 111g C 12g P
    1 can black beans 300cal 57g C 18g P


    superpump 96cal 24g C


    volu-gro/protein 366cal 1g F 63g C 24g P

    12oz chicken 300cal 2g F 69g P
    1 cup rice 680cal 4g F 148g C 16g P
    1 can black beans 300 cal 57g C 18g P
    BBQ sauce 120cal 30g C

    so totals so far are........4382cal 58g F 661g C 311g P

    i was gonna eat again but now i'm thinking i've over done it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Oatmeal shake?? Whats that, never heard of one.

    Are you getting enough meat in, only one meal of chicken. I'd think you'd need more. No eggs either?
    Thought you told me your bf% was high (15%?) and you have comps coming up? Shouldn't you be trying to keep you bf% down, I would think your overdoing it with the carbs.(ala trey brewer)

    I let Nova take over since he is the expert.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Oatmeal shake?? Whats that, never heard of one.

    Are you getting enough meat in, only one meal of chicken. I'd think you'd need more. No eggs either?
    Thought you told me your bf% was high (15%?) and you have comps coming up? Shouldn't you be trying to keep you bf% down, I would think your overdoing it with the carbs.(ala trey brewer)

    I let Nova take over since he is the expert.
    well i would have had some ground beef in with the mid afternoon meal but none was far as eggs they seem to be an every other day thing at the moment.....i got really disgusted when i found that chicken the other day too

  12. #12
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    oh and da oatmeal shake is just 2 scoops of protein along with a cup of oatmeal ground up in a coffee grinder

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    well i would have had some ground beef in with the mid afternoon meal but none was far as eggs they seem to be an every other day thing at the moment.....i got really disgusted when i found that chicken the other day too
    Yeah I'm just trying to help man, I would think you over doing it with the carbs. Though I don't know your workout program. Whats the bf% guess again. You know you don't wanna get to high with the bf% causes its gonna make it harder for you to get that desired conditioning on stage since it seems at lower level comps the winners are usually lighter in weight (middleweights) but in much better conditioning than the rest.. Its easier to do this in person to look at the body in person. Post picks if you want.

    I think you need more meat in your diet and less shakes personally. I'm no expert nor certified and don't wanna get burned by the big boys but I want to help you out Ruhl.

  14. #14
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    i really don't have a clue about my bodyfat.....truly.....guessing 15%

    and my first comp next year ain't till july 13th or so so i have plenty of time

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i really don't have a clue about my bodyfat.....truly.....guessing 15%

    and my first comp next year ain't till july 13th or so so i have plenty of time
    Yeah but no better time to start then now. Its ok, I'll just let Nova help you since that is what you probably want.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Yeah but no better time to start then now. Its ok, I'll just let Nova help you since that is what you probably want.
    i'm taking your suggestions in mind...don't worry.....i wanna pack on some mass tho....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i'm taking your suggestions in mind...don't worry.....i wanna pack on some mass tho....
    Yeah but not at the cost of more bf% because the leaner you are in the offseason the tighter you can get for competition. I'd suggest at your bf% if your a competitor to move on to a lean muscle mass kinda of diet. You know what it takes to win and its not about being big. For you I'd definately focus on building LBM not just mass.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    ok.....foods for today.......good lord i didn't realize i was eating so much


    1 cup oatmeal 300 cal 6g F 54g C 10g P
    peanut butter 210cal 16g F 6g C 8g P
    2 scoops protein 240cal 2g F 6g C 48g P
    I would do 10oz chicken and 1tbsp PB and ditch the whey
    oatmeal shake 540 cal 8g F 60g C 58g P

    do whole protein, I'd say 200-250cals worth of a solid protein source w/ 1 cup oats w/ 1 tbsp PB


    trioplex bar 420cal 16g F 45g C 30g P
    ditch this, too much sugar/fat. keep it simple and do sweet potato or oats or brown rice w/ steak or chicken or fish w/ 1tbsp PB
    3/4 cup of rice (my rices are estimated....maybe high) 510 cal 111g C 12g P
    1 can black beans 300cal 57g C 18g P
    too many carbs for 1 meal IMO. Try and keep it to 50-60g carbs and 45-60g protein.


    superpump 96cal 24g C

    How much sugar? Is this preworkout. I would do whole foods...refer back to what I stated about the 12:30 meal


    volu-gro/protein 366cal 1g F 63g C 24g P
    If this is PWO, I like to do something like this. 1 scoop whey, 1/2 cup ff cottage cheese, 1 banana, and 1/2 cups oats w/ water and ice. It's been working well so far.
    12oz chicken 300cal 2g F 69g P
    1 cup rice 680cal 4g F 148g C 16g P
    1 can black beans 300 cal 57g C 18g P
    BBQ sauce 120cal 30g C
    1 cup rice, your macros seem much too high, might want to look at that again. Stick to the chicken (maybe do 10oz) and 1 cup black bean and drop the rice. Also, your bulking but try and get low or sugar free BBQ sauce.

    Pre-bed, I would do something like 1 cup ff cottage cheese w/ 1 scoop whey and 2 tbsp PB

    so totals so far are........4382cal 58g F 661g C 311g P

    i was gonna eat again but now i'm thinking i've over done it
    in bold; just my suggestions

    661g carbs is a great deal of carbs. I'm a little more carb sensitive so I try and stick to lean bulks otherwise my face gets fat and things get outta hand

    how tall are you by the way bro?

    Are you going to be on?

    See if you can revise this with the suggestions i listed. I'd love to help anyway I can!
    Last edited by audis4; 08-28-2008 at 09:59 PM.

  19. #19
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    Hey ruhl how tall are you and if I remember, your 22 like me right?

    I'd do a solid lean bulk. I'll help you put your diet together, do you know your maintenance cals off hand?

  20. #20
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    My suggestion is to stay away from the protein bars they are high in sugar. Drink a protein shake U will b better off bro.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    Hey ruhl how tall are you and if I remember, your 22 like me right?

    I'd do a solid lean bulk. I'll help you put your diet together, do you know your maintenance cals off hand?
    5'7.5...........depending on the workout that day looking back to when i kept track of this it looks like my maintenance is between 3600 and 4000, hmmm i think that was with cardio though so 3300-3700 more like

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    5'7.5...........depending on the workout that day looking back to when i kept track of this it looks like my maintenance is between 3600 and 4000, hmmm i think that was with cardio though so 3300-3700 more like
    oh ok, well, your cals are probably fine where you have them. If you see yourself getting fat, just drop back a little.

    Try to stay between 5-600cals/meal; that should total to a solid 7-8 meals/day.

    I would try and keep protein and carbs relatively close and fats lower. For my last lean bulk I added a small amount of good fats for each meal and liked it quite well.

    Revise your diet a bit and I'll take a look!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    oh ok, well, your cals are probably fine where you have them. If you see yourself getting fat, just drop back a little.

    Try to stay between 5-600cals/meal; that should total to a solid 7-8 meals/day.

    I would try and keep protein and carbs relatively close and fats lower. For my last lean bulk I added a small amount of good fats for each meal and liked it quite well.

    Revise your diet a bit and I'll take a look!
    mk i'll try to make some of the changes you were suggesting for sure.....

    goin home this weekend though so i may not be around......i'll get on this when i get back

  24. #24
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    ok nova what the hell....where's ur input? or do you and audis work in a team?

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