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  1. #1
    JJking is offline New Member
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    Critique on my new bulking diet please?

    Meal 1
    Protein porridge 2 Scoops Of Ultimate Whey Protein, 70g of porridge oats

    Meal 2
    7 egg whites 1 whole boiled, salad with vegetables

    Meal 3:
    185g of canned tuna in brine. brown rice 40g

    Meal 4:
    Roast Chicken breast (average 160g) Salad with olive oil (same salad just adding chicken rather than egg)

    Meal 5:
    Grilled Chicken breast (average 160g) and brown pasta 50g

    Mea7: PWO
    2 Scoops optimum Whey Protein 50gs of Dextrose and some Creatine

    Meal 6:
    Beef steak 200g Brown pasta 30 g

    6.5 (when it fits in)
    Another helping of beef with some vegetables.

    Meal 7:
    Casein Protein shake

    Then some days have brown rice rather than pasta and mince/ other meat to keep it interesting.

    Is the diet ok or anything I need to change?
    I have been in to lifting and BJJ/mma for a number of years, but became very ill. So ended up losing around 2 stone of muscle and putting on a stone or so of fat (these aren’t the exact figures but pretty close)

    My stats are now disappointingly

    6ft 2”
    175 lbs
    21 years old
    My goal is to bulk up.
    Last edited by JJking; 09-03-2008 at 06:10 AM. Reason: Updated due to the help of members

  2. #2
    JJking is offline New Member
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    Sep 2008
    O Its about 3800 calories 400g protein 250 carbs im ectomorph shape with a quick metabolism

  3. #3
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJking View Post
    Meal 1
    Protein porridge 2 Scoops Of Ultimate Whey Protein, 70g of porridge oats

    Meal 2
    6 eggs whole boiled, salad with vegetables
    get a few more egg whites and throw out most of the yolks. use about a 1:3 yolk to white ratio
    Meal 3:
    2 Peanut Butter sandwiches
    this meal sucks. get a solid portion of protein (meat), drop the bread and get a better source of carbs such as oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes etc. peanut butter is only good when it's all natural
    Meal 4:
    Roast Chicken breast Salad with salad cream (same salad just adding chicken rather than egg)
    dont know what quantities you are talking about but shoot for about 6-8 oz of chicken. i dont know what "salad cream" is but i assume its just dressing which are usually terrible
    Meal 5:
    Chicken and brown pasta
    how much of each?
    Mea7: PWO
    2 Scoops optimum Whey Protein 50gs of Dextrose and some Creatine

    Meal 6:
    Beef steak 30 g Brown pasta

    6.5 (when it fits in)
    Another helping of beef with just some vegetables

    Meal 7:
    Casein Protein shake throw in some good fats such as nuts, olive oil, or avocados
    Then some days have brown rice rather than pasta and mince/ other meat to keep it interesting.

    Is the diet ok or anything I need to change?
    I have been in to lifting and BJJ/mma for a number of years, but recently became very. So ended up losing around 2 stone of muscle and putting on a stone or so of fat (these aren’t the exact figures but pretty close)

    My stats are now disappointingly

    6ft 2”
    175 lbs
    21 years old
    My goal is to bulk up.
    my personal input is in bold. an "ectomorph with a fast metabolism sounds like an oxymoron. be more specific about the sizes of your portions for more accurate feedback

  4. #4
    JJking is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    my personal input is in bold. an "ectomorph with a fast metabolism sounds like an oxymoron. be more specific about the sizes of your portions for more accurate feedback
    Thanks a lot for your input oneshot I appreciate it.

    Sorry you miss understood what I meant, when I was refering ectomorph part I was talking about bone structure, and I should have made that more specific.

    The reason keeping the yolks were in there was to up the protein levels, is it simply that there is more fats and calories in the yolks or is the white better quality protein?


  5. #5
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJking View Post
    Thanks a lot for your input oneshot I appreciate it.

    Sorry you miss understood what I meant, when I was refering ectomorph part I was talking about bone structure, and I should have made that more specific.

    The reason keeping the yolks were in there was to up the protein levels, is it simply that there is more fats and calories in the yolks or is the white better quality protein?

    You should still be getting your fat from nuts, flax, fish and olive oil rather than peanut butter or egg yolks imho

  6. #6
    oneshot's Avatar
    oneshot is offline Anabolic Member
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    saturated fat is still okay in moderation (only about 30% of your daily fat intake). the egg yolks are all fat and cholesterol and have only a minute amount of protein while the egg white is the best source of protein out there.

  7. #7
    JJking is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help will try to put some more, good fats into the diet. Is there any other changes that could make the diet better? As I have attempted to bulk in the past with far less structure, and as you may have guessed, just got a bit fat!

    What would people say is an acceptable BF% gain, before I should consider lowering the calorie intake? Or is that dependent on my muscle gains?

    Is cheese a good addition to up the protein amount in some of the Protein/Fat meals?

    Appreciate the help

  8. #8
    Norwich Muscles is offline Junior Member
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    You have done your homework and your diet looks good...I would personally have a couple of changes, but that diet will add solid muscle

  9. #9
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJking View Post
    Meal 1
    Protein porridge 2 Scoops Of Ultimate Whey Protein, 70g of porridge oats

    Meal 2
    7 egg whites 1 whole boiled, salad with vegetables

    Meal 3:
    185g of canned tuna in brine. brown rice 40g

    Meal 4:
    Roast Chicken breast (average 160g) Salad with olive oil (same salad just adding chicken rather than egg)

    Meal 5:
    Grilled Chicken breast (average 160g) and brown pasta 50g

    Mea7: PWO
    2 Scoops optimum Whey Protein 50gs of Dextrose and some Creatine

    Meal 6:
    Beef steak 200g Brown pasta 30 g

    6.5 (when it fits in)
    Another helping of beef with some vegetables.

    Meal 7:
    Casein Protein shake

    Then some days have brown rice rather than pasta and mince/ other meat to keep it interesting.

    Is the diet ok or anything I need to change?
    I have been in to lifting and BJJ/mma for a number of years, but became very ill. So ended up losing around 2 stone of muscle and putting on a stone or so of fat (these aren’t the exact figures but pretty close)

    My stats are now disappointingly

    6ft 2”
    175 lbs
    21 years old
    My goal is to bulk up.
    I'm currently on a bulking phase right now as well and I think a ratio of 40/40/20 (protein/carbs/fat) is good for bulking. Everyone is different, so you would need to tweak based on how you feel and what the mirror tells you. I've been dieting now for almost 4 weeks and have put on about 8 lbs. of muscle and 2 lbs. of fat, so even though my BF% has increased, I look leaner due to the increased muscle mass. Thus far, I'm gaining about .1% BF each week, just for reference...

    Your protein is unnecessarily high and your carbs and fat are too low. You definately don't need more than 2g protein per lb. of bodyweight. Increase your carbs to at least 400g and fat to at least 70g. I'd drop protein down to about 350g... Make sure each meal is equally balanced with each macro... The only meals I would manipulate the ratios are your post-workout, cut the fat out because you want digestion to occur faster to spike insulin levels and before bed cut the carbs back to about 35-40 in that meal if you start gaining to much fat.

    Good slow digesting carbs to consider would be: green veggies, sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, squash

    Good fat sources include: avocado, nuts, oils, salad dressing, egg yolk

    Some of these are high in saturated fat like egg yolk and salad dressing, so have them in moderation.
    Good luck!
    Last edited by fit4ever180; 09-28-2008 at 10:49 AM.

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