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Thread: My Diet Help

  1. #1
    JonesBoyy is offline New Member
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    My Diet Help

    with my job and everything i cant actually do a proper diet, no matter how hard i try! ive tried my best, but when im at home i do 6days a week training,with one rest day!

    when i work away i only do 3 days a week training, but i do manual work throughout the work aswell!

    my diet is usually along the lines of this.. , this is a good week!

    my diet usually consists of a shake a day, at 60G protein, then as breakfast a bowl of cereal and green tea. Chicken for lunch, usually a milkshake or drink before lunch to split it up! then about 5, ill have a drink depends, then usually something like steak,chicken,sausages with veg for lunch, inc dessert etc

    im on 5tabs creatine, 8-12 nitrix, and shake

    but i need some more supplements or something like that to help me along alot more, with regards to bulking and getting bigger and everything. i just need something to help me with my diet and bulking and training and my lifestyle!

    thanks all, james

  2. #2
    Voland's Avatar
    Voland is offline Celtiberian Pagan Whoremachine Leader
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    Stats, please.
    No offense man, your diet needs a lot of work, don't take lots of supplements instead work on your diet. Protein shakes and a multivitamin and mineral is really all you need. If you want something more go for Bcaa's and glutamine. But those do little if you diet is not good.

    If you are after bulk, easy diet as a starting point:
    Carbs: sweet potatoes, oats, whole wheat bread, etc
    Protein: turkey, chicken, meat, fish, whey...
    Fat: olive oil, flax, nuts, avocado etc

    Make each of your 6 meals (at least) the following:
    1 source of carb + once source of protein.

    In 3 of them add some of the fats.

    After workout: shake+apple

  3. #3
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Jun 2007
    read this, it should help you formulate a diet plan, then ask questions as you go through and i'll help you out

    Diet Help

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