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Thread: HELP: Working out like crazy not losing any weight!

  1. #1

    HELP: Working out like crazy not losing any weight!

    Okay folks...I'm having some issues dropping bows.

    I'm 25, 230 lbs, 6'1, and I have been working out like crazy for the past month (and majorly changed my diet), but I have not lost even a single pound.

    Workouts as follows:

    I workout mon-fri, 30 minutes HIIT cardio on the elliptical (10 minute warmup, 5 sets of 30 second max and 90 second rest, and 10 minute cool down - total of 30 minutes). I then work out one muscle group per day (i.e. chest monday, back tues, shoulders/arms wed, abs thurs, and legs fri) - for this I do average of 5 different excercises - 3 sets of 6 - as heavy as I can do it. I will generally not be able to finish the last set. I'm not feeling sick when I'm done, but I am certainly drenched...

    I'm probably 25ish% bf right now. I only taking multivitamin, spirulina, wheat grass, fish oil, whey (3 scoops a day), and desiccated liver tabs.

    I feel like I can see some difference in my body (getting a bit tighter), but I really haven't been able to feel much in my clothes, and like I said, the scale is not moving at all.

    I'm taking in 150-200g of protein/day - 4-5 meals a day during the week - no way I am taking in more than 2000 calories on these days - probably less than that. I haven't been able to maintain this eating on the weekends, but my weekend eating has certainly improved from what it was.

    Losing weight has NEVER been a problem for me before - sometimes I have been able to drop 15 pounds in a month - so I am getting a bit discouraged.

    Somebody PLEASE tell me what might be going on! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Given your size, you probably need more calories than that to keep your metabolism going. Also, getting on a serious weight lifting program, there is a good chance that you are building muscle and burning fat. So even though it won't show up on the scale, give it some time and you will be able to tell in the mirror and by the way your clothes fit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I also know a lot of people are big fans of fasted cardio first thing in the morning when you get up. Regardless of how much extra fat you burn as a result of doing it then vs any other time of the day, it does get your day off to a nice start

  4. #4
    I am not an expert at all but it seems to me like you are not eating enough protein and enough food overall.

    I would say to check out the seminar in the post above called "so you want to learn how to diet?" It is a great video seminar that teaches you that you have to eat. I was actually making the same mistake you were by not eating enough. I was getting tighter and losing some weight but not at the rate that I am used to.

    take a look at it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    You should be taking in more like 300g of protein daily.

    5-6 meals of healthy food a day.

    2000 calories isn't nearly enough for someone your size who lifts heavily.

    Post up what you eat on an ordinary day and what time you eat it, and we'll see what we got goin on

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I think the keyword in your entire post is "MONTH"

    Give it some time! Its impressive that you already notice some "tighter"ness. Keep in mind my friend, you are also gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. (people on this board say thats impossible, but if someone burns more calories than they consume while tearing up muscle fibers, your body has no choice but to rebuild those muscles larger than they were previously, even while you are losing fat)

    Do yourself a favor, stop looking at the scale since it tells you nothing about your progress. Let the mirror and your strength gains be your progress indicators, along with some more BF% tests in a few more months. The hardest part will just be sticking with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ppalonghorn View Post
    Okay folks...I'm having some issues dropping bows.

    I'm 25, 230 lbs, 6'1, and I have been working out like crazy for the past month (and majorly changed my diet), but I have not lost even a single pound.

    Workouts as follows:

    I workout mon-fri, 30 minutes HIIT cardio on the elliptical (10 minute warmup, 5 sets of 30 second max and 90 second rest, and 10 minute cool down - total of 30 minutes). I then work out one muscle group per day (i.e. chest monday, back tues, shoulders/arms wed, abs thurs, and legs fri) - for this I do average of 5 different excercises - 3 sets of 6 - as heavy as I can do it. I will generally not be able to finish the last set. I'm not feeling sick when I'm done, but I am certainly drenched...

    I'm probably 25ish% bf right now. I only taking multivitamin, spirulina, wheat grass, fish oil, whey (3 scoops a day), and desiccated liver tabs.

    I feel like I can see some difference in my body (getting a bit tighter), but I really haven't been able to feel much in my clothes, and like I said, the scale is not moving at all.

    I'm taking in 150-200g of protein/day - 4-5 meals a day during the week - no way I am taking in more than 2000 calories on these days - probably less than that. I haven't been able to maintain this eating on the weekends, but my weekend eating has certainly improved from what it was.

    Losing weight has NEVER been a problem for me before - sometimes I have been able to drop 15 pounds in a month - so I am getting a bit discouraged.

    Somebody PLEASE tell me what might be going on! Thanks!
    first off, posting your diet will help us alot, i would bump up your calories though i'm more into the school of thought where i keep my calories almost at maintainence level and use cardio to burn off excess fat

    i would definitely increase protein, aim for at least 50g per meal

    i am also a fan of empty stomach cardio, first thing in the morning, low intensity(HR about 130) for 30-40 minutes.

    give it time though, a month isn't that long, i've been cutting for 6 months now, just taking my time with it to keep as much muscle as possible

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