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  1. #1
    tunedx is offline Junior Member
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    Postworkout Cardio Meal

    What kind of meal should u have after a cardio session.

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunedx View Post
    What kind of meal should u have after a cardio session.
    is the cardio postworkout, empty stomach or just in the day somewhere?

  3. #3
    Scarface69 is offline Associate Member
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    cardio PW I'd have the normal shake with oats and a banana.

    if cardio on empty stomach I'd have real food consisting of egg whites, oats and veggie..

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    what kind of cardio? duration? meal before or no?

  5. #5
    tunedx is offline Junior Member
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    Cardio is between 20-25min fat loss (Is this sufficient time) . Also I consume a meal 1 hour before cardio session this is done on my off days or planning on lifting weights am and doing cardio in the pm.
    Last edited by tunedx; 09-09-2008 at 11:10 AM.

  6. #6
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    i run in the am on an empty stomach and then have a blended shake with oats mixed

  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunedx View Post
    Cardio is between 20-25min fat loss (Is this sufficient time) . Also I consume a meal 1 hour before cardio session this is done on my off days or planning on lifting weights am and doing cardio in the pm.
    so between 60-65% of your MHR.

    you should wait about 2 hours after your previous meal to do that cardio if it isn't PWO. the duration can be anywhere from 45-90mins realistically. but i stick to the 45-60 min range. afterwards, just have any normal meal. so meal 1 from whatever diet you are using. no need for PWO shake or whatever.

    if your cardio is done PWO, i would stick to 55-60% of your MHR for no longer than 30mins. your body is primed to lose a lil fat... and starve off a little muscle. so get your PWO shake/nutrition in asap after that cardio.

    now if cardio is intervals, then treat that like a workout. eat beforehand (as close as you can and still workout comfortably) and then have whatever PWO offering or meal you would like afterwards.

    i'm going to link up an old cardio thread. now the information is AMAZING. it is long, but i swear if you read it you will have a whole hell of a lot of information about cardio.

    Cardio on an empty stomach???

  8. #8
    Rugger02's Avatar
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    That was a hell of a thread. Just read the WHOLE thing, awesome info all over in it. Even if it did have a little bitch session in the middle LOL

  9. #9
    tunedx is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    so between 60-65% of your MHR.

    you should wait about 2 hours after your previous meal to do that cardio if it isn't PWO. the duration can be anywhere from 45-90mins realistically. but i stick to the 45-60 min range. afterwards, just have any normal meal. so meal 1 from whatever diet you are using. no need for PWO shake or whatever.

    if your cardio is done PWO, i would stick to 55-60% of your MHR for no longer than 30mins. your body is primed to lose a lil fat... and starve off a little muscle. so get your PWO shake/nutrition in asap after that cardio.

    now if cardio is intervals, then treat that like a workout. eat beforehand (as close as you can and still workout comfortably) and then have whatever PWO offering or meal you would like afterwards.

    i'm going to link up an old cardio thread. now the information is AMAZING. it is long, but i swear if you read it you will have a whole hell of a lot of information about cardio.

    Cardio on an empty stomach???
    Thanks for the knowledge dude. Also whats better for fat loss interval training or brisk walk. I always have trouble with machines showing me my target heart rate 123 for fat loss it just doesn't want to display on the screen.
    Last edited by tunedx; 09-11-2008 at 04:13 PM.

  10. #10
    tunedx is offline Junior Member
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    I know that breakfast and pwo meal should be two largest meals of the day. How does this apply to performing cardio on a empty stomach. PWO meal after cardio is the largest meal and what and when do u consider your breakfast meal.

  11. #11
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunedx View Post
    I know that breakfast and pwo meal should be two largest meals of the day. How does this apply to performing cardio on a empty stomach. PWO meal after cardio is the largest meal and what and when do u consider your breakfast meal.
    you want all your meals to be similar as possible, size wise. Around the same calories, protein, carbs..etc.

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunedx View Post
    Thanks for the knowledge dude. Also whats better for fat loss interval training or brisk walk. I always have trouble with machines showing me my target heart rate 123 for fat loss it just doesn't want to display on the screen.
    don't worry about what the machine says. find a reasonable rate in which you can breathe through your nose the entire time. or do it the old fashioned way. check your pulse with a couple fingers and your wrist and neck.

    as for whats better... we could discuss this FOREVER. but interval training will burn more fat and more calories from fat. but this is done during and post exercise and shouldn't be done on an empty stomach as im guessing your "brisk walk" is. so i would encourage you to do both. morning cardio is fine and works for many including myself. but maybe a couple says a week or maybe the weekends, throw in a couple sprint routines just to have both in your arsenal.

    Quote Originally Posted by tunedx View Post
    I know that breakfast and pwo meal should be two largest meals of the day. How does this apply to performing cardio on a empty stomach. PWO meal after cardio is the largest meal and what and when do u consider your breakfast meal.
    Adam gave you good advice, you want them all the same. now if you want to have more carbs in the morning, that's ok. but it all depends on how you set your meals up. i know i just have about 45-55g in every meal throughout my day.

    if you are doing interval training you should have somewhere around 20g protein and 20g carbs before. and just have a normal meal (whatever that is to you) after it. no need for a training-like PWO.

    if you are doing long-duration cardio, like morning cardio, you can do that on an empty stomach and just have that normal meal afterward. if you choose to do this late rin the day i usually wait 2 hours after my previous meal, and again, eat my next meal afterward.

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