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Hello members,
This is my first post and definately not my last.
I am a 31 year old male ..5"10 and i weigh 255 pounds and i have been training for maybe 15 years...i am out of shape...maybe 28% BF.
In the last few months due to a tragic death in my family i have put on 30 pounds ..and even at 220 i was still out of shape.
History...been on Winstoll,Omnidron,Deca...in my teen years.
Lowest weight i got to was 208 at 16% BF...
Need some guidance from some professionals.
I started Clen yesterday and am on day 2.
This what i am eating on a regular basis.
Morning-6 egg whites,Protein shake water(salsa on eggs)
Break-Protein water
Lunch-2 chicken breasts with bowl full of raw veggies
break-protein water or a handfull of nuts
Dinner-1 chicken breast,mixed salad
Work out-8 pm...cardio 30 minutes..30 minute weights..3 sets reps of 20's and 3-4 excercises
30 min cardio
Protein and water
Can someone just give me tips?I am trying to downsize....i have very wide shoulders but upper chest and stomach has a lot of excess fat.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.
God Bless.