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Thread: Looking for some help for a newbie(nutrition)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Looking for some help for a newbie(nutrition)

    Hello members,

    This is my first post and definately not my last.

    I am a 31 year old male ..5"10 and i weigh 255 pounds and i have been training for maybe 15 years...i am out of shape...maybe 28% BF.

    In the last few months due to a tragic death in my family i have put on 30 pounds ..and even at 220 i was still out of shape.

    History...been on Winstoll,Omnidron, my teen years.

    Lowest weight i got to was 208 at 16% BF...

    Need some guidance from some professionals.

    I started Clen yesterday and am on day 2.

    This what i am eating on a regular basis.

    Morning-6 egg whites,Protein shake water(salsa on eggs)
    Break-Protein water
    Lunch-2 chicken breasts with bowl full of raw veggies
    break-protein water or a handfull of nuts
    Dinner-1 chicken breast,mixed salad

    Work out-8 pm...cardio 30 minutes..30 minute weights..3 sets reps of 20's and 3-4 excercises

    30 min cardio

    Protein and water


    Can someone just give me tips?I am trying to downsize....i have very wide shoulders but upper chest and stomach has a lot of excess fat.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.

    God Bless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Manny735 View Post
    Hello members,

    This is my first post and definately not my last.

    I am a 31 year old male ..5"10 and i weigh 255 pounds and i have been training for maybe 15 years...i am out of shape...maybe 28% BF.

    In the last few months due to a tragic death in my family i have put on 30 pounds ..and even at 220 i was still out of shape.

    History...been on Winstoll,Omnidron, my teen years.

    Lowest weight i got to was 208 at 16% BF...

    Need some guidance from some professionals.

    I started Clen yesterday and am on day 2.

    This what i am eating on a regular basis.

    Morning-6 egg whites,Protein shake water(salsa on eggs)
    Break-Protein water
    Lunch-2 chicken breasts with bowl full of raw veggies
    break-protein water or a handfull of nuts
    Dinner-1 chicken breast,mixed salad

    Work out-8 pm...cardio 30 minutes..30 minute weights..3 sets reps of 20's and 3-4 excercises

    30 min cardio

    Protein and water


    Can someone just give me tips?I am trying to downsize....i have very wide shoulders but upper chest and stomach has a lot of excess fat.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.

    God Bless.
    Sorry to hear about your loss and welecome to AR.

    Looks like you need a little more carbs in your diet as well as some more fats as the only fat i see is in your nuts (LOL Don't take that the wrong way)

    I would substitute your morning protein shake with a sweet potato, brown rice, or my personal favorite Quaker Oats. (The reason is your body can only ascimilate about 55g. or so of protein per meal. the rest is wasted. And the morning is a good place for some quality complex carbs)

    Make sure that within 15 minutes of lifting you're getting about 50g of protein from whey and double that in carbs. VERY IMPORTANT.

    Since whey protein digests fairly fast I would switch to some FF Cottage cheese, and some flax or fish oil in your last meal (The reason the casein in cottage cheese digests slower while you're sleeping keeping your metabolism up.

    You should be getting about 300g of protein daily, but don't forget about your good carbs and essential fatty acids. (you may need to squeeze another meal in to accomplish this)
    If you can, post up your total calories, protein, fats and carbs for a more exact critique.

    Best of luck bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    ^55g of protein per meal? Post the study showing your claim. Oh, nevermind, you wont find it. Otherwise, your advice is pretty good

    Hey bro, forget the clen. Thats not a good tool for you right now. Lock up a good clean, whole foods and eat when youre hungry. Make sure you eat complete meals (carbs, EFAs = fats, and protein). Eat portions of ea. macro that are the size of your fist. You'll lose plenty of fat, add lean muscle, and feel good.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Not to say that these are scientific fact, but I've read many articles that agree that if you eat very much over 50g it's a waste.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    Not to say that these are scientific fact, but I've read many articles that agree that if you eat very much over 50g it's a waste.
    Well...these are far from scientific or medical studies but more of a internet-published opinion. Its simply not true. However, you are right in the fact that 50ish grams is about perfect for the average.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Good to know. It also just seemed to me that you need such and such amounts of protein daily, but you also need it in most if not all of your meals, including PWO. It seems silly to have, say, 100g of protein on one meal and nothing but carbs the next meal. I like to spread my nutrients out where they're needed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    Good to know. It also just seemed to me that you need such and such amounts of protein daily, but you also need it in most if not all of your meals, including PWO. It seems silly to have, say, 100g of protein on one meal and nothing but carbs the next meal. I like to spread my nutrients out where they're needed.
    Hmmm. I dont believe in breaking up meals into individual macros. EFAs, Proteins, and Carbs are to be eaten together with every meal. They create digestion synergy. This is why people call these meals "complete" meals. The EFAs slow down the digestion of fruit carbs (hence one reason you dont eat taters or oats) but still provide you with the sugars you need to grow muscle. The protien is also digested slower with EFAs and your body can feed itself for a longer period of time before it needs nutrition again. When you eat incomplete meals, your body will signal that your hungry (if you know your body well) however, you might feed it with the wrong macros and therefor you have to risk gaining fat instead of getting leaner. Also, you dont want your body to treat one macro for another.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Good info Johny, I hope we didn't Hijack too bad Manny LOL good stuff tho either way.

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