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  1. #1
    fit4ever180's Avatar
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    Enough Calories?

    I am currently in my second week of a test, tren , deca cycle and am taking in around 4,000 calories a day give or take a few hundred. I weighed myself at day 7 and had dropped a pound, so I'm not sure I'm eating enough. At the time I was only taking in around 3,400 calories a day. Each meal is spaced 2.5-3 hours apart.

    My stats:
    Age: 23
    Weight: 181
    Starting BF%: 8%
    Height: 5'11''

    Does anyone have an opinion on how many I should be taking in and/or the macro breakdown? I'm thinking I need to up my carb and fat intake a bit more to get a ratio closer to 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!

    My diet breakdown is something similar to this each day:

    Meal 1

    2 whole eggs- 152 calories, 12g protein, 10g fat
    3 servings Egg White Substitute- 90 calories, 18g protein
    270g Broccoli- 93 calories, 9g protein, 18g carbs
    80g (1 cup) Oatmeal- 300 calories, 10g protein, 54g carbs, 6g fat

    Total- 637 calories, 49g protein, 72g carbs, 16g fat

    Meal 2

    2 cups Plain Fat Free Yogurt- 240 calories, 24g protein, 36g carbs
    32g Power Butter- 182 calories, 12g protein, 6g carbs, 9.5g fat
    1 banana- 105 calories, 27g carbs
    3/4 scoop protein powder- 75 calories, 15g protein, 3g carbs, 1g fat

    Total- 602 calories, 51g protein, 72g carbs, 10.5g fat

    Meal 3

    6 oz. Cajun Turkey- 150 calories, 36g protein, 3g carbs, 1.5g fat
    Low Carb Tortilla- 70 calories, 7g protein, 17g carbs, 1.5g fat
    1/2 serving Blue Cheese Dressing- 80 calories, 1g carb, 9g fat
    200g Yam- 232 calories, 54g carbs
    68g Ground Turkey- 55 calories, 13g protein, .75g fat

    Total- 587 calories, 55g protein, 75g carbs, 12.75g fat

    Meal 4 (1 hour Before Workout)

    28g Milled Flax Seed- 140 calories, 10g protein, 10g carbs, 14g fat
    200g Yam- 232 calories, 54g carbs
    198g Ground Turkey- 165 calories, 39g protein, 1.5g fat

    Total- 537 calories, 49g protein, 64g carbs, 15.5 fat

    Meal 5 (Immediately Post-Workout)

    Creatine- 310 calories, 75g carbs (dextrose)
    2 1/2 scoops protein powder mix (whey, soy, casein)- 275 calories, 50g protein, 9g carbs, 4g fat

    Total- 585 calories, 50g protein, 84g carbs, 4g fat

    Meal 6 (45-60 min. after Post-Workout)

    4 oz. Beef Jerky- 320 calories, 44g protein, 28g carbs, 2g fat
    1 cup White Rice- 200 calories, 41g carbs, 1 g fat

    Total- 520 calories, 44g protein, 69g carbs, 3g fat

    Meal 7 (Before Bed)

    1 1/2 cup(339g) Fat Free Cottage Cheese- 240 calories, 39g protein, 15g carbs
    1 scoop 24 Hour Protein Powder- 150 calories, 20g protein, 3g carbs, 5g fat

    Total- 390 calories, 59g protein, 18g carbs, 5g fat

    Daily Total- 3,908 calories, 357g protein, 454g carbs, 66.75g fat
    Last edited by fit4ever180; 09-11-2008 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    you should gain with those numbers. keep it up. are you progressing in your lifts?

  3. #3
    fit4ever180's Avatar
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    First off thanks for taking the time to reply and help me out!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!

    Yeah, I have seen an increase in all my lifts this week so far, but up to the point of starting my cycle, I had been on a carb depleted diet to get my BF% down, so I'm not sure if it's simply the major carb increase that's given me the additional strength and energy. I also started creatine when I started the cylce as well just compliment one another.

    I think the cycle may be starting to take effect because I look like I'm retaining some water and I felt bloated on my 6th, 7th, and 8th days, but that feeling has subsided for the most part now. I have felt really energized for the most part as well, even though I haven't been able to sleep much at night (insomnia). Not sure if this is a side effect or not, but I've had problems sleeping for a long time, so probably not.

    Here are a few of the lifts, weights, and reps from my first week to this week. Tell me what you think...

    Incline Dumbell Bench- Week 1 Week 2
    Set 1 65lbs. x 15 reps Set 1 65lbs. x 15 reps
    Set 2 75lbs. x 12 reps Set 2 75lbs. x 12 reps
    Set 3 85lbs. x 10 reps Set 3 85lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 4 95lbs. x 9 reps Set 4 95lbs. x 9 reps
    Set 5 100lbs. x 6 reps

    Incline Dumbell Flyes-
    Set 1 50lbs. x 10 reps Set 1 50lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 1 60lbs. x 10 reps Set 1 60lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 1 70lbs. x 9 reps Set 1 70lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 1 80lbs. x 6 reps Set 1 80lbs. x 8 reps
    Set 1 80lbs. x 6 reps

    Lat Pulldown-
    Set 1 170lbs.x 12 reps Set 1 170lbs. x 12 reps
    Set 2 190lbs. x 10 reps Set 2 200lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 3 210lbs. x 10 reps Set 3 220lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 4 230lbs. x 8 reps Set 4 250lbs. x 7 reps

    Barbell Squats-
    Set 1 135lbs. x 20 reps Set 1 135lbs. x 20 reps
    Set 2 225lbs. x 15 reps Set 2 225lbs. x 15 reps
    Set 3 315lbs. x 8 reps Set 3 315lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 4 315lbs. x 5 reps Set 4 335lbs. x 5 reps

    Dumbell Shoulder Press-
    Set 1 60lbs. x 10 reps Set 1 65lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 2 70lbs. x 10 reps Set 2 75lbs. x 10 reps
    Set 3 80lbs. x 8 reps Set 3 85lbs. x 8 reps
    Set 4 80lbs. x 5 reps Set 4 85lbs. x 5 reps
    Last edited by fit4ever180; 09-12-2008 at 04:18 PM.

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    that's tren for ya.

    and yes you are feeling powerful because of the carbs. that's why you should always be consuming them. keep it up.

  5. #5
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    I haven't actually started the tren or deca yet, so I've been on test. So far I've been doing 200mg of cypionate and 250mg of enanthate a week. Would have been doing 500mg of enanthate, but there was a mix up with the distributor, but since the esters are so similar in absorption and chemical make-up, I thought it would be alright to use them concurrently.

    Also I didn't mention this, but it's my first cycle and I've been doing alot of reading and quite a few others say that you should keep your first cycle real basic and many specifically say to avoid tren. What's your opinion? Should I stick with just test, run a test and deca, or run all three. I'll be starting up proviron soon too and winny towards the last few weeks of the cycle, unless some of you more experienced individuals advise against it.

    Thanks again nova!

  6. #6
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    i don't really deal with AAS related questions. But IMO, i would keep it basic and see how you react to your first cycle. i would then lean up and you could do a heavier cycle after you hit a leaner state. that will prime you to make some great gains and you will be more experienced with a cycle, and a cycle diet.

  7. #7
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    Sounds good... That's been almost a unanimous response by others I've asked in the forum as well. I'm going to run test only for 12 weeks and save the rest for another cycle or two.

    Getting leaned up is no problem. I've done a lot of experimenting with various diets and I can get lean without losing muscle mass fairly easily now. I got that figured out before I thought about doing a cycle because I knew I'd have to cut once I was off anyway.

    Thanks again nova!

  8. #8
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    good luck bro

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