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  1. #1
    matty50 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008

    late night workouts, do I eat after?

    I'm having problems figuring this out on my own.

    age: 26
    Height 5'10''
    weight 205lbs
    bf about 15%
    Current Goal: Lose fat, trying to cut up and I don't mind losing some muscle along the way if I can burn extra fat. I'm probably going to start juicing around mid February to prep for the summer anyway.

    So my normal day is:
    wake up around 6am run 1 mile around my neighborhood before work.
    Work till 5pm, eat a light dinner at around 5:30.
    6:30-7:00 go to the gym, I usually lift for about 45 minutes then I do 30-50 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine.

    I'm usually home between 8:30 and 9:00pm. and I go to bed around 10:30
    I know eating before bed is a no no when you're trying to lose fat.
    So my question is, do I skip my post workout meal? Do I scale it back since I usually go to bed soon after I get home? Do I eat a normal post workout meal an hour before I go to sleep?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    Forget what you've heard.

    Normal post-training protocol should be followed. I would leave an 1-1.5 hour "cushion" between your last meal and the time you go to bed, as some people may have trouble properly digesting whole food sources IMMEDIATELY prior to sleep- I can't tell you if you fall into this category.

    Blunting cortisol after an intense training session is absolutely necessary (blunting it right before you go to bed is an added bonus). Also, most people will sleep better (the importance of good, restful sleep is too often overlooked) after ingesting carbohydrates prior to bed.

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.

  4. #4
    Voland's Avatar
    Voland is offline Celtiberian Pagan Whoremachine Leader
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    Aug 2008
    Eat your regular PWO meal.

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