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  1. #1
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Time to get True! Diet help!

    Ok, I been around for abit now and I have notice that alot of people hate my post, cause they are alway old question that I can look up on the site.

    Anyways I am here today to let you know my age and weight and my diet to the best I could get it down to.

    I am 5'9, 185LB, Male BF% 13-14%

    Arm size 15.5in
    Waist 33in
    chest 42in
    thigh - 23in

    I am pretty tight everywhere, but my chest and gut, the back has that lower fat . other then that everything is fare.

    Well here is my diet:PRO/CARB/FAT/CAL/FIBRE

    Meal 1 Oatmeal 2/3cups/with flax - 11/44/8.5/300/10
    Shake 1 cup(water) - 25-30/8/0/140/2

    WORKOUT: 40min weight lift (high reps, 4sets)
    45min Cardio (5days a week)(2 days light bike and abs pumps)

    Meal 2 After workout
    Can Tuna/Can Veggie fryed - 29/18/2/210/6

    Meal 3 Campbells Veggie Beef
    with whole grain rice - 18/84/3/440/8

    Meal 4 1 cup cottage cheese - 28/14/2/200/2

    Meal 5 2/3 oatmeal(with flax) - 11/44/8.5/300/10

    Meal 6 Chicken/Tuna/Fish - I am sure these are all around the same as
    Tuna and that. 26/0/2/120/0
    *Salad and veggie*

    Before Bed Cottage cheese - 14/7/1/110/1

    Total : Pro - 157-165
    Carb - 219
    Fats - 25g
    Cals - 1800
    Fibre - 51

    Now I know my protein is low, and my carbs are high, the carbs can stay around that I think with the Fibre I am intaking.

    But this is why I am here to get this worked out.

    Product taking : Fish Oil, Clen 2wks on and off, T4 5wks and then 4 wks off

    MY Plans are too lose fat, and stay lean and keep my mass

    THANKS I hope I did this all right this time!

  2. #2
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Bump! Or no Bump!

  3. #3
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    ok IMO u need about 2000-2200 cals more fat and protein do pro 190-200 and u need more fat id go 40/40/20 and do cardio 45 mins a day 65-70% MHR

  4. #4
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Well with the food that I have, in my diet , Will this work if I upgraded meals. or maybe add a shake in there.

  5. #5
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    no shake just get 30 grams of pro each meal except post WO u can have up 50grams of fast digesting protein and have 30 to 35 grams of carbs each meal and u should again post WO u can have more carbs as well

  6. #6
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    imo you're not eating enough if you don't want to lose muscle mass along with the fat. Here is a good a link to nutrition calculator that I think works well:

    I'd take the caloric number it gives you and knock off about 200-300 calories and shoot for that in day. I'd also break my calories so that total results in ratio similar to this: 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20%fat. It's worked well for me. Also try to avoid shakes other than post-workout. Whole foods provide different amino acid combinations and also give you a longer lasting feeling of satiation.

  7. #7
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit4ever180 View Post
    imo you're not eating enough if you don't want to lose muscle mass along with the fat. Here is a good a link to nutrition calculator that I think works well:

    I'd take the caloric number it gives you and knock off about 200-300 calories and shoot for that in day. I'd also break my calories so that total results in ratio similar to this: 45% protein, 35% carbs, and 20%fat. It's worked well for me. Also try to avoid shakes other than post-workout. Whole foods provide different amino acid combinations and also give you a longer lasting feeling of satiation.
    Hey do you use the Active Trainer?

    Or do you make your own type of planner.

  8. #8
    fit4ever180's Avatar
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    I've only used it for that specific fitness calculator. I personally have tried several similar caluclators like that just to get kind of an average, then I make that basis for what I want. I'll try it out and tweak as I need too. So, I'd say that I make my own planner more than anything because I beleieve you should go by how you feel. These caluclators are more just for a ballpark guesstimate. Everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently to the stressors of fitness and diet. I don't personally write anything down. I make all my meals the day before I need them and have them all put together so I know I'm getting enough of all the nutrients I need.

    As far as workouts, I pretty much am planning my next workout as soon I finish the one I'm doing. I think about it alot until my next trip to the gym and by that time, it's burned into my mind what I'm planning, how I'm going to do it, and how good it'll feel once I'm done.

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