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  1. #1
    Jiraiya is offline New Member
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    Why am I so heavy?

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I assumed that the people here would be the most knowledgeable about body composition. I considered posting in the MMA/Boxing section since it pertains to that arena as well, but it seems most posters there want to discuss Kimbo's next match.

    All through high school and to this day, I have been extremely heavy for my height. This was advantageous in football but not so much so in wrestling. Now that I am competing(recreationally) in boxing and MMA, its becomiming even less of an advantage and is down-right riduculous at times. I am 5,4" and weigh 172lbs. I am lean at 12% bodyfat and can easily see the top 4 ab muscles. When I am at my leanest at 10% I still weigh in at 165lbs. My waist is 30" Chest is 44" and my biceps flexed is 15". When I look at body comp charts listing averae height to weight ratios, I always get dumped into the obese crowd. When I compete in MMA and boxing I am always having to go against guys that are 5'10" to 6'2" which is normally a great disadvantage. The thing is many of these same guys are just as built, and if you follow MMA, I would be fighting in a weight class against guys like St. Pierre and Hughs and I am thinking, "Hell No!"

    I am built but not overly muscular and looking at my bone structure, I would say I am small frame and not "large boned". The only thing I can think of is that I must have very heavy dense bones. I cant believe that, it would put me that much off the charts, but that is the only thing I can think of. Another thing that makes me think this is that I have never broken a bone, although I have sprained many ligaments. Have you guys met other people who are this heavy? Any way to lighten up? Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Jiraiya is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply. I agree its from genetics, but what genetic component causes this. Is it some over zealous camel gene that stores water/fat internally somewhere? Is it a thick skull(often cited) or is it just odd. I have been around athletes that could almost be my twin and they compete at 143 to 155 lbs max. Throughout my life being around athletes I have never met anyone with this problem. The only other person who has the same problem is my younger brother who is 5,10" built like a bulldozer and weighs 257lbs at 18% bodyfat. He is a complete different body type being big boned and more thickly muscled though. Maybe I should get some kind of x-ray or scan to determine true body composition/density if such things exist.

  4. #4
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