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Thread: Diet Critique

  1. #1
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Diet Critique

    I'm coming back from an injury where I had to take a few
    months off from heavy lifting. In that time I have gone from
    193@14% to 172@12%. I am really tempted to start a
    cycle.........tomorrow...Anyway, I'm posting the revised
    diet that I'm trying to follow since starting school, its
    quite a task to get the meals in with all of the classes and
    obligations that I have. Right now, the diet has way too
    many calories from fat. That being said, I'm not very
    creative in the kitchen so I need help in that area as well
    as getting more kcals in my bedtime meal.

    Wt:172 @ 12% (caliper)
    Training: 3 yrs
    Cycle: ASAP

    Meal 1:
    1 cup egg whites
    2 whole eggs (scrambled)
    1 cup Oatmeal
    1 slice stone ground whole wheat bread

    Cals 640 Pro 46g/Carb 47g/Fat 30g

    Between Classes:
    Big 100 Met** bar

    Cals-410 Pro 32g/Carb 43g/Fat 13g

    Meal 2:
    1 PB&J Sandwich
    16fl.oz. Milk

    Cals 579 Pro 27g/Carb 65g/Fat 25g

    Meal 3: PreWO
    1 boneless skinles chk breast
    1 cup brown rice

    Cals-679 Pro 63g/Carb 46g/Fat 25g

    Meal 4:PWO
    1 can tunafish
    1tbsp Mayo
    2 slices whole wheat
    1 can soda

    Cals-725 Pro 53g/Carb 30g/ fat 27g

    Meal 5: PPWO
    1 boneless skinles chk breast
    1 baked potato
    1tbsp sour cream
    1tbsp butter

    Cals-829 Pro 65g/Carb 46g/Fat 43g

    Meal 6: I need ideas for before bedtime...
    Optimum Whey Shake

    Cals-120 Pro 24g/Carb 3g/Fat 1g

    TOTALS: 3,735 calories/day

    Protein 282grams/Carbs 314grams/Fats 150grams

    Protein: 1,167 calories (282 grams)
    Carbs: 1,256 calories (314 grams)
    Fats: 1,330 (150 grams)

  2. #2
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Looks decent. From a nutritional standpoint, I'd replace the Soda with some Bee Pollen, or another natural thermogenic like tea or coffee; it's a healthier choice and avoids the HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) that's found in most soft drinks.

    Personally I'd do a shake immediately PWO (within 45 minutes is your window of opportunity) but I try for 15 minutes or so. I add Whey and some Fruit to spike the insulin . Whey proteins will be broken down and absorbed quicker than Tuna.

    Then 1.5 hours to 2 hours after the shake, the PPWO meal packed with carbs.

    I'd also recommend a Casein shake before bed, the milk protein will be slow digesting and is beneficial to absorb while you sleep.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    Looks decent. From a nutritional standpoint, I'd replace the Soda with some Bee Pollen, or another natural thermogenic like tea or coffee; it's a healthier choice and avoids the HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) that's found in most soft drinks.

    Personally I'd do a shake immediately PWO (within 45 minutes is your window of opportunity) but I try for 15 minutes or so. I add Whey and some Fruit to spike the insulin . Whey proteins will be broken down and absorbed quicker than Tuna.

    Then 1.5 hours to 2 hours after the shake, the PPWO meal packed with carbs.

    I'd also recommend a Casein shake before bed, the milk protein will be slow digesting and is beneficial to absorb while you sleep.

    Hope this helps.
    Solid advice...Thanks brotha..I should have mentioned I do take a shake PWO but I didnt include it in the calculations because I want to rely on real food as much as possible. I will be taking a CytoGainer shake post work out...

  4. #4
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What are your goals for this diet bro?

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    What are your goals for this diet bro?
    I'd like to first get back to where I was obviously, and my ultimate goal is to break 200 lbs.

  6. #6
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I think the fat kcal's are a little high IMO, I would suggest getting a few more EFA's if possible.

  7. #7
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    Looks decent. From a nutritional standpoint, I'd replace the Soda with some Bee Pollen, or another natural thermogenic like tea or coffee; it's a healthier choice and avoids the HFCS (High-Fructose Corn Syrup) that's found in most soft drinks.
    Im not familiar with bee pollen drink?

    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    Personally I'd do a shake immediately PWO (within 45 minutes is your window of opportunity) but I try for 15 minutes or so. I add Whey and some Fruit to spike the insulin.
    Is there proof that spiking your insulin is more beneficial in absorbing nutrients? I thought I was reading on here that its best to keep your blood levels stable all day. I personally eat normal all day long and dont bother with shakes. I see no drawbacks to it.

  8. #8
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Queen Bee's only eat Bee Pollen. It gives huge sources of energy when consumed by humans. I would recommend you take a trip to your local health food store, or check it out online! You won't be disappointed! I take it throughout the day, and especially Pre-workout to get a boost.

    I was referring to the benefits of consuming a shake post workout especially. I take Whey Protein with milk, fruits, and oats. Whey is good when consumed post workout because your muscle's need protein fast and whey gives it to them fast, since it is digested in about 30 minutes.

    After working your muscles, you need an adequate fuel supply for ATP synthesis to take place, and replenish the glycogen degradation (caused by adrenaline increase from the workout). When muscle activity ceases, adrenaline secretion is switched off.

    A high circulating glucose concentration is present after a meal. Carbohydrate is digested and the glucose absorbed into the blood stream. Insulin is secreted in response.

    Insulin stimulates uptake of glucose into both muscle and liver... as well as increased glycogen synthesis in both muscle and liver.

    So basically, you want to eat something that will spike your insulin a good amount post workout to achieve the best gains. There's a window of opportunity for this, and it's usually 45 minutes I believe. Personally, I try for 15 minutes, as stated previously.

    Medium spike:
    Ground Oats, Bagels, Rice Cakes, Milk, Dates

    Intense Spike:
    Maltodextrin, Gatorade, Dextrose, and apparently Waxy Maize Starch
    Last edited by sizerp; 09-30-2008 at 06:57 AM.

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
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    you won't get a large spike from food alone. plus too much of anything negates the opposite. especially in regard to hormones. keep the insulin levels steady throughout your day and that is a much greater benefit to just an occasional spike PWO. plus too much insulin can effect GH release. which does occur PWO as well.

    to achieve a "large spike" you would need in be using slin exogenously, and then GH concurrently.

  10. #10
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    I know that GH, and IGF-I play important roles in relation to protein, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism... I just don't understand the exact physiology between GH and insulin . GH is often said to have anti-insulin activity, and yet the administration of GH also stimulates insulin-secretion.

    Will causing your insulin to spike PWO cause Hyperglycemia, or Hyperinsulinemia eventually? Is it okay to eat various fruits throughout the day?

    Personally I eat fruit for breakfast, and after my workout in a shake, along with complex carbs (usually oats). Is this okay?

    Any info is greatly appreciated. Sorry for changing the subject of this thread.

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