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  1. #1
    golfs321 is offline New Member
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    Need Cutting Help!

    Hey guys I am new to the Forum, I am about to start a cycle of clen to help me cut but I do not have my diet down and ready yet.

    I am 21, 6'3", 230lbs, and about 20% body fat

    I have dieted before with moderate success but I am trying to be extremely efficient with this one.

    Can anyone help me with this, I want to be around 195-200lbs and around 12-15% body fat in about a 1.5 months or ASAP healthily.

    What calorie intake should I be looking at per day and # of meals

    I will eat pretty much anything and currently take 2 servings of musclemilk a day along with l-glutamine, and animal pack multis.

    ANY help would be awesome!!!

  2. #2
    golfs321 is offline New Member
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    correction: i meant to say 2 months

  3. #3
    swol_je's Avatar
    swol_je is offline Senior Member
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    separate fat and carbs in your meals, unless there healthy fats. eat every 3 hours, little meals. No carbs for your last meal and dont eat within 3 hours of going to bed. only complex carbs. NO sugar, No white bread of any kind. Read the labels of the food you eat. If it says enriched flour before it says wheat bread, it is WHITE BREAD, which is a no-no.

  4. #4
    swol_je's Avatar
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    Cardio Cardio and more Cardio. first thing in the morning on an empty stomach low intensity. or right after your workout. atleast 5 days a week

  5. #5
    golfs321 is offline New Member
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    does anyone have a sample diet for me to look at and maybe tweak to my needs? It would be a big help if i had something to look at as a base to get myself started.

    and thanks for the input Je

  6. #6
    fit4ever180's Avatar
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    Alright, I calculated your BMR for you using the link above at 3924 calories. At a moderate level of physical activity, this is how many calories you'd need per day to maintain your current state. I like to use a ratio of 45/35/20 (protein,carbs,fat) for cutting although I switch the protein and carbs ratios sometimes depending on how I feel.

    Your carbs should come from slow digesting sources (yams, green veggies, sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta) and you'll likely need somwhere around 90g fat (good fat sources are egg yolk, avocado, nuts, organic peanut butter, fish oil, virgin olive oil, salad dressing, etc). I only reduce carbs in my before bedtime meal. Generally it will still have about 35g coming from cottage cheese and green veggies.

    Here is an example of a very, very low calorie diet I tried a long time ago. DO NOT follow the amounts listed here. You'll need alot more of all the macros than this, but it will give you an idea of good choices. I'd also recommend 7-8 meals instead of 6. All meals should be broken down evenly and consist of roughly the same macro breakdown. Keep calories constant even on non training days, but carbs can be reduced if necessary.

    Post up a sample diet for critique once you think you've got one ready...

    Good Luck

    Meal 1 Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    1 whole egg 6g 5g 0g 76
    6 egg whites 18g 0g 0g 102
    180g broccoli 6g 0g 12g 62
    oatmeal 1/2 cup 4g 2.5g 27g 150
    TOTAL 44 7.5 39 390

    Meal 2 Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    1 1/2 cup plain 12g 0g 27g 180
    fat free yogurt
    7 inch banana 1g 0g 27g 105
    1 1/2 scoop 30g 3g 6g 180
    protein powder
    TOTAL 43 3 60 465

    Meal 3 Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    Green Apple 0g 0g 25g 95
    Asparagus 180g 4g 0g 8g 40
    Cajun Turkey 10 oz. 65g 4.5g 5g 250
    TOTAL 69 4.5 38 385

    Meal 4 (Pre-workout) Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    Grapefruit 0g 0g 20g 78
    2 Kipper Snacks 26g 16g 0g 260
    Broccoli 180g 6g 0g 12g 62
    TOTAL 32 16 32 400

    Meal 5 (Post-workout) Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    1 scoop whey powder 20g 1.5g 3g 110
    1 scoop casein powder 24g 1g 4g 120
    1 tbsp. honey 0g 0g 17g 60
    1 plain white bagel 7g 2g 43g 210
    TOTAL 51 4.5 67 500

    Meal 6 (Before Bed) Protein Fat Carbs Calories

    1 scoop casein powder 24g 1g 4g 120
    1 cup fat free cottage 26g 0g 10g 140
    TOTAL 50 1 14 260

    DAILY TOTALS 289 36.5 250 2400

  7. #7
    golfs321 is offline New Member
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    thanks alot i appreciate the help, and i will post a diet once I work on it tonight. Is there a website or something that gives you the macros for specific foods?

  8. #8
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    I personally use

    They have the facts for a ton of foods and multiple forms of them as well as an amino breakdown, amount of satiation, etc.

  9. #9
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by golfs321 View Post
    thanks alot i appreciate the help, and i will post a diet once I work on it tonight. Is there a website or something that gives you the macros for specific foods?
    depending on what you're using. and the majority of what has been given to you, should be included on the package the food comes in. for whole foods that are not packagaed. you can use or

    also, why start a clen cycle without knowing if a diet plan works for you??

  10. #10
    golfs321 is offline New Member
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    I havent started the clen yet, I just ordered it. thats why I am trying to get my diet scheduled and use it for a week or two before starting a clen cycle

  11. #11
    novastepp's Avatar
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    so what is your plan thus far?

  12. #12
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