Hello, it's been a while since I've posted on here but I've been a member for quite some time. It wasn't until recently I've started revisiting the site. A little about myself, I'm 19 at 163 lbs, 15%bf, and just shy of 6ft. I would say that my arms and legs are pretty toned except for my midsection. My goal is to lose the fat, tone up a bit more, and hopefully put on some muscle. By no means am I even thinking about steroids at this age, however I was hoping I could get some overall meal and suppliment help. I did all the calclulating and came up with 2,410 for my daily calorie intake along with my nutritional needs of 241g of carbs, 181g of protein, and 81g of fats. My problems is breaking that all up into 5 meals throughout the entire day when I work out at night which mostly consists of cardio and light weight lifting with a lot of reps (it's hard to put strain on my muscles because I have tremors). I just need a basic meal routine, even if it's eating the same thing everyday so I have consistancy. I really need help, about 3 years ago I dropped 30 lbs in about 5 months the wrong way. I basicly ate nothing but tuna fish and did nothing but cardio and gained no muscle at all. Recently I've put on a few lbs of muscle due to the fact that I was working as a laborer, so I ate and worked out pretty much all day, it just wasn't the right nutrients. I was thinking something along the lines of:

Meal 1
1/2 cup oat bran
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 tbsp flaxseed
1/2 oz walnuts

Meal 2
Protein Shake
1 tbsp flaxseed

Meal 3
2 cans tuna, in spring water
1/2 cup black beans
1 banana

Meal 4
Protein Shake
1 tbsp flaxseed

Meal 5
Half chicken breast
Side of greens/salad

I was just thinking of something quick and simple that I could do everyday on the go. I dont always have time to prepare 5+ meals a day, that's why I placed the protein shakes between the 3 major meals. However, I worry that it's unbalanced and I need to have my shakes closer to my workouts. Any input would be appreciated! I did read the "checklist before dieting" and anyone willing be my "online trainer" to help me set up an eating routine, I will compensate you for your time via paypal if you like...Thanks ahead of time!