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Thread: protien powders

  1. #1
    sonysucks is offline Associate Member
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    protien powders

    Hello. I have a question about the choices of forms of protein powder. I would prefer to not use a whey based powder as I seem to have a hard time digesting it.
    I have read about soy and have seen a few here mention flax (moreso for its oils then its protien) but I am wondering if this info and its claims are legit or just a snakeoil sale.

    Hemp seed is amazing in so many ways. Hemp's amazing oils aside, hemp protein is the gift of the vegetable world. No where else in nature can someone get a more complete protein source from one place. In addition, hemp seed is second only to soy for total protein content. For more information on the differences between hemp and soy visit our hemp vs. soy page.

    Hemp seeds can contain up to 36% protein. In the 1950s, scientists worked to determine lab models for foods, the vegetable protein model was derived from hemp seed and was called edestin. The protein in hemp seed is comprised of approximately 65% of edestin and can be found only in hemp seed protein. Edestin aids digestion, is low in phosphorus and is considered the backbone of human cellular DNA. The other one third of hemp seed protein is Albumin, another high quality globulin protein similar to that found in egg whites.

    One of the common arguments against hemp is that soy has a much higher total protein count than hemp seeds. But hemp seed protein is free of the tryspin inhibitors which block protein absorption that is found in abundance in soy. Hemp protein is also free of oligosaccharides found in soy, which cause stomach upset and gas.

    Hemp protein contains all 20 known amino acids including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all 9 essential amino acids in a sufficient quantity and ratio to meet the body's protein requirements. This makes hemp seeds perfect for vegans, vegetarians or anyone who is looking to reduce the meat content of their diet, hemp seed protein can supply all of the protein requirements without the bad fats in meat and without the stomach upset from soy.

    This makes hemp seed the perfect high protein food. With a complete collection of amino acids, with ultimately the best digesability of any vegetable protein, with the added bonus of Essential Fatty Acids, lacking the items found in soy that cause gas, hemp is truely the perfect vegetable source for a high protein food.

    If you are looking for a high protein food for a high protein diet but you would rather not eat meat, or are not interested in bulking up on whey or soy, hemp as a high protein food is perfect for you. With just a couple of handfuls equalling a full days worth of protein, it is the ultimate high protein food.

  2. #2
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    What brand of Whey do you use? The NOW brand of Whey has no yeast, gluten, wheat, preservatives etc...

    I have heard similar good reviews about Hemp Protein!
    The combination of EFA + High Fiber + and lack of extra unnecessary ingredients. One guy claims it doesn't have bloat like Whey does. I don't think you utilize the amino acids from the protein as quickly as you will a Whey protein. Maybe a good one to add for your everyday supplement of protein, and keep Whey for only PWO?

    On a side note, a friend of mine is a Nutritional Educator and wrote this article, it may answer some questions about Soy. Also, he promotes Whey.


  3. #3
    Devildogjoe is offline New Member
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    where the son dont shine
    is eas god protien?

  4. #4
    Devildogjoe is offline New Member
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    where the son dont shine
    i bought it cause my friend said it was good

  5. #5
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    Most whey powders are whey concentrate, which has lactose in it. Whey isolate has the lactose removed and is easier to digest.

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