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  1. #1
    cardiodan's Avatar
    cardiodan is offline Associate Member
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    Diet critique - too much fat?

    Whatsup every1???????????????
    Listen, I have a question for you.
    Stats after layoff *(it was really stupid)

    236lbs, 5'6, m, 23y, 20-25%. Im VERY muscular, but have a 112cms waist. I wear 36 inch pants ...and theyre loose, that should give you the picture.

    Heres my diet.
    I train 6x / week with 60 mins cardio.
    3x of those 6x I do weights for 1hr-1.5hrs, plus 60 minutes cardio (all cardio is done at 140bpm-150bpm, on the elliptical, burning 700 cals-710 cals.

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    1 scoop whey 117cals / 24g Protein

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 234 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein
    1 tbsp Peanut butter 105cals / 4g Protein / 3g carbs / 8g fat

    12.5oz can of chicken 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    1 tbsp olive oil or flax oil with salad 120cals / 14 g fat

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 234 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein

    12.5oz can of chicken / Tuna 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    1 tbsp olive oil or flax oil with salad 120cals / 14g fat

    Dinner II
    3eggs (each weighing ~70g) 309 cals / 26.4g Protein / 20.9g fat
    1 tbsp Natural Peanut butter 105cals / 4g Protein / 3g carbs / 8g fat

    M-Th I take out the peanut butter in meal 2 and put it with the last meal.
    Of course, I use these shakes for convinience. I have a full schedule, and Im a full time student, and have a job.

    Cals – ~2394 cals +50 give or take for FF Ranch + Worcestershire = 2444cals
    Requirements= (236*13=2468)->Endomorph
    Protein – 269g Protein
    Carbs - 81g carbs
    Fats – 64g fat (15% of total)

    Water= 2-3Litres
    Is this OK?
    Ive been doing it for two weeks...
    I was wondering if I can do it better?
    I know: If it aint broke dont fix it.
    But I like to perfect it.
    So if you could help me thatd be great.

    Im thinking the last meal is too much fat?
    But I get VERY hungry at night, and the fat takes that away.

    Saturday, or Fridays....I take a day off to recover.

    1) I am very carb sensitive
    2) I eat EXACTLY like this, except for my once a week cheat.
    3) I also walk a lot because Im in University and I go to a big one.
    4) I take Tae Kwon Do classes 2x a week, and the teacher is the biggest bitch(needed to vent)
    Last edited by cardiodan; 10-10-2008 at 11:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    less protein more carbs fat is fine. u need more whole food like your meal1 should be egg whites oppose to a shake IMO and ur carbs should be about 230ish or so rough Est and protein about the same maybe less fat is good, do some cardio and wait 4 weeks and re-evaluate your progress

  3. #3
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    and last meal u could use cottage cheese with the natty PB and add water and blend it as a casein protein shake also u could bump fat to 20% if u want

  4. #4
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    What are your goals for this diet cardiodan?

  5. #5
    cardiodan's Avatar
    cardiodan is offline Associate Member
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    Whatsup Rugger
    My goal is to shred to 8% and keep it.
    Nark said my diet was decent....

    The shakes are there, because of convinience.
    (Thanksgiving is coming...............Id like to be in better shape for that event.
    But ultimately, I am giving myself 18-20 weeks.
    What do you think

  6. #6
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    MMMMM Thanksgiving!!!! Gotta love it!

    Anyways... Nark is head and shoulders above me in the diet game that's for sure. But a few things stand out to me just looking at your diet.
    One, (which you're aware of) I see a lot of shakes. If this is what you gotta do, it's what you gotta do. Keep in mind that if you don't see the results you want to see and you haven't been cheating more than you have planned, this may be an area to take a closer look at.

    Oats seem to be your main (If not ONLY) Carb source which you certainly could be doin worse, but personally I like to throw in a few lower GI & GL carb sources also.

    which leads me to my next question, Which meal is your PWO meal?

    And also, if I read this correctly, you spend a total of 2 1/2 hours at the gym between lifting and cardio?

  7. #7
    cardiodan's Avatar
    cardiodan is offline Associate Member
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    My PWO meal would be one of my snacks (1/2 C oatmeal and 2 scoops Whey).
    I use its virtually carb free.

    I use only oats, as they can be incorporated as a shake, and when I have time, I blend them with just very little water, 3 splendas, nuke it for 35secs, and it becomes a paste.
    Quick , easy, filling.
    I do 60 minutes cardio....sometimes my lifting, actually almost always, is about 1hr-1hr 15= on lifting days (3x a week) 2hr15mins total
    The rest of the 3days, its only cardio 60mins at 140-150bpm.

    I never lose muscle mass.....but I will surely lose as I approach my goal.
    My arms are 17 inch....and my motivation is intense.

    Nark is debating with me and telling me to put fiber on the high fat meal....
    He said it's decent,....and Im glad he approves.

    Again, Im no competitive bodybuilder, however I like maximal results. But I cannot carry a sweet potato in my left pocket allday long.
    Convienence is the key for me....dont get me wrong, I do carry around a lunch box in my gym bag....but I can only do so much.

    Oh: For those that are wondering:
    Do the chicken with VERY HOT sauce from I dont know what brand, lots of garlic, onion it taste delicious. Hehhe just had it
    lets see where this goes

  8. #8
    Rugger02's Avatar
    Rugger02 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would agree with the Fiber in your last meal, but I would go with natural insolualbe fiber, not a supp. If you're feeling hungry late at night this will definately help and since insoluble fibers only partially digest, it's hard for the undigested calories to get taken up by your intestines. That'll help reduce calories and decrease the amount of cholesterol in your blood, so should also help you cut up.

    Keep this bumped for some of the pros but I think you're where you need to be bud. I'd be curious to see what Nova thinks. He's always good for the fine tuning.

    And thanks for the visual of some dude walkin around his workplace with a freakin sweet potato in his pocket LMAO!!

    Again best of luck bro!

  9. #9
    cardiodan's Avatar
    cardiodan is offline Associate Member
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