10 egg whites (50g protein)
2 small baked potatoes (4g protein 52g carbs)
total: 470 calories 54g protein, 52g carbs
need more carbs? this is a lot of food
10 egg whites (50g protein)
2 small baked potatoes (4g protein 52g carbs)
total: 470 calories 54g protein, 52g carbs
need more carbs? this is a lot of food
What's your stats???
dont need to take in all those egg whites bring them down a bit and add a coupple of whole eggs for few extra fats. and ditch the baked potatoes for oatmeal slower digestion say 50-70g oatmeal should see you right, may be wrong see what some-one else says but i would go for:
2whole eggs and 5egg whites
50-70g oatmeal
but we would need to know ure stats first mate.
The slightly higher GI from the potatoes will not hurt you a bit, especially if they are for breakfast when your glycogen levels are depleted.
Throw in a couple whole eggs for some healthy fat
throw in a couple egg yolks and up the carbs a bit. i usually shoot for 90+ at breakfast but that should depend on your metabolism and how sensitive you are to carbs. baked potatoes are not exactly the best carbs either. maybe throw in some sort of EFA's as well.
Tossing out the egg yokes is like tossing out the baby with the water. Yokes are very important for its fats and protiens. The proteins in the white and yoke make a complete protein.
Also, eat a better carb and less of it.
Yeah, not all ten yokes. Thanks.
And as far as bulking and cutting diets....its like my anabolics.....no such thing. I dont bulk or cut.
I stay as lean as possible year round while gaining lean mass. I like to show off my muscle even in the winter. Hell I work hard to gain so I want it to show. If I want to lose fat I just eat a little less and vice versa.....However, my meals have the same macros for every single meal. You need to create your macros customed to your body...some need more carbs and less fat to stay lean and grow...some need more protein and less carbs to stay lean and grow.
So in short answer your question...hell ya you can grow off less than 50 carbs per meal. Its like anabolics...if you use to much too fast you get side effects. If you eat too much to soon, you get fat.
Just my O.
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