Meal 1:
50 grams of Whey
50 Grams of Waxy
1 Carbo Force
10 grams Creatine Monohydrate
10 grams Glutamine
1 Tablespoon of Fish oil
Animal Pak or MHP vitamins
Meal 2:
8oz lean ground beef
10oz baked (or mashed) Yam or Red Potato
1 cups of green beans or green veggie
Meal 3:
8 oz ounces of Steak (lean cut—sirloin, Flank, round eye)
8 oz of Pasta
Meal 4:
10oz lean ground beef
1 –cups of rice
1 cup of green beans or green veggie
Meal 5
Post work out shake
Same as meal 1 minus the carbo force
Meal 6
10 oz Chicken or Steak
1-cup rice
1 cup of green beans or green veggie or Salad
Meal 7
50 grams of whey Protein
1 cup oatmeal
Meal 8
60 grams of slow digesting protein or whey
1 Tablespoon of natural peanut butter or add 1TSB of olive oil to your shake