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Thread: Diet Help PLEASE!!

  1. #1

    Diet Help PLEASE!!

    I'm 19, 6'4" 150lbs (i know, very very skinny). I'm was lucky enough to get stuck with shitty genetics so I'm definitely a hardgainer. I'm in college and looking for a good diet to finally be able to gain some weight. I've lifted on and off since I was 14 but didn't start really taking it seriously until about 2 months ago. Past 2+ months I've lifted 5 days/week for at least 2 hours/day. Seen some results but I know with a solid diet in check the results would be a lot better. Any suggestions??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    PLenty of stickies on this one bro...but basically....EAT!!!! Look atthe bulking stickies and that'll give you a good baseline to follow..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN View Post
    PLenty of stickies on this one bro...but basically....EAT!!!! Look atthe bulking stickies and that'll give you a good baseline to follow..
    yeah bump this,read the hard gainer stickey,i have a friend that is 6 4 wt 210 and he is very lean,he is a hardgainer and has to eat a lot of food to gain wt the pro side of it is he can eat a bulk style diet and put on very little body fat if i ate like him i would 25-30% bf,oh yeah and he does very very little cardio.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 10-20-2008 at 08:29 PM. Reason: addition

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    You need to eat about 5 - 6 meals per day.

    Try to come up with a diet that works into your daily activities including these sources...

    Carbs - Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, oats (No sugar added), brown rice, wild rice, barley, Green leafy vegetables, Ezekiel or whole wheat bread (sparingly)

    Protein - About 1 - 1.5 times your lean body weight per day in grams of protein.
    Sources -
    Steak, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, salmon or other fish, egg whites or whole eggs and whey protein (I have one shake after working out, try to stick with real food as much as you can).

    Fats - Flax, Fish or olive oil, casein or dairy products, avacadoes, nuts, egg yolks.

    Post up a diet from here that works for you, include times for cardio if applicable and weight lifting and repost in this thread. We can then help you arrange your foods into properly proportioned meals.

    For example I'm cutting, but my breakfast includes
    1 cup oats in water or skim milk and splenda
    4 egg whites and 1 whole egg

    Meal two is 8oz of chicken breast and either a sweet potato or brown rice with steamed broccoli, and some fish oil capsules.

    Notice there's protein, fats and good carbs in both meals.

    See what you can put together and then some of the pros will tear it apart and make it work for you. To get a step ahead of the game, include the macro breakdown of each meal and daily totals.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG TEXAN View Post
    PLenty of stickies on this one bro...but basically....EAT!!!! Look atthe bulking stickies and that'll give you a good baseline to follow..
    Agreed 100%. Eating is way more important than training for growth, although you need to do both. You really dont need to be in the gym longer than an hour, hour and a half at the most, to make great gains. At your size you should be able to pack it on!

    Read, read, read, and good luck bro!

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