Originally Posted by
rugger thanks alot bro really appricicate ur help and im 6ft 4ins tall
I'm 6'3" 250 @ 12% so we're kinda close to the same size as far as lean body mass goes.
The diet you outlined below isn't enough food for someone your size. You'll certainly be losing fat , but you'll also be losing muscle on that diet.
The reason is, in a nutshell, that if the body isn't getting enough food to sustain it's metabolism, it will tap into its energy reserves, but not all of the energy your body takes will be from fat. It will also use your muscle, this breaking down of muscle for energy is what is meant when people say you're in a catabolic state.
Keeping your body fed is a way to keep your metabolism functioning and in a sence making your body a fat burning machine. After a workout or intense cardio, if your body is properly fueled, you will be in an anabolic state, or a muscle building state. So you can see why a proper diet is so important.
my diet sucks but im losing fat on this diet and if i change it to a better one like the one uve suggested than ill lose even more weight so thats a bonus i suppose.
just a few questions....
pwo shake im presuming is protein shake with oats?
I get my PWO (Post Workout) shake on the internet, It's called True Mass, It's just a whey protein shake with the proper amounts of protein and carbohydrates to refuel your body after a workout.
A chicken breast and some red potatoes and 1 scoop of whey will have the same re-fueling effect, but I like to drink a shake just because it digests quicker and my body needs those nutrients asap after a workout.
I then have a meal of real food with similar amounts of protein and carbs and some essential fatty acids shortly after my shake.
are boiled eggs ok for protein?
Yes, eggs; boiled, scrambled, or raw are a great source of protein. The yolk has some fats and cholesterol but the combination of the white and the yolk together give the egg 100% bioavailability. So I eat about 3 whites per 1 yolk.
im confused about fat free cottage cheese before bed as i thought cheese isnt good for losing weight?
what is casein?
These two questions are related so I'll answer them both at the same time. Casein is a protein that is found in milk and dairy products (Cottage cheese) and also used independently in many foods as a binding agent. It's also available in shake form.
The reason you would want this before bed is that casein is a very slow digesting substance. Since our goal is to keep the digestive system and thus our metabolism running as much, and as efficiently as possible, a slow digesting meal before bed is the answer.
This is because your next meal (Unless you want to wake up in the middle of the night to eat) won't be till morning. You don't want your body to go into 'starvation mode' overnight so that it will just store it's next meal as reserve energy.
i also have multivitamin/cod liver oil and om ega 3 tablet with my protein shake in the morning is that ok?
The morning is a good time for essential fatty acids.
im going shopping this weekend for good quality foods and no bread lol
how does this sound.....
8am - protein shake with oats and 2 egg whites Not bad
11am - 2 boiled eggs Get some carbs in this meal
1pm - grilled chicken with salad ok as long as you're not using an unhealthy dressing
3pm - cashew nuts/mixed seeds and raisens This would be more like a snack that you could add to one or more other meals during the day. I'd stick with something like small steak or chicken breast, and brown rice or a potato, and maybe some green veggies
5pm - gym
6pm - protein shake Make sure you're not just getting protein here but 30 - 40 g of carbs as well
7pm - salad with lamb/chicken Again ok, depending on your choice of salad toppings
Dont forget to consider a slow digesting source before bed.
With these revisions I think you got a pretty solid diet here. If you want to take the time to add up all the macro information, we could give you a better answer. There are lots of sites on the web that tell you the nutrition facts of different foods, just google it. All we would need is carbs, calories, proteins and fats.
sorry for all the questions haha!