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Thread: Calories for LBM

  1. #1
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    Calories for LBM

    Whatsup guys?
    Listen, I have been getting good results...I just finished Week4.
    These are my macros
    Cals – ~2231 cals +50 give or take for Ranch + Worcestershire = 2281

    Protein – 269g Protein
    Carbs - 81g carbs
    Fats – 52g fat

    I am 230lbs around 20%bf, 5'6
    Goal=190lbs and then reassess....
    Long term goal=8%bf.

    I have been told that for endomorhps (me more or less) you have to do Bodyweight X 13.

    Some over at have told me they go as low as 10x bw.

    However, Narkissos always talks about how one should eat for their LBM.

    I am confused with this.
    Like everyone else I want faster results....and if Im eating too much Id like to know.

    I did use the search functions and I was faced with a very complicated equation and didn't know how to work the factors.

    Help me out guys!

    I talked to Nark and almost overtrained this week. For example I was doing cardio 6x per week
    and sometimes 60mins cardio, go to class, comeback for 60-90mins weights then 30 mins cardio then come home then sprint with my dog and what not.

    I went to the gym the next day and could barely keep me eyes open.
    In any case, I had my cheat day, and took two days off total.

    Tomorrow Sunday Ill workout.
    Again, if Im eating too much please let me know.

    PS. I have not lost ANY muscle, and in 4 weeks, have gone down around 6lbs.
    I hardly ever lose muscle even on an all carb diet

    (I had a 6month layover and pissed off!)

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
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    This is the diet that I had Nark look over and he said it was decent.
    I *know* it's alot of shakes, but I am in school all the I hope you understand.

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    1 scoop whey 120cals / 24g Protein
    2 fish oil caps 30cals/2g fat

    Snack / PWO
    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 240 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein

    12.5oz can of chicken 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    1 tbsp olive oil with salad 120cals / 14 g fat

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 240 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein

    12.5oz can of chicken / Tuna 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    Salad (no oil)

    Dinner II
    3eggs 321 cals / 26.4g Protein / 20.9g fat
    2 tbsp Natural Peanut butter 110cals / 8g Protein / 6g carbs / 16g fat

    Cals – ~2231 cals +50 give or take for Ranch + Worcestershire = 2281
    Requirements= (236*13=2468)
    Protein – 269g Protein
    Carbs - 81g carbs
    Fats – 52g fat

    Should I be eating less?
    Cardio 5-6x / week = 60mins per session @ 70% MHR (after meal 1, not too comfortable doing it on empty messes up my intensity)
    Weights = 3x / week, followed by the cardio

    NOTE: I took out 1tbsp of olive oil/flax because nark did say that it was kind a high in fat.
    The last meal helps keep me full.

    The chicken I force down everytime....I try FF Ranch, Worcestershire, shallots....
    I dont mind though. I have the cans bc its exactly measured and weighed, and its really quick to make the night before.

    Thanks guys

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I definately don't think you're eating too much on that diet bro... If I were to consume that little amount of food you've got listed and the amount of cardio you're doing, I'd be stripping muscle off my frame big time! If Nark looked over your diet, I'd assume it's alright, although there are things I'd change... You need to do what best for you and everyone is different, so if you feel like you're not losing any muscle with your current approach, I'd stick with it....

    I feel your pain about being in school all day too... My professors have been pissed at me many times now for eating during class I carry 4 meals with me to campus everyday, so when it's meal time, I'm ready!

  4. #4
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    Thanks fit.
    Listen, as you may know, this site and many others say you need to eat to lose weight.
    Some ppl overestimate that, and I've seen people cutting with 3000cals, and they have no muscle. It makes no sense.
    In any case, I have never lost muscle in my life.
    Perhaps when I get closer to the single digits it will become a reality, but for now, I just look bigger and fuller. (Then again, Im my toughest critic).
    Thanks for the input.
    Ne1 else?

  5. #5
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    Ne1 else?

  6. #6
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    sorry double post

  7. #7
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    bump....I know its a monday but im still waiting on other opinions.

  8. #8
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    Why is ever1 ignoring my thread?

  9. #9
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    IMO you are consuming to much canned protein. Cans = high sodium which will lead to water retention which def isn't good when cutting. A few cans of tuna throughout the day won't be that big of a deal but I would stir clear of the canned chicken. You should buy the frozen skinless chicken breast (I get mine at Sam's) and prepare enough for the whole week on Sunday. Overall your diet looks pretty good just try to be patient and the weight will eventually melt off. Also, I feel like your last meal of the day has to much fat.

  10. #10
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    just wondering how u get 26 grams of protein from 3 eggs? lol are these dinosaur eggs?

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Thanks ever1
    1) The protein in the eggs are from 70g eggs. Big m***fu*kers
    According to calorie king, thats 103-110 cals each.
    8.8g protein x 3 = ~23-26.4g Protein

    Just look it up.
    I dont eat "large" eggs. I actually have them weighed. Mine range from 70-80g in weight.
    Is calorie king wrong?
    I mean you type in large egg you get much less cals.

    Will the extra sodium really make a difference?
    I have more than 20 cans left!
    And theyre ez to prepare the nite before, im a student so im always rushing.

    What do I do about that last meal. Nark mentioned this.
    It keeps me full....

    But maybe I should disperse the fat?
    Add some fat to one of the shakes? (In this case Peanut butter)

    Thanks guys....and thanks for the motivation.
    Last edited by cardiodan; 10-28-2008 at 09:41 PM.

  13. #13
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    I checked my cans for the sodium.

    Tyson Premium Chunk White Chicken in Oil (j/k) in Water 12.5oz
    Servings: 5
    Sodium 200mg

    I eat two, so that's ten servings so (200mg sodium x 10 = 2000mg = 80%RDA)

    Kirkland Signature Premium Chcken Breast 12.5oz
    Servings 3.5
    Sodium 270mg

    One can's sodium= 3.5 x 270 = 945mg x 2 (I have two a day) =1890mg

    The rest of my protein, comes from whey and eggs.
    So I would assume Im not consuming too much sodium.
    Should I steer clear of RDA recommendations?
    I drink 3L of water a day....don't feel bloat.

  14. #14
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    Your are fine at that sodium level, that is not exessive and your body has more than likely already adjusted to it.

  15. #15
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    Thanks fireguy!

    Are my eggs still dinosaur eggs?

  16. #16
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    What do I do about the high fat?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardiodan View Post
    What do I do about the high fat?
    For your last meal consume only the egg whites and keep your 2 tbls of pb or better yet replace the egg whites with 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese. Add small amounts of EFA's to some of the other meals, but not your pwo meal.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    For your last meal consume only the egg whites and keep your 2 tbls of pb or better yet replace the egg whites with 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese. Add small amounts of EFA's to some of the other meals, but not your pwo meal.
    Thanks, I really appreciate it guys.
    So far, it's working.
    Week 1= 239lbs
    Week 4 day 3=228.2lbs

    No muscle loss,
    my arms have grown a half an inch (not pumped) to 17'

    Imola, where would you add the EFAs to the other meals you mentioned?
    Im a student, and was wondering if FF Cottage cheese, 1 whole cup per day Ill be going through a bunch of tubs / week.

    I dont think this is a good choice for me. I understand it's casein...but I think too $$expensive.

    How's egg whites? Ill buy them in a carton.

    1) I think calorie king, while my eggs are weighed, do sound like they have more protein than calorie king claims.
    2) Some ppl are suggesting I add more carbs and more fat to other meals.
    Like the EFAs you suggested. Maybe I should add an extra flax tbsp to the canned chicken salad to the meal that has only protein and salad?

    Thanks guys.

    Is it true that when I get into the lower bodyfats, it will get harder and harder to get into single digits?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardiodan View Post
    Thanks, I really appreciate it guys.
    So far, it's working.
    Week 1= 239lbs
    Week 4 day 3=228.2lbs
    Great job man keep it up!

    No muscle loss,
    my arms have grown a half an inch (not pumped) to 17'

    Imola, where would you add the EFAs to the other meals you mentioned?
    Im a student, and was wondering if FF Cottage cheese, 1 whole cup per day Ill be going through a bunch of tubs / week.
    Add some fish oil or almonds to your snack meals and dinner, as long as these don't follow a workout. I go to walmart and get the off brand of ff cottage cheese that's really not that expensive.

    I dont think this is a good choice for me. I understand it's casein...but I think too $$expensive.

    How's egg whites? Ill buy them in a carton.
    egg whites would work too but I think these will be close to the same price as the ff cottage cheese.

    1) I think calorie king, while my eggs are weighed, do sound like they have more protein than calorie king claims.
    2) Some ppl are suggesting I add more carbs and more fat to other meals.
    Like the EFAs you suggested. Maybe I should add an extra flax tbsp to the canned chicken salad to the meal that has only protein and salad?
    IMO fish oil is a superior EFA compared to flax.

    Thanks guys.

    Is it true that when I get into the lower bodyfats, it will get harder and harder to get into single digits?
    YES!!! Once you get done to 10-12% you will more than likely need to carb cycle to drop bf but don't worry about that yet, you can cross that bridge when the time comes!Thanks
    comments in bold

  20. #20
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    Imola I really appreciate your help man. Helped me out a lot.
    Ill keep ever1 posted

    LOL I saw a website where they sell eggwhites by the gallon and where charing $120...

    Im gonna go with eggwhites, cuz I only eat 4% cottage cheese,
    and think the 0% is disgusting ; unless of course you have a brand that's creamy, but to tell you the truth man, I don't like it.

    Thanks for all the honest help.
    What do you guys think of the Omron monitor?
    I know its not as effective as skin measurements, but its hard to tell if youre doing the calipers right unless its professionally done (skin vs fat grabbing is tough for me)

    It sends an electrical wave,and tells you bf% . It has an athlete mode.

    I take three measurements and they all give me slightly different readings.
    Since it's the same machine though, I think Ill go with measuring once a week so I can tell real progress is being done.

    Thanks again.
    I owe you guys!
    (Ill do my part)

  21. #21
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    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    1 scoop whey 120cals / 24g Protein
    2 fish oil caps 30cals/2g fat

    Snack / PWO
    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 240 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein

    12.5oz can of chicken 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    1 tbsp olive oil with salad 120cals / 14 g fat

    ½ C oats 150 cals / 27g carbs / 5g Protein
    2 scoops whey 240 cals / 4g carbs / 48g Protein

    12.5oz can of chicken / Tuna 300 cals / 0g carbs / 50g Protein
    Salad (with fish or flax oil = 1tbsp) 130cals/14g fat

    Dinner II remade
    1C eggwhites 120 cals / 26g Protein / 0gfat
    2 tbsp Natural Peanut butter 110cals / 8g Protein / 6g carbs / 16g fat

    Cals – ~2160 cals
    Requirements= (236*13=2468)
    Protein – 269g Protein
    Carbs - 81g carbs
    Fats – 31g fat
    I put the redone parts in bold, macros are updated

  22. #22
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    I have SF candies, it turns out to be 15-30cals depending on which one I get.
    I do not get the Reeses etc, just something for my sweet tooth.
    Are these ok? They have sugar alcohol, and when I was on a keto, I know they can take you out of ketosis, so I was wondering if it would matter.
    I have them when I go to bed.

    Also, how do you guys eat your eggwhites?
    Is it possible to whip up the eggwhites, put some splenda?
    Ive never cooked much of anything in my life except a salmon, so I know little about what to be done in the kitchen.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
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    ***bump 4 my question

  25. #25
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    - boil your egg whites; drink them only if you get pasteurized whites like egg-beaters or something ... whipping them? they're still raw and you'll be eating bucketfuls just from 5-6 whites

    - candies worth 20-50 kcals are fine IMHO; I nibble on 'em pre-WO even while I cut - just to get some sanity or rid a craving if I have one for the day.... but everything else has to be SPOT ON ja!?


  26. #26
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    Thanks Insane....
    It does help me recover from my sugar rush...every night thats what helps me not to cheat.

    In any case, I didnt understand when you said Id be eating bucketfuls.
    Does 1C eggwhites make a lot of suffle (i think its called)...
    I think with splenda cinamon and vanilla itd be a good blend.


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    For your last meal consume only the egg whites and keep your 2 tbls of pb or better yet replace the egg whites with 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese. Add small amounts of EFA's to some of the other meals, but not your pwo meal.
    No efa's post workout? why . Thats when I have been slipping in my hemp seed powder for its protein and efa's.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardiodan View Post
    Thanks Insane....

    In any case, I didnt understand when you said Id be eating bucketfuls.
    Does 1C eggwhites make a lot of suffle (i think its called)...
    I think with splenda cinamon and vanilla itd be a good blend.

    From what I remember WAY BACK in home ec in school, we had to beat like 3 eggwhites into a meringue (THAT's what it's called ) and it was ALOT!

  29. #29
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    390 much as I liked em scarmbled with a little SF jam (apricot is my fav)
    Im going to try this meringue, add splenda, cinnamon and vanilla, and my 2 tbsp Peanut butter.
    I asked my mother, she cooks, and she said thats downright disgusting.


    Just a question for insane or anyone else
    How has morning cardio affected you (empty stomach).
    Ive been trying to implement it, but I always forget and have my breakfast, then hit the cardio. Since my breakfast is 1/2C oats +22g protein from whey,
    it really doesnt make sense.

    Nark says: They say a bunch of things about cardio. Should be done before bed, after weights in the morning blahblahblah.
    My opinion is: JUST DO IT!

    So, I have been doing it after my breakfast through out my 5 weeks.
    I did empty stomach yesterday and today....
    I was wondering not about the science, but to every1 else ...have you seen better or faster results from morning cardio?
    I do 45mins when empty. Burn around 600cals
    I do 60mins when full (always from my first meal which contains 270cals) I burn 700cals on the elliptical in one hour at 65-70% MHR
    Ne thoughts?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonysucks View Post
    No efa's post workout? why . Thats when I have been slipping in my hemp seed powder for its protein and efa's.
    efa's slow down absorption and that is the last thing you want after an intense workout. Think about it, you have been pushing your body using up glycogen and nutrients during your workout session so the body is after immediate replenishment. That is why whey protein and a carb source are needed.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardiodan View Post
    Just a question for insane or anyone else
    How has morning cardio affected you (empty stomach).
    Ive been trying to implement it, but I always forget and have my breakfast, then hit the cardio. Since my breakfast is 1/2C oats +22g protein from whey,
    it really doesnt make sense.

    Nark says: They say a bunch of things about cardio. Should be done before bed, after weights in the morning blahblahblah.
    My opinion is: JUST DO IT!

    So, I have been doing it after my breakfast through out my 5 weeks.
    I did empty stomach yesterday and today....
    I was wondering not about the science, but to every1 else ...have you seen better or faster results from morning cardio?
    I do 45mins when empty. Burn around 600cals
    I do 60mins when full (always from my first meal which contains 270cals) I burn 700cals on the elliptical in one hour at 65-70% MHR
    Ne thoughts?
    Ask yourself this question, "when does the body have the most success at burning fat?" Most anyone will tell you that the answer is "when glycogen is depleted or low". When are glycogen levels depleted? When you first wakeup in the morning after an 8 hour fast or after a hour or so of intense weight lifting. So cardio should be preformed first thing in the morn before you eat anything (well some bcaa's or maybe 1/2 scoop of whey is fine) or following an intense workout. The key is to get your heart rate in the fat burning zone (60-70% MHR) and keep it steady for a 30-60 min duration. I find it best to walk at a pace of 3.3 mph on a incline of 10 on the treadmill.

  32. #32
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    I stand by my statements


  33. #33
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    you mean the cardio statements?

  34. #34
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