Thread: Need help with my plan...
10-28-2008, 09:58 PM #1
Need help with my plan...
Hello everyone,
I've just completed my second 12 weeks program (Not to happy this time around). This time I want to step up a notch. In about 3 weeks, once I have everything together. I need to have my new plans layout before I start again.
I'm 42, 5'10" at 203lbs. I believe that my body fat is around at 20% (give or take). My goal is to be lean at 8% BF and weight somewhere at 190lbs.
I will be taking GH 191aa blue top durning this cycle for at least 6 months. I would also like to stack but not sure which component, perhaps Deca for bulking lean muscles.
Below are my plan (still in progress)...
Wake Up 6-7 AM water (8oz) -
Meal #1 8:00 AM water (8oz) Oat Meal (2 Cups)
Meal #2 10:00 AM water (8oz) MET-** 32g Proteins Bar
Meal #3 12:00 PM water (8oz) Chicken or Salmon (8oz), Whole Bake Potatoes, Vegetable (1 cup)
Meal #4 2:00 PM water (8oz) MET-** 32g Proteins Bar
Meal #5 4:00 PM water (8oz) -
Meal #6 7:00 PM water (8oz) Chicken, Salmon orLean Meat (8oz), Whole Bake Potatoes, Whole Avocado, Brown Rice (1cup)
Bed Time 10-11 PM water (8oz) -
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________
WORKOUT (alternate every other day)
Upperbody (rep | sets)
1. Cable Crossover - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
2. Bench Press - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
3. Wide Pull Down - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
4. Lateral Raises - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
5. Triceps - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
7. Biceps - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
8. AB X 90 - 12 | 25 in 15 mins
35 mins Elliptical Machine, low to high intensity (three times a week)
Lowerbody (rep | sets)
1. Leg Press - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
2. Seated Leg Curls - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
3. Lying Leg Curls - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
4. Calf Press - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
5. Triceps - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
6. Biceps - 5 | 12-10-8-6-12
7. AB X 90 - 12 | 25 in 15 mins
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________
1. Xpand Nitric Oxide Reactor - 18.5g before after Workout w/ H2O
2. Lipo 6x - 2 capsules morning / 2 Capsules mid-afternoon
3. Isopure 40g Protein - After Workout
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________
A. GH 191aa (Blue Top), 5/2 at 2.5-3ius
B. ? Deca ?
C. ?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________
I've double checked my body-fat today at my fitness center. These measurements I found is hard to believe from my original guesstimates. They are:
11.9 BF (I think they more along at 18% at minimal)
61.7 BM
11.2 BW
Like I've said, my goals is to have low BF% and more lean muscle mass. I want to be CUT, CUT and CUT.
Any modification or suggestion would greatly appreciated. Thanks!Last edited by owentrier; 10-28-2008 at 10:10 PM.
10-29-2008, 02:18 AM #2
that looks like 1200 calories.... dieting and starving yourself are two different things. i would look into better ways of getting your protein than met** bars, and look to add more food. unless your serving sizes are off that just seems like so little.
on another note, if you think about your weight vs bf, approx 40lbs is fat, and you want to cut 24lbs of it (to arrive at 8%) which would leave you under 190. small thing, but you need to be aware that you might not meet all your goals. also, thats a pretty drastic drop so be planned for a long road ahead, it could take some time.
for a cycle, gh would be ok, but steroids at that bf won't do any more good than bad. deca wouldn't be a good choice imo since it adds a lot of water weight as well. you could do nandrolone phenylpropionate (npp) if your set on the nandrolone (like deca) or wait til you get down a lot then do a prop + winstrol /masteron cycle.
10-29-2008, 09:36 AM #3
Ok, here my modified high proteins diet...
Ok, here my modified high proteins diet:
Meal 1 - Morning (7:00 am):
Lean Protein, 1/2 cup oatmeal
Meal 2 - Mid Morning (9:30 am):
8oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites, Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax)
Meal 3 - lunch (12:00 pm):
Veggies, Lean Protein
Meal 4 - Mid Afternoon (2:30 pm):
8oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites, Lean Protein (2 tbsp flax)
Workout - (4:30 pm)
Meal 5 - After Workout within 15 minutes:
PWO Nutrition
Meal 6 - Meal (6:30 pm):
Veggies, Lean Protein, 1/2 cup rice or oatmeal.
Meal 7 - Before Bed (8:30 pm):
8oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites with (2 tbsp flax)
1.5 grams of protein per body weight pound.
1 grams of carbs per body weight pound.
NO Milk
NO Bread
LOW Sugar
LOW Sodium
Any comment on this?
I'm also going to post a photo of me later to get a better idea of what my body look like.
10-29-2008, 04:44 PM #4
Came back with another checkup..
Wow, I'm truly disappointed. My body fat is 23.7%!!! Roughly 47.4 pounds of fat!! Ouch.
Being 42, 203 pounds at 5'10" with 47 pounds of fat is way too much!
Please someone pass me the homemade liposuction kit!!
This is going to be a long journey....
10-29-2008, 05:27 PM #5
I wish everthing happened overnight, but in the real world things take time, just don't get discouraged. Good luck.
10-29-2008, 05:36 PM #6
It's always a long journey my friend, think of it more of like a subtle lifestyle change. And you've already taken the first steps. You need to experience the thrill of seeing that fat come off and getting closer to reaching your goals and it makes it so much easier to stick to your plan.
Here's an example of my cutting diet:
I'm 6'3" 250 @ 12%, so this will be a little different than yours. But may help you as far as meal composition and food choices go.
Upon waking:
Cardio (empty stomach except for a cup of coffee w/Splenda)
Meal 1: (about 10am)
4 egg whites (including 1whole egg)
1 cup oats
Fish/flax oil (2 capsules)
Meal 2: (about 1pm)
1 can of Albacore in water
Green veggies (steamed)
Sweet potato
Meal 3: (at work 5:30pm break)
1 cup cooked brown rice with 4 oz chicken breast and broccoli mixed in
Meal 4: (at work 8:15pm break)
Repeat meal 3, add flax/fish oil
Work out at 11:30pm (after work)
Meal 5: (12:30 -1:00am)
PWO Shake
Meal 6: (3:30am)
Repeat meal 2 except remove sweet potato. Add some sunflower seeds or almonds and FF cottage cheese before bed.
Obviously this diet changes some as I get bored or sick of certain foods but the nutritional aspect of it remains the same.
Here are some good choices for your intakes of carbs, protein and fat.
Carbs - Sweet potatoes, red potatoes, oats (No sugar added), brown rice, wild rice, barley, Green leafy vegetables, Ezekiel or whole wheat bread (sparingly)
Protein - About 1 - 1.5 times your lean body weight per day in grams of protein.
Sources -
Steak, lean ground beef, chicken breast, tuna, salmon or other fish, egg whites or whole eggs, beef jerkey (if you don't mind the sodium) and whey protein (I have one shake after working out, try to stick with real food as much as you can).
Fats - Flax, Fish or olive oil, casein or dairy products, avacadoes, nuts, egg yolks.
As far as losing fat; get your diet down, stick to it, and never underestimate the power of cardio.
I think your problems lie in meals 2, 4 and 7
2 and 4 are basically nothing but protein, I would balance out your carbs a little from other meals and plug some in there.
Don't forget that egg yolks can replace some of your flax for fats. The combination of the white and the yolk brings the bioavailability of the egg to 100%. Even if there is some cholesterol in there, it's extremely easy for your body to use. I eat about a yolk per every 3 whites.
I would find a good, low GI carb source before bed, like a sweet potato or a slice or two of ezekiel bread, and add that with some fat free cottage cheese instead of egg whites for your protein.
The reason for this is that the cottage cheese digests much slower than egg whites, you want this because it will be such a long time before your next meal.
Hope this helps and best of luck.
10-29-2008, 06:37 PM #7
Thanks for your input so far!!!
After I've spoke to my Doctor and fitness trainer. I've came to this latest diet plan. I don't mind being strict but in the long run, it will be totally worth it.
Meal 1
Upon Waking (6:30 am)
a. 8 oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites shake with 1 whole egg
b. 1/2 cup oatmeal (no sugar)
* Empty stomach on cardio day in the morning
Meal 2
Mid Morning (9:30 am)
a. Albacore (1 can)
b. Green Veggies (1 cup steamed)
c. 2 tbsp flax
Meal 3
lunch (12:30 pm)
a. 8 oz of Lean Protein (Salmon, Steak or Chicken)
b. Veggies (1 cup steamed)
c. Brown rice (1 cup)
Meal 4
Mid Afternoon (3:30 pm)
a. 8 oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites shake with 1 whole egg
b. Veggies (1 cup steamed)
c. 2 tbsp flax
Workout - (4:45 pm)
Meal 5
After Workout within 15 minutes
a. PWO Nutrition Shake
Meal 6
Meal (7:30 pm)
a. 8 oz of Lean Protein (Salmon, Steak or Chicken)
b. Veggies (1 cup steamed)
c. Sweet Potato
Meal 7
Before Bed (10:00 pm)
a. 8 oz Chocolate (low fat) Egg Whites shake with 1 whole egg
b. 2 tbsp flax
• 1.5 grams of protein per body weight pound.
• 1 grams of carbs per body weight pound.
NO Dairy products
NO Bread
NO Meal replacement bars
LOW Sugar
LOW Sodium
Sound like this is a go, don't you think? Please let me know. I've also just ordered 4 Gallon Case of egg whites from EW International.Last edited by owentrier; 10-31-2008 at 11:05 PM. Reason: errors corrections
10-29-2008, 06:42 PM #8
lots of good info here, glad you educated a little vit
10-29-2008, 07:50 PM #9
Looks pretty solid to me bro.Bump for Nark, Nova, Big Texan, AdamGH, Phate or Abbot
^A few of the more knowledgable bros
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