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Thread: Alcohol???

  1. #1


    How does alcohol effect your muscles?

    I know it is a diuretic but,so in turn it will remove water from your system but is there any possible muscle loss?

    Any side effects with booze and AAS?

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I work 3rd shift and so I drink a lot of coffee. I have just increased my water intake to compensate for the diuretic part of the caffine. I have noticed my muscles seem bigger when I drink more water. But this could be psychological as well.
    As far as AAS goes not sure.

  3. #3
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by actionx View Post
    How does alcohol effect your muscles?

    I know it is a diuretic but,so in turn it will remove water from your system but is there any possible muscle loss?

    Any side effects with booze and AAS?
    various stuff i found:

    "Alcohol can accentuate exercise fatigue by increasing lactic acid production. It also dilates blood vessels and diverts circulation to the skin. In cold climates, this can impair thermoregulation and lead to increased risk of hypothermia. In hot climates, it can increase sweating and lead to further dehydration.

    Consuming alcohol the night before an activity can hinder your performance by causing dehydration and loss of minerals and electrolytes. And a bad hangover can make even the simplest task seem monumental."

    http://www. sportsdoctor. com /articles /alcohol.html

    "Studies have shown that small amounts of alcohol increase muscular endurance and strength output, but, these benefits are very short lived. After around twenty or so minutes, the problems start. All the negative side affects of alcohol fully outweigh any possible benefits it can have to anyone. Alcohol is a toxin (poison) and so a whole host of physical abnormalities can arise.

    These can reduce your strength, endurance, recovery capabilities, aerobic capacity, ability to metabolize fat and muscle growth. Alcohol can also affect your nervous system and brain. Long term use can cause severe deterioration of your central nervous system. With short term use, nerve-muscle interaction can be reduced resulting in a loss of strength.

    When alcohol reaches the muscle cells, it can cause damage to them. Inflammation of the muscle cells is common among alcohol users. Over the long term, some of these damaged cells can die resulting in less functional muscle contractions. Alcohol will also leave you with more muscle soreness after exercise making recuperation periods longer.

    Alcohol has many affects on your heart and circulatory system as well. You may see a reduction in your endurance capacities when you drink alcohol. When drinking alcohol, your heat loss increases, because alcohol stimulates your blood vessels to dilate. This heat loss can cause your muscles to get cold thus becoming slower and weaker during contractions.

    Alcohol can cause digestive and nutritional problems as well. Alcohol causes a release of insulin that will increase the metabolism of glycogen, thereby sparing fat making fat loss more difficult. Because alcohol also can interfere with the absorption of many nutrients, you can become anemic and deficient in the B vitamins. Since your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more you drink, the harder you liver has to work and the extra stress can damage and even destroy some liver cells.

    Alcohol is also diuretic so large amounts can put a lot of extra stress on your kidneys. During diuretic action, ant diuretic hormones are secreted. This can result in heightened water retention and no one who exercises wants that to happen.

    Alcohol, although having no nutritional value, also has seven calories per gram so excess consumption can lead to weight gain as well.

    If you must consume alcohol, do so in moderation and never consume alcohol right before exercise as this will impair your balance, coordination and judgment. Remember this, if you've taken the time to make the effort to improve your physical conditioning and your overall health, why take major steps backwards and impede you improvements by excess consumption of alcohol? "

    http:// www. healtalk. com /public /64.shtml

  4. #4
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    May 2008
    How does alcohol affect the use of steroids?

    Absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream can have a major effect on the anabolic steroid user. As a rule alcohol breaks down solids such as tissues and compounds. The anabolic steroid molecule is transformed from a testosterone molecule to an estrogen. Estrogen quickly aromatizes in the system and speeds along some of the most feared side effects of steroid use. Increased mood swings, gynomastia( aka man boobs), and severley shrunken testicles can all result from the use of these two substances.

    In addition oral ananbolic steroids are activated through the first pass throught the human liver, then filtered through the blood stream to nourish the muscular tissue. this breaking down process is roughly equivalent to consuming a 6 pack of light beer first thing in the morning, daily, on your liver. If you then drink a six pack or what ever later you are seroiously taxing your liver. Subcutaneous or injectable steroids do not pass through the liver and are less dangerous to use with alcohol but still not recommended.

    http:// wiki. answers. com /Q/ How_does_alcohol_affect_the_use_of_steroids

  5. #5
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    Aug 2004
    Search function for christs sake. This has been beaten to death and a simple search on it would yield enough results to last you a week of reading.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #6
    lighten up

  7. #7
    thank you everyone for your positive input

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    actionx you talking about consuming alcohol once in a while or in a regular basis?
    Cause i believe that what AdamGH wrote are sides for alcoholics or people that drink over 1-2 times weekly.
    I dint have any sides from drinking 2 times a month.

  9. #9
    I was thinking that some weekends i might drink 12-18 beers over a weekend or maybe one day over the weekend. None during the week .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I say on cycle dont bother drinking. it isnt that long of a time anyway. Then afterwards, drink all you want imo.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    if you dont drink very often i think no harm but 12-18 beers every weekend is alot to me now days i only drink once about every six weeks as mentioned if on cycle i would leave it alone off cycle once in awile okay but as already mentioned it causes dehydration,water retention,disrupts protein synthesis and hormone levels.

  12. #12
    thanks, i will take you guys advice.

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