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  1. #1
    cardiodan's Avatar
    cardiodan is offline Associate Member
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    Water intake - too much!

    Whatsup every1

    Listen, when I drink a gallon of water a day, I piss every 4 mins minimum.

    I have heard of stories of healthy athletes dying from over drinking.
    Realistically, how MUCH do we really need?

    I think 1Gallon is pushing the limit.
    What's every1s opinion?

    Until urine becomes white or pale yellow?
    Because electrolyte imbalance and salt can be very dangerous.
    So I wanted to know what you guys do.

  2. #2
    KingJames23's Avatar
    KingJames23 is offline Associate Member
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    Lol im with you, i swear i visit the bathroom at least 20 times a day! I have been hearing on the radio of cities wanting to band bottled water because of its health effects. I can't remember why it was unhealthy, but there was a doctor explaining it, anyone have any info? I dont see anything wrong with drinking a gallon a day of purified water.

  3. #3
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardiodan View Post
    Whatsup every1

    Listen, when I drink a gallon of water a day, I piss every 4 mins minimum.

    I have heard of stories of healthy athletes dying from over drinking.
    Realistically, how MUCH do we really need?

    I think 1Gallon is pushing the limit.
    What's every1s opinion?

    Until urine becomes white or pale yellow?
    Because electrolyte imbalance and salt can be very dangerous.
    So I wanted to know what you guys do.
    as long as your pee is clear to light yellow, you are drinking enough water. thats the rule i go by. i never measure an amount.

  4. #4
    fit4ever180's Avatar
    fit4ever180 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    as long as your pee is clear to light yellow, you are drinking enough water. thats the rule i go by. i never measure an amount.
    I agree with adam... I think the major problem with water is that individuals who constantly drink tap water will accumulate unhealthy levels of heavy metals after a period of time. I don't see why purified water would be of concern.

    There are also certain times when people may need more water than usual, whether it is a health condition, or an environmental concern. Under these circumstances, more water should be drank:

    When on a high protein diet
    Did you know that uric acid in meat could cause gout? That said, people on a high protein diet require more water than a regular eater, as the water will flush out things like uric acid, caused by the extra protein. Another risk of high protein diets that can be combated with water is that, if you're not eating carbohydrates, your body breaks down fat cells and then produces a buildup of toxic chemical compounds, called ketones in your blood. When there are too many ketones in your blood, your body eliminates them in your urine. Eliminate too many ketones, and you also eliminate too much water. Without replacing it, you can suffer severe dehydration and the risk of abnormal heart rhythms

    When on a high fiber diet
    Constipation can be an uncomfortable side effect of high fiber intake. That is because fiber, although good for your health, can absorb fluid from your intestines. Drinking fluids help prevent constipation in those who are eating high fiber (

    Here is a link to answer a few more questions you may have:

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