Since I have joined here I have obtained a wealth of knowledge about carbs and the insulin response, but in a quest to learn even more valuable info concerning this subject I have a few questions. Obviously we know the role that low GI and high GI carbs have on our insulin levels (low = a slower, more sustained insulin response, high = a rapid insulin response that spikes then pluments, no consistency. My question, is there a difference in insulin secretion depending on the amount of carbs you intake (assuming the carbs are low GI)? I mean, if I intake 30g of carbs from oats will there be less insulin response then if I were to injest 100g of carbs from oats? I would think the answer would be yes but I had to ask. Another question I have is how much fat is needed to slow down absorption? Assuming I consume the same meal, will adding 15g of efa's have a slower absorption rate than if I were to add 5g of efa's?
Sorry if this is boring to some but I think we could all benefit from learning the body's response to carb intake and the rate at which food is absorped. This is a chance for all of you scientific diet guru's to chime in. If any of you have any article's pertaining to this subject they would be welcome here as well. Thanks