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Thread: Sleep aids and metabolism

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Africa

    Sleep aids and metabolism

    PS: I know I posted this in the supplement forum too - its kinda a mix between a supplement and diet question sorry for any hassles to the mods, if you need to delete one pls feel free - Just wasn't sure which was the right forum for this.


    I have a few problems with sleeping - not disorderly type things but it does affect me eg. if I wake up to go to the toilet after 5 hours sleep - no getting back to sleep; also getting to sleep could be difficult for me. I wanted to try sleeping aids, in particular melatonin. I know people who used it with great results, and we all know how important sleep is when building up

    My question is: the reason why we cut out carbs and calories in general at night is since the body's metabolism slows down and thus any excess calories ---> fat! I wanted to know if any sleep aids like melatonin further slow down the metabolism. If so, does it do so to the extent that requires a further calorie reduction before sleep in order to prevent fat storage??


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm Everywhere
    I don't think you'd have to worry about any substantial metabolic slowdown..... While you are right about night time carbs to an extent, overall caloric intake vs. output is more important.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    When you use the toilet at night ( which is quite common ) try and not fully awake .... Keep lights off and dont do anything other than the business at hand ...this may help .....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I recently had this same problem. Mine was due to stress which I have been able to handle alot better since I know why now. I would not think that a sleep aid would lower your metabolic rate any more than if you fell to sleep naturally though. That is unless you take more than is recommended. You might want to be careful taking Thermogenic products though. These may prevent sleep as well and even if they are taking at far enough intervals apart, I would be leary of taking them both.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Long Beach, Ca
    good shot tobey ....

    You arent taking any stimulants or wakedy supps r u

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: Sleep aids and metabolism

    Originally posted by xenithon
    I wanted to know if any sleep aids like melatonin further slow down the metabolism. If so, does it do so to the extent that requires a further calorie reduction before sleep in order to prevent fat storage??
    No, Melatonin should not require a further calorie reduction before sleep. The metabolic rate slows during the process of sleep itself, and the purpose of that slow-down (and the sleep) is to "recharge," for lack of a better term.

    The only cautionary note I would give you is that Melatonin can cause a hangover effect in some people (as can any sleep aid). There's no reason not to try it (the usual dose for sleep is 3 tablets of 300 mcg), but I wouldn't do it if you can't leave yourself time to wake up after sufficient sleep and in a leisurely manner.

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