PS: I know I posted this in the supplement forum too - its kinda a mix between a supplement and diet questionsorry for any hassles to the mods, if you need to delete one pls feel free - Just wasn't sure which was the right forum for this.
I have a few problems with sleeping - not disorderly type thingsbut it does affect me eg. if I wake up to go to the toilet after 5 hours sleep - no getting back to sleep; also getting to sleep could be difficult for me. I wanted to try sleeping aids, in particular melatonin. I know people who used it with great results, and we all know how important sleep is when building up
My question is: the reason why we cut out carbs and calories in general at night is since the body's metabolism slows down and thus any excess calories ---> fat!I wanted to know if any sleep aids like melatonin further slow down the metabolism. If so, does it do so to the extent that requires a further calorie reduction before sleep in order to prevent fat storage??