hey just wondered does anybody jus mix oats up with water n straight down the hatch its something i hear a few people do who find it hard to eat so much when bulking just wondered other peoples thoughts on it etc
hey just wondered does anybody jus mix oats up with water n straight down the hatch its something i hear a few people do who find it hard to eat so much when bulking just wondered other peoples thoughts on it etc
Yes, they go straight into the blender along side protein, fruit and water.
ah my blender broke like last week u ever done it with just a shaker n water? bits would be bigger but spose theyd go down!
Steel cooked oats are better for you...a little rice cooker does the job for me.
yeh but i work 9 hour shifts and gym on the way home n i take in around 500grams carbs n wanna get it upto 600 n was thinking oats in water shaken n drank would up if for me just wondering if anybodys tried it?
i do it everyday like this
1 cup oats. a bit of water and chug
yeh i was thinking of adding a few scoops oats with water between meals because cooking it with 2% milk every morning before work is a bitch!
i like to eat them but when you dont have time its certainly not a crime
drink em if you got em LOL
Once again, im impressed with this board. I was getting sick of eating oats cause they take too long to cook and just as long to eat. After reading this i threw one cup of oats and 2 cups of water in the blender, chugged it down and was done with it. A quick 30 seconds of work. Brilliant.
I add just enough water to make them soft and eat them plain or with whatever else is in the meal... I like the bland taste...
I usually prepare mine on the stove with water, and chomp em down with a bit of cinnamon and milk. In a rush, I'll blend them with water/fruit.
I eat mine dry and chase 'em with a shake.
only trouble for me is i have no blender n they aint rolled oats either so feels slightly wierd when drinking but hey you gotta do what you gotta do
i grind mine up in a coffee grinder and keep them like that in a container.... turns em practically into powder
i cant be ****ed cooking oats, i always just mix with water or my shake and straight down the hatch![]()
oats water microwave 2 min done
Dont even need to blend them, stir em with a fork and "gulp".
1 cup oats, 3 egg whites, 2 whole eggs and nuke it for 2 minutes. When it is done I add bout a table spoon of apple sauce. Takes me a few minutes to make and 40 minutes to eat
I am going to try the blender though, that is a good idea!
Muth@ ****@!!!!!
You guys are genuineness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just tried blending my oats and it was a piece of cake. I will never have to sit through 40 minutes of torture.
Thanks so much.
i think i might be doin it wrong... i buy just plain rolled oats and mix with them milk and eat them like cereal.. do you guys cook them or microwave em or somethin?
I was heating them in the microwave till yesterday. Now I just put them in the blender, and add a bit of liquid. Today I added some blue berries, flax seed oil, 8 egg whites ( pasturised ),and a small scoop of whey.
I normally just drink them.
I also like skim milk, cinnamon and splenda with them in the microwave for a minute.
So, from a new guy point of view, Oats are really that good for bulking? I have been trying to force them down my thoat after cooking them and frankly just the thought of it right now is making me gag...but if blending them seems to be the solution I think I will give it a try.
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