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Thread: Is this enough for good lean mass gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Is this enough for good lean mass gains?

    Hey guys,

    Any opinions on my current diet?

    8:00am BREAKFAST
    4 Eggs
    1 Bowl Oatmeal
    (sometimes a wheat bagel 1-2 days a week)
    1 small cofee black

    10:30 SNACK 1
    1 Pack Tuna about 5oz
    2 Slices Whole Grain Wheat
    1 Myoplex Bar (30g prot, 35g carb)
    Fish Oil
    Lots of Water

    11:30am-1:00pm WORKOUT

    1:00pm POST-WORKOUT
    Shake (40g Prot)
    1 bananna

    3:00pm LUNCH
    Turkey Sandwhich
    -2 Slices Whole Grain Wheat Toast
    -4-5 oz Turkey Breast
    Apple Slices (green & Red)
    Lots of Water

    5:00pm SNACK 2
    1 Low fat Yogurt Cup
    1 small baggie of Carrots
    Shake (40g Prot)

    7:00 DINNER
    1/2 Rotisserie Chicken, only white meat
    Green Beans
    Potatoe Wedges
    Lots of Water

    10:00pm SNACK 3
    small cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
    Handfull of Mixed Nuts
    Casien Protein Shake (38g prot)
    Flax Seed Oil

    6'0 235lbs
    BF not sure
    Did 1 cycle Test-E 500/wk 12 weeks. I gained 10lbs but my diet wasn't too good, but I still very pleased with my gains, recovered my shoulder strength almost completely after wasting a year trying rehab and PT.

    Anyway, I just started 2nd cycle of Test-E (500mg/wk), frontloading 1000mg total in first 2 shots, and 40mg dbol for 4 weeks. I'm looking to gain lean mass, if I shed any fat it will be a bonus. I will cut during PCT and next cycle to try an retain gains and lose fat.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gym and the Kitchen
    We need a macro breakdown per meal and daily totals... Also how old are you and what's your guess for your bodyfat?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Take away your supps and your protein intake is very low and as fit4ever says put up a complete macro breakdown per meal.

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