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Thread: New to this Forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Smile New to this Forum

    Ok, I am new to this Diet Forum and i am looking for some helpful advice. I'm getting ready to start a "get lean Cylce" I'm not looking to get real bulky but gain some size and strength along with getting cut and loosing BF. Here is my diet or what i have planned . Please give al suggestions and advice.

    Male 6'0'' 23 Yrs Old
    215 17%BF
    5 yrs of training not dieting exp.

    As i am not sure what my caloric intake should really even be for my goals that is why i seek advice. I am trying to follow the Mon-Fri High Fat low carb Sat: High Carb Low fat Sun: Small portions of both Diet.
    Daily Totals:
    Calories 2,500
    Fat 78g
    Carbs 48g
    Protein 355g

    Morning Shake: I scoop Whey

    Breakfast: 2whole eggs 4 egg whites
    2 pieces Sausage

    Snack: 8 Tyson Wings
    5.2Oz. Celery
    2tbl. Fat Free Ranch

    Lunch: 8oz. Chicken Breasts
    1 1/2 Cup Mixed Veg

    Snack: 6 oz. White tuna in water

    Dinner: 8 oz. Chicken
    3 cups Garden Salad

    Pre-Workout Shake: 1 scoop whey
    Post -Workout Shake: 1 scoop whet 1 scoop casein
    Bed-Time: 2 scoops Casein

    This is just what i have come up with. I would appreciate Honestly which i'm sure all of you will. I just need to know for my goal of loosing BF but with also gaining size are these intakes right if not what they should be? Thanks a million I appreciate it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    with your stats, you should be able to pull off 27-2800 kcals.... just go to f i t d a y .com and sign up, plug in your info and see your caloric also get a free diet/exercise log to boot

    - you should up your carbs to atleast 120g /day ... otherwise you're carb depleting, which has its place if done in spurts IMHO, not as a regular thing

    - any AM cardio?

    - morning shake i useless unless eaten with other foods that provide carbs and fats IMO

    - PWO shake needs carbs, even if low GI like oats

    - no PPWO meal???

    - you need to list macros for each meal

    - your diet needs alot of work, research them stickies


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    It is horrid.

    Start over and read all the stickies.

  4. #4
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    if you are going for an anabolic type diet (body opus,anabolic diet etc...)) id do it to the t ...variations will hinder goals as far as gaining muscle losing fat ....this in between IMO will not be so effective ....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I didn't post my diet in direct order because i work out at different times on different days but i always have a PWO shake within fifteen minutes of working out and always have a PWO meal within 45 minutes. It just changes daily on the times.

    So up the carbs to around 126 and drop the fat to around 30-40???

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