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Thread: hardcore DIET HELP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh

    hardcore DIET HELP

    TRUTH about dieting


    Well after 2 cycle, I have gain abit, Now I didn't diet right and I wasn't really to pump juice, but I did ANYWAYS...

    That got me no where, but get a bigger gut, SO LISTEN ALL NEW ROID USER!

    You need a diet and you have to follow that diet, I ran test c 8 weeks and pretty much lost 90% of it, 2nd cycle I tryed test p, and I didn't see much, could of been cheap stuff, or it could of be the diet.

    I am here today to say, I need HELP, And without the use of juice.
    I am a Male, 24yr old.

    I want to say 13%, But I am think with a 36in gut(messure at belly button), it is 15%

    So I am looking for someone to give me a good nutrition, and help with planing.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Ah, the 'diet realization', infamous isn't it?

    Post a core diet, and modify it accordingly. There are plenty, PLENTY, of them on the site. Pick one that you like, adjust the macros/servings for your stats, post it and stick to it.

    In my opinion, until you figure out how your body responds to several weeks of clean food, all advice is moot.

    And I'll add to that by saying (and encouraging) that once you start sticking to a diet, your workouts will be insane sick.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Jakspro View Post
    Ah, the 'diet realization', infamous isn't it?

    Post a core diet, and modify it accordingly. There are plenty, PLENTY, of them on the site. Pick one that you like, adjust the macros/servings for your stats, post it and stick to it.

    In my opinion, until you figure out how your body responds to several weeks of clean food, all advice is moot.

    And I'll add to that by saying (and encouraging) that once you start sticking to a diet, your workouts will be insane sick.
    Yeah the STICKING TO IT, Is a huge problem I have. See I live with the parent and I am moving out on the 23rd, and I plan on starting my diet, cause I will be buying the food.

    So I will be buying more plain meat(can tuna/chicken..)Eggs(for the whites)

    Oatmeal, and I find it hard to not have one protein shake a day, so I will be hitting that up (mixed with water)

    And I try to get veggies in everyday I can.

    So I will work on a diet plan and post it, and hope to get a ok, and some good help.

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