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  1. #1
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^Critique diet and training ideals and questions...^^^^

    I have recently been finally realizing how important diet is for manipulating my body. Much harder yet much more important than most people, including myself usually give it credit for. That being said, I have been doing quite a bit of research. I have been reading Chris Acetos books, M.DiPasquale and Dan Duchaines as well.

    Some key points that I have gathered thus far, which I would like to discuss with you all here, whether it to be debated or confirmed is as follows:

    Carbs post workout is critical for insulin release and protein synthesis.
    -Q: How do you determine how much you should have?

    Fibrous vegetables are a great way to even out insulin response in a simple(r) carbohydrate meal and level blood sugar

    In general, especially when fat loss is goal, tapering carbohydrates from waking to when you are less active is optimal. Also comprising your post WO meal and waking meal of the majority of those carbs is ideal.

    cardio has a detrimental effect on glycogen stores and therefore no place in a strength and size seeking bodybuilders routine

    Daily caloric intake should consist of 15-20% fat

    Foods lower in leucine will need to be consumed in greater amounts to induce an equal anabolic response as that of a food containign higher amounts of leucine

    MCTs can prove vital for endomorphs seeking to lose bodyfat adn retain size/strength.

    training protocol for size/strength in an intermediate bodybuilder:
    6-10 repetitions to failure
    90-120 seconds rest between sets
    2-3 for larger bodyparts
    2 for smaller bodyparts
    train each bodypart every 5-8 days

    Diet outline:
    rotating low, high, reg carb days
    Protein ratio High Carb 1.g per lb of LBM
    Protein ratio Low Carb 2.g per lb of LBM
    Protein ratio Reg Carb 1.5g per lb of LBM
    Total bodyweight 250lbs 12-18-2008
    Bodyfat % 20%
    Lean Body Mass 200lbs
    26yrs old

    low Monday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    low Tuesday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g / 2g
    low Wednesday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    low Thursday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    high Friday 30g p / 62g c 30g p / 52g c 30g p / 52g c 30g p / 32g c 30g p / 32g c 30g p / 22g c
    reg Saturday 46g p / 57g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 17g c
    reg Sunday 46g p / 57g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 17g c

    Meal 1 Meal 2 Meal 3 Meal 4 Meal 5 Meal 6
    Monday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    Tuesday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    Wednesday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    Thursday 61g p / 42g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 32g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 12g c 61g p / 2g c
    Friday 30g p / 62g c 30g p / 52g c 30g p / 52g c 30g p / 32g c 30g p / 32g c 30g p / 22g c
    Saturday 46g p / 57g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 17g c
    Sunday 46g p / 57g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 47g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 27g c 46g p / 17g c

  2. #2
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Your post makes my eyes bleed.

    I would eat 50g pwo at a minimum. What are the daily totals for each day?

  3. #3
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Your post makes my eyes bleed.

    I would eat 50g pwo at a minimum. What are the daily totals for each day?
    ditto. I felt so stupid trying to break your codes.

  4. #4
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    I know what you guys mean but, its simply broken down into each meal. It posts fine but then when I press POST it gets all jumbled up.

    Low carb
    Day Monday
    368g/1472 Cal--Protein intake
    132g/528 Call--Carb intake
    2000--total cals

    Low carb
    368g/1472 Cal--Protein intake
    132g/528 Cal--Carb intake
    2000--total cals

    Low carb
    368g/1472 Cal--Protein intake
    132g/528 Cal--Carb intake
    2000--total cals

    Low carb
    368g/1472 Cal--Protein intake
    132g/528 Cal--Carb intake
    2000--total cals

    High carb/ Low Pro
    184g/736 Cal--Protein intake
    252g/ 1008 Cal--Carb intake
    1744--total cals

    Reg carb
    276g/1104 Cal--Protein intake
    222g/ 888 Cal--Carb intake
    1992--total cals

    Reg carb
    276g/1104 Cal--Protein intake
    222g/ 888 Cal--Carb intake
    1992--total cals

    fat macros are obviously no t there because I am keeping it limited as possible, though a small amount will be unavoidable.
    Last edited by dehydromethandrotren; 01-10-2009 at 05:19 PM.

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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  6. #6
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    kept to minimum.

  7. #7
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Well is 2000 calories accurate?

    You need about 50grams fats just to be healthy and that's like 450 calories.

  8. #8
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    I'll be getting in about 35g - 45g daily including flax.

    I just didn't add that in there but it is being taken into consideration, I realize it.

    Everything should be accurate, to the best of my knowledge.

  9. #9
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    The reason I asked is that at 250 lbs 2000 calories would be too little. 2500 cal with cardio would lead to good progress. If that doesn't work then upping the cardio would make more sense than further reducing calories.

  10. #10
    dehydromethandrotren's Avatar
    dehydromethandrotren is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, I totally appreciate your response but, can I ask for an explanation so I get a better understanding?

  11. #11
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Katch-McArdle Formula

    BMR = 370 + (21.6 x lean bodyweight in kg)

    Then put in the activity multiplier.

    Little or No Exercise, Desk Job-----------------------------TDEE = 1.2 x BMR
    Light Exercise, Sports 1 to 3 Times Per Week---------------TDEE = 1.375 x BMR
    Moderate Exercise, Sports 3 to 5 Times Per Week-----------TDEE = 1.55 x BMR
    Heavy Exercise, Sports 6 to 7 Times Per Week--------------TDEE = 1.725 x BMR
    Very heavy exercise, Physical Job, Training 2 Times Per Day-TDEE = 1.9 x BMR

    Using 200lbs LBM/2.2x21.6+370=Before multiplier it's 2300ish, lets use Light Exercise... thats 3150 Total Daily Calorie Expenditure. So you need a 500 calorie deficit to lose weight, that makes 2650.

    2000 would be way to low. You will lose weight, but you will lose muscle as well. You could just eat an apple a day and lose weight but, you will look like crap.

    After doing the formula I wouldn't recommend at your size eating less than 2650. If you aren't getting the results you want, then up the cardio.

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