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Thread: hey guys what do you think of my diet?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    hey guys what do you think of my diet?

    6 foot
    20 years

    Meal 1:

    1 cup egg whites
    2 whole eggs
    1/2 cup beans
    1 cup non-starch vegetable of choice
    50g cashews
    1 piece of fruit

    Meal 2:

    400g plain yogurt
    2 scoops of whey {mixed in with yogurt}
    50g almonds
    1 Tablespoon peanut butter

    Meal 3:

    7oz beef
    large salad
    1 teaspoon flax oil
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    50g cheddar

    Meal 4:

    7oz lean beef
    large salad
    1 teaspoon flax oil
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    50g walnuts

    Meal 5:
    protein shake(whey+oats+pb)
    protein shake

    Meal 6:

    7oz chicken breast
    large salad
    1 piece of fruit
    25g cashews
    100g sweet potato

    Meal 7:

    1 cup egg whites
    2 whole eggs
    1 piece of fruit
    50 grams of mozzarella

    Amounting to approximately:

    Calories: 3900? Protein: 320? Carbs: 270? Fat: 185?

    what do you guys think??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I think you need to get that fat wayyy down. drop about 90g off.

    After your workout you need to get some carbs, about 50g pro and 70g carbs right after your workout.

    Other then that, it looks real good.

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