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Thread: Rest Days????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Rest Days????

    Ok, i've noticed people eat less, or less of certian things on days they rest, however nobody posts that in their diets.

    I understand that when you're not working out that day, you won't need as much food. My big question is:

    On rest days, what should you do different?

    No carbs? half the fat and pro?

    Here is my diet feel free to edit it and use it as an example if you'd like.

    AM CARDIO 30-45 mins - Before leaving home Mix of BCAA and GLUTAMINE w/water

    Meal 1
    8 Egg Whites 2 whole eggs - Cup of oats

    Meal 2
    Can of tuna - 2 slices of wheat bread

    Meal 3
    6oz 93% Lean ground Beef - Cup of brown rice - Cup of Broccoli

    Pre W/o N.O Drink - 20g Whey - banana

    Post W/o Creatine - 50g Whey - Cup of Oats

    10g about 30-40 minutes before your workout.

    Meal 4
    5oz turkey/chicken w/cup of brown rice - Tablespoon Flaxseed oil/Fishoil

    Meal 5
    8oz Salmon - serving(28) of almonds

    Meal 6
    7 Egg whites 1 whole egg w/broc - 2cups of 2% Milk zzZzZzZZzz 10hrs every night

    Protein 363g
    Carbs 281g
    Fat 110g
    Around 3200 CALS

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    may just be me, but I don't do anything different. I just don't have my Pre and post workout meals, I just eat steady.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    may just be me, but I don't do anything different. I just don't have my Pre and post workout meals, I just eat steady.
    Same here. I eat a meal at the time that I normally would be at the gym but keep my macros otherwise the same.
    Interesting question though because I've wondered the same thing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gym and the Kitchen
    x3 here as well... I may change where some of my carbs are coming from such as increasing my green veggies, but I keep it constant... It acts similar to a refeed day imo done this way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Ok cool, works out perfect then. I've been doing the same thing. I just don't take in any shakes on my off days. I just eat a meal in it's place.

    The reason I asked is because i've seen alot of people speaking of carb cycles and not eating this or that on days they don't train. Thanks for the replies fellas. This board is the gift that keeps on giving. I'm making the best progress of my life and I owe it to this board with no question.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Gym and the Kitchen
    Keep it up bro... I think people fail to realize the importance that a rest day without the proper nutrition is going to defeat the purpose...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    Ok cool, works out perfect then. I've been doing the same thing. I just don't take in any shakes on my off days. I just eat a meal in it's place.

    The reason I asked is because i've seen alot of people speaking of carb cycles and not eating this or that on days they don't train. Thanks for the replies fellas. This board is the gift that keeps on giving. I'm making the best progress of my life and I owe it to this board with no question.
    carb cycling is easy; dont let people bog you diwn with difficult questions. find a carb source that "agrees with you" and take your carbs double one day a week. keep it simple, just adjust your other macros to better the refeed day.

    if i do one, i will go about 800g of carbs over 7-8 meals. my protein will be about 200g that day (i weigh 220ish) with fat being minimal.

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