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Thread: Keto Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.

    Question about my Keto Diet

    I've been reading the info Big Texan posted about the keto diet and I want to give it a shot. I looked at Dave's diet and I' m trying to follow that as best as possible.

    Here are my stats :
    37 y
    5' 9"
    252 lbs
    BF% unknown high mid 20 or better

    My goal is to cut fat and maintain as much muscle as possible. Would like to be around 190lb and start over from there.

    This is the diet I plan to follow next 12 - 16 weeks.

    Meal #1
    3 Whole Eggs
    Pro Shake (1 scoop/water 23g protein)
    tbsp Olive Oil

    Pro Shake (2 Scoops/water 46g pro)
    1 Tbsp PB

    8 oz Chicken
    1 oz nuts (cashews or almonds)

    Pro Shake (same as #2)
    2 Tbsp PB

    8 oz salmon
    1/2 cup green beans or spinach
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    also this is what I will eat b4 workout

    3 Whole Eggs
    Pro Shake (1 scoop/water)

    Best I can tell by looking at the food in my cabinet is the totals will be
    Calories -2451
    Pro -296 g
    Fat - 116 g
    Carb - 46
    I have two questions. How does the diet look? Will it get me into Ketosis?

    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by Intruder; 02-08-2009 at 06:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    Was planning to start this in the morning. Just wondering if anyone has any opinons on it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Plant City, Fl.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    swap out some of those shakes for some real meat and eliminate all or most of the egg yokes. how often are you gonna have a higher carb day or meal to refuel and spike the metabolism?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    swap out some of those shakes for some real meat and eliminate all or most of the egg yokes. how often are you gonna have a higher carb day or meal to refuel and spike the metabolism?
    On daves diet, shakes are ok. Some of the pros and aspiring pros that he trains do this diet with 3 whole meals and 3 shake meals per day. All the meals are interchangeable also. As for the egg yokes, get the o mega-3 eggs and keep all the yokes in the meal. (also advised by dave.)

    I would add 3 more eggs to both of your egg meals. 6 whole o mega-3 eggs. You can throw in some liquid eggwhites for the extra protein.
    Last edited by VeraDeMilo; 02-09-2009 at 07:31 AM.

  6. #6
    drop the whey in meals 1 and 6 and add the egg whites like i said. Also in meal 6 it wouldn't hurt to add some peanut butter before bed.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    swap out some of those shakes for some real meat and eliminate all or most of the egg yokes. how often are you gonna have a higher carb day or meal to refuel and spike the metabolism?
    Thanks for the advice. I plan to carb up once a week most likely on Sunday last meal. It's alot easier to eat better when I'm at work the weekends are alittle rough so if I have the cheat to look forward to it will be eaiser.
    The reason for the shakes was I was just trying to get out of eating so many eggs everday.

  8. #8
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    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    On daves diet, shakes are ok. Some of the pros and aspiring pros that he trains do this diet with 3 whole meals and 3 shake meals per day. All the meals are interchangeable also. As for the egg yokes, get the o mega-3 eggs and keep all the yokes in the meal. (also advised by dave.)

    I would add 3 more eggs to both of your egg meals. 6 whole o mega-3 eggs. You can throw in some liquid eggwhites for the extra protein.
    Thanks Vera as I said to Oneshot I was just trying to not eat so many eggs everday also I know the ***** eggs are better for you but would there be anything wrong with regular eggs? Would you still recommend 6 whole eggs?
    And one more how long does it usally take to get into ketosis. Again thanks to both for the advice.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder View Post
    Thanks Vera as I said to Oneshot I was just trying to not eat so many eggs everday also I know the ***** eggs are better for you but would there be anything wrong with regular eggs? Would you still recommend 6 whole eggs?
    And one more how long does it usally take to get into ketosis. Again thanks to both for the advice.
    the o mega-3 eggs have healthy yokes. Low cholesterol and healthy fats. You can eat regular eggs but as was said above, don't eat all the yokes. If you don't want to eat 6 eggs thats fine. Just substitute the amount of protein your missing with somehting else. maybe somehting other than whey if possible.

    Generally it takes the average person around 4 days to reach ketosis if your diet is perfect. Some take longer though so don't be discouraged. Also, skip your cheat meal the first week so your body has a better chance of reaching ketosis before you confuse it again with direct carb consumption.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The 7th Circle of Hell

    Can you post or PM me the keto link from MD? I tried an old one and it looks like it was a bum link.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by run_n_fool View Post

    Can you post or PM me the keto link from MD? I tried an old one and it looks like it was a bum link.

    Are you looking for a to the sample diet or a link to Dave Palumbos forum where he talks about keto. (I'm not sure if that forum is still up since he was let go from muscular development.) I'll have to check after work.

    Shoot me a PM with what you are looking for.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    the o mega-3 eggs have healthy yokes. Low cholesterol and healthy fats. You can eat regular eggs but as was said above, don't eat all the yokes. If you don't want to eat 6 eggs thats fine. Just substitute the amount of protein your missing with somehting else. maybe somehting other than whey if possible.

    Generally it takes the average person around 4 days to reach ketosis if your diet is perfect. Some take longer though so don't be discouraged. Also, skip your cheat meal the first week so your body has a better chance of reaching ketosis before you confuse it again with direct carb consumption.
    Thanks Vera. Right now I have about 4 dozen regular eggs in my fridge so I plan to eat them first. I was looking at the ***** eggs and the price difference isn't that much so I will probaly switch after I've cleand out the fridge.
    I bought some keto sticks but I had read a post about them not being that accurate and yes I plan to skip my cheat meal the first week.

    I'm 3 days in started on Sunday at 253 lbs.

    Also does it matter how late you eat your last meal? Some night like tuesdays I don't get home until 8:00 or so and usally in bed by 10:00

    Thanks again Vera
    Last edited by Intruder; 02-10-2009 at 06:07 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder View Post
    Thanks Vera. Right now I have about 4 dozen regular eggs in my fridge so I plan to eat them first. I was looking at the ***** eggs and the price difference isn't that much so I will probaly switch after I've cleand out the fridge.
    I bought some keto sticks but I had read a post about them not being that accurate and yes I plan to skip my cheat meal the first week.

    I'm 3 days in started on Sunday at 253 lbs.

    Also does it matter how late you eat your last meal? Some night like tuesdays I don't get home until 8:00 or so and usally in bed by 10:00

    Thanks again Vera

    Hey. Yes you heard right, keto stix are sometimes not that accurate. I've always just gone by how I feel. You will know when you are in ketosis.

    As for eating meals late. It does not matter. I usually have my last one at 11pm. You will be in a caloric deficit, plus you won't be taking in carbs to spike your insulin before bed, so fat storage won't be a problem

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeraDeMilo View Post
    Hey. Yes you heard right, keto stix are sometimes not that accurate. I've always just gone by how I feel. You will know when you are in ketosis.

    As for eating meals late. It does not matter. I usually have my last one at 11pm. You will be in a caloric deficit, plus you won't be taking in carbs to spike your insulin before bed, so fat storage won't be a problem
    Thanks once again Vera

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    sacramento , ca
    im not sure how to check my messages so could some one help with a keto diet that works well email it or just post here mxkevin916yahoo

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