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Thread: Cottage Cheese Before Bed

  1. #1

    Cottage Cheese Before Bed

    Is it ok to make a shake consisting of: Fat-Free Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Frozen blueberries and drink it before bed for a source of slow release protein? Will all the sugar in the milk and berries be bad to consume at this time? I've been doing this and it tastes delicious plus I'm getting alot of protein instead of using Whey...but I feel like I'm gradually gaining stomach fat...thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Keep milk content low. If you want 4 oz of milk and 4 oz of water and add a sweetener if need be. I doubt you are gaining weight from that unless you are going hardcore with it and drinking like 700 calories of goodness. Also there is some fiber in there which will aid in slowing digestion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Dodger_Hat View Post
    Is it ok to make a shake consisting of: Fat-Free Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Frozen blueberries and drink it before bed for a source of slow release protein? Will all the sugar in the milk and berries be bad to consume at this time? I've been doing this and it tastes delicious plus I'm getting alot of protein instead of using Whey...but I feel like I'm gradually gaining stomach fat...thoughts?
    well, if it's not working, change it.

    try a casein shake instead, one with low carbs and low sodium content.

  4. #4
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    Cottage cheese is casein protein.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Cottage cheese is casein protein.
    really? wow. I had no idea.

    the OP asked for alternatives. I gave him one.

    ppl often think they have to build a diet around one certain thing, b/c that's what been parroted to them. They don't see the results they want, but they continue everything the same, and get easily discouraged.

    I'm looking at my ff cottage cheese container now. 5g carbs, 420mg sodium per 1/2 cup. My casein shake has 1g carbs, 120mg sodium per serving.

  6. #6
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Dodger_Hat View Post
    Is it ok to make a shake consisting of: Fat-Free Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Frozen blueberries and drink it before bed for a source of slow release protein? Will all the sugar in the milk and berries be bad to consume at this time? I've been doing this and it tastes delicious plus I'm getting alot of protein instead of using Whey...but I feel like I'm gradually gaining stomach fat...thoughts?
    any fat gain is going to be due to your ENTIRE diet approach. post up everything so we can get a better idea of what you're eating daily and if there are any red flags. your prebed meal looks decent to me, so im thinking it may be something else.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Dodger_Hat View Post
    Is it ok to make a shake consisting of: Fat-Free Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Frozen blueberries and drink it before bed for a source of slow release protein? Yes, well maybe.Will all the sugar in the milk and berries be bad to consume at this time?No! I've been doing this and it tastes delicious plus I'm getting alot of protein instead of using Whey...but I feel like I'm gradually gaining stomach fat...thoughts?
    Novas post is dead on.

    Berries and milk are low glycemic index and are not bad. Sugar is posted on nutrition boxes just to show you if it will rot your teeth. This is different from raw sugar, dextrose, corn syrup etc. Those are not only bad for your teeth but they are high glycemic index also and should never be consumed.

    I think this all looks good to me as long as it fits your macros and your total daily caloric needs, dependent on your goals.

  8. #8
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    Sugar is posted on nutrition boxes just to show you if it will rot your teeth.
    Not in all instance, ex: maltodextrin

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Not in all instance, ex: maltodextrin

    I think that's my number one hated food.

  10. #10
    Thanks for the replies.. Ok, I want to post up my diet for critiquing, and to find where I need to make changes:

    8am - 1 cup oats mixed with 1 cup fat free yogurt, 8 egg whites + 1 scoop whey blended together to drink

    10:30am - 10oz chicken breast or steak, 6oz sweet potato

    1:00pm - 2 cans tuna, 1 cup broccoli

    3:30pm - 10oz chicken breast or steak, 6oz sweet potato

    6:00pm - 8 egg whites, 1 scoop whey, 1 banana (blended together)

    6:30pm - workout

    8:15pm - 10 oz chicken or steak or salmon, potatoes and vegetables

    10:30pm - 1 cup fat-free cottage cheese, blueberries, skim milk (blended)

    I eat 2-3 servings of fruit in between the meals, bananas, strawberries and grapes.

    Then I go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 7am to repeat this routine.

    What would you do to improve on this?

  11. #11
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    What are your goals, lets start there. Bulk or Cut or Maintain?

    I'd say take a look at the sugar content of your yogurt, don't eat any low fat products but I know there are some that are loaded w/ sugar. I'd say get rid of the potatoes.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    What are your goals, lets start there. Bulk or Cut or Maintain?

    I'd say take a look at the sugar content of your yogurt, don't eat any low fat products but I know there are some that are loaded w/ sugar. I'd say get rid of the potatoes.
    ironmaiden: Thank you. I always make sure the yogurt is very low in sugar. It is 4g per 125mL. It's not the stuff you see that is around 20-22g.

    My goal is to bulk. Current stats: 6'5", 230lbs, 27yrs.

    Would you drop the potatoes because I don't need so many carbs you think?

    Thanks for your input.

  13. #13
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    Potatoes are high GI carbs.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Potatoes are high GI carbs.
    sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index

  15. #15
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    ok, sorry i get what you mean now...i didn't see the potatoes in meal 6

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    Potatoes are high GI carbs.
    Not necessarily, most potatoes are med to low GI. Example sweet pot or red potatoes.

  17. #17
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    potatoes are my very first carb choice.

    dodger hat, what has your previous experience been with carbs? you have a high intake regularly or do you try to maintain a low carb diet? i ask, because you may need to work up to all those carbs in a diet.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Not necessarily, most potatoes are med to low GI. Example sweet pot or red potatoes.
    It depends on the potato and it's ripeness.

    potatoes are my very first carb choice.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    [QUOTE=ironmaiden708;4425985]It depends on the potato and it's ripeness.
    True...but if we are going to get that technical then the way the potato is prepared often effects its' GI as well. A baked potato (of any kind) has a lower GI than a mashed potato (of the same kind). IMO this type of thinking is getting way to nit-picky though!

  20. #20
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