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Thread: Is low-sodium cold-cut ham good or bad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Right behind you...

    Is low-sodium cold-cut ham good or bad?

    Well I have eggs every day and I used to put a little ham into them cause it makes them taste so much better. However, I stopped doing it because I wasn't sure how ham was for you. I know the cold cut kind is low in fat and I know even the "low-sodium" still isn't very low, but if anything at this point my sodium intake would be very low anyway and I'm really not concerned about that.

    My main concern with ham is the toxin content. I know pigs will eat literally just about anything you put in front of them and because of that, their body has all kinds of crap in it. Taking that into consideration on top of the fact that you know the farmers who raise them are gonna give them the cheapest possible garbage that they'll eat to get them fat, my main concern with ham is what garbage was in their system that got into that ham that I'd be consuming? Tried to do some research, but all I got was info from people who were obviously very uninformed about it.

    If someone could tell me as far as those toxins if minimal amounts of them actually make it to the meat or not, that would be great, cause I'd love to add it into my eggs again but not at the expense of my health. I was looking at maybe a little under 1/4lb per day in my eggs. Thanks for any help you guys can give.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i dont think its that big of a concern. but if you want try organic stuff, costs a little more but if your worried about the toxins that would be the way to go. i know what you mean when they will eat anything. i used to work on a farm and would jsut thrown anything laying around into a bucket and feed them that.

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